Hy everyone
I have got this weird bug, which I can't understand.
With the following code in VBA I try to insert a formula:
But the result in the cells is for example:
The "red" brackets just appear out of nowhere and corrupt the formula which then will not work.
Any ideas, what could be the problem?
Thanks for your suggestions.
I have got this weird bug, which I can't understand.
With the following code in VBA I try to insert a formula:
For Each Cell In Range("A28:A102")
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
Cell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(Januar_Data!J:J,RC[-1])"
End If
But the result in the cells is for example:
The "red" brackets just appear out of nowhere and corrupt the formula which then will not work.
Any ideas, what could be the problem?
Thanks for your suggestions.