Based on your stated goal to track mileage and project annual mileage, I would set up a spreadsheet with the following column headers:
Month, miles traveled, YTD miles, Projected Annual Mileage
The first two are straight data. YTD mileage formula in C2 would be
I can picture several methods to estimate the projected mileage. You could, as you said, calculate a daily mileage and multiply by 365. My thought is that this data isn't very likely to be consistent or steady - one month you may take a vacation or during the summer you travel more on weekends. I think for projection purposes, you could take an AVERAGE of your monthly data and multiply that by 12 to project it out. Therefore, every month the projected mileage will change so I would use Col D to AVERAGE the Col B data and multiply by 12.
Hope this helps! Let us know if you would like a formula for Col D or can you figure it out yourself.