I've given myself a headache on how to do this. I'm working on a 4-week billing calculator. I rent equipment on a day,week & month rate system. For example: Equipment 1 rents at $30 Day, $90 Week, & $270 a month. If you keep Equipment 1 for 4 days the calculator computes 4 days at a total of $120. The way a 4-week cycle works is the customer will receive the cheaper rate once the daily rate meets or exceeds the weekly rate. So instead of $120 for 4 days, the calculator tells me to bill him for 1 week at $90 instead and the customer essentially will get the following 3 days at no extra charge until the cycle starts over. As the cycle continues, the same rules apply for the monthly rate in relation to the weekly rate & daily rate combined. Once the weekly + daily rates add up to equal or more than the monthly, then the monthly rate is used and that's what the customer pays. What I'm trying to do is make a calculator that I input the rates and the rental period and the spread sheet will tell me (based on those rules) how many days, weeks and/or months the customer needs to pay and how much his total dollar amount will be. If someone has any idea how to do this (because I'm no programmer) the help would be greatly appreciated! danielfpayne@yahoo.com