I have been working on this for a couple of weeks now and have come quite far. But there is this little piece at the end, which isn't working...
From one FY to another, you get a difference in profit.
A change in profit can either come from: Change in volume, change in retail price, change in discounts, or change in cost price.
If you break it down by product and unit values, you can compare it between the two FinYears.
Have a look here:
You can see, the total profit change was -$207.48, which is caused by P1 of -$149.26, P2: -$111.93 and P3: $53.72 (I haven't mentioned the sums in the picture...)
If we want to know now why it changed, we can see we lost $-694.81 because we have sold less units. We made $249.31 because we have given less discounts, We had to pay more for our products (increase in cost of $518.06), but at the same time we also increased the retail price, a little bit more though which resulted in a higher profit of ($756.08).
Now here is the problem. The Grand Total shows different! Here are the formulas I used for:
Volume: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),[Profit ea]*SUM(Sales[Quantity]),[Volume Change]*[Profit ea PY])
Discount: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),0,((SUM(Sales[Discount_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]))-(CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Discount_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales1[Quantity]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(dim_date[calendar_date]))))*SUM(Sales[Quantity])*-1)
Cost: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),0,((SUM(Sales[Cost])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]))-(CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Cost])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(dim_date[calendar_date]))))*SUM(Sales[Quantity])*-1)
Retail: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),0,((SUM(Sales[Retail_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]))-(CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Retail_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(dim_date[calendar_date]))))*SUM(Sales[Quantity]))
I assume the way it is calculating is first sum the values for all products, but it should first divide the value by qty and then sum it.
So, appreciate any help you have...
I have been working on this for a couple of weeks now and have come quite far. But there is this little piece at the end, which isn't working...
From one FY to another, you get a difference in profit.
A change in profit can either come from: Change in volume, change in retail price, change in discounts, or change in cost price.
If you break it down by product and unit values, you can compare it between the two FinYears.
Have a look here:
You can see, the total profit change was -$207.48, which is caused by P1 of -$149.26, P2: -$111.93 and P3: $53.72 (I haven't mentioned the sums in the picture...)
If we want to know now why it changed, we can see we lost $-694.81 because we have sold less units. We made $249.31 because we have given less discounts, We had to pay more for our products (increase in cost of $518.06), but at the same time we also increased the retail price, a little bit more though which resulted in a higher profit of ($756.08).
Now here is the problem. The Grand Total shows different! Here are the formulas I used for:
Volume: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),[Profit ea]*SUM(Sales[Quantity]),[Volume Change]*[Profit ea PY])
Discount: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),0,((SUM(Sales[Discount_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]))-(CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Discount_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales1[Quantity]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(dim_date[calendar_date]))))*SUM(Sales[Quantity])*-1)
Cost: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),0,((SUM(Sales[Cost])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]))-(CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Cost])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(dim_date[calendar_date]))))*SUM(Sales[Quantity])*-1)
Retail: IF(ISBLANK([Qty PY])=TRUE(),0,((SUM(Sales[Retail_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]))-(CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Retail_ex_gst])/SUM(Sales[Quantity]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(dim_date[calendar_date]))))*SUM(Sales[Quantity]))
I assume the way it is calculating is first sum the values for all products, but it should first divide the value by qty and then sum it.
So, appreciate any help you have...