Hi I have below many more of these I added to this, but it wont let me add anymore +SUMIFS. I tried to go to second line using , _ but nothing. How can I keep adding if I need to go to second line rather then keep going across ?
FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIFS(R[-1]C[-4]:R[997]C[-4],R[-1]C[-16]:R[997]C[-16],""3 Dock"")+SUMIFS(R[-1]C[-4]:R[997]C[-4],R[-1]C[-16]:R[997]C[-16],""Carpenter"")+ Etcccccc
I tried this but nothing I get red
FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIFS(R[-1]C[-4]:R[997]C[-4],R[-1]C[-16]:R[997]C[-16],""3 Dock"")+SUMIFS(R[-1]C[-4]:R[997]C[-4],R[-1]C[-16]:R[997]C[-16],""Carpenter"")+ Etcccccc
I tried this but nothing I get red
-16],""Carpenter""), _
+Sumifs( etccc
+Sumifs( etccc