Many years ago I wrote some structural analysis programmes in BBC Basic. I still use them but the hardware is now getting old and I am worried that, if it packs up, so do my calculations. The calcs. in BBC Basic include many subroutines which, basically, run the same calculation numerous times on an iterative basis until a solution is found, e.g. the highest point on a curve, the lowest point on a curve etc. etc.. This use FOR 1 to 300 and NEXT statements. Once a figure is obtained it might well be used by another part of the programme. The programme is also interactive, allowing me to choose a suitable timber beam for instance from a selection that the programme has listed as satisfying all the stress criteria. Once I specify a joist size the programme continues and provides a detailed calculation, based on the section size chosen.
Can Excel be programmed in this way?
Any help/ guidance much appreciated.
Can Excel be programmed in this way?
Any help/ guidance much appreciated.