John Michaloudis and Bill Jelen discuss new features in Excel on John's podcast. Thanks to John for allowing me to cross-post this here.
All the links John Mentions in the Show Notes are here:
It is a long episode. Use this Table of Contents to jump to any point in the video:
(0:00) Introduction & Theme Song
(2:10) Difference between Office 365 & Excel 2019
(6:44) Insider, Monthly, Semi-Annual Office 365
(7:40) Insider broke Total Visible
(10:25) Intro to New Features
(10:45) Geography and Stock Data Types
(15:40) Stock Data Types
(19:56) Artificial Intelligence with Ideas
(28:24) Dynamic Arrays
(38:10) Why SEQUENCE is not as lame as it seems
(48:21) My new book: Excel 2019 Inside Out
(49:55) Future of Excel
(51:45) MyExcel Online Academy
All the links John Mentions in the Show Notes are here:
New Microsoft Office 365 Excel Features with Mr. Excel
New Microsoft 365 Excel Features with Mr. Excel Bill Jelen - Microsoft released some new Excel features in their Office 365 subscription license.
It is a long episode. Use this Table of Contents to jump to any point in the video:
(0:00) Introduction & Theme Song
(2:10) Difference between Office 365 & Excel 2019
(6:44) Insider, Monthly, Semi-Annual Office 365
(7:40) Insider broke Total Visible
(10:25) Intro to New Features
(10:45) Geography and Stock Data Types
(15:40) Stock Data Types
(19:56) Artificial Intelligence with Ideas
(28:24) Dynamic Arrays
(38:10) Why SEQUENCE is not as lame as it seems
(48:21) My new book: Excel 2019 Inside Out
(49:55) Future of Excel
(51:45) MyExcel Online Academy
Transcript of the video:
This is the My Excel Online Podcast, Episode number 22.
Bill: This is massive, this is, I say this a lot. This is the biggest thing I've seen in 20 years.
Guy 1: Welcome to the My Excel Online Podcast, the need to know Excel insights, knowledge and tips, brought to you by the experts that know them best.
Are you ready to explore your full potential and get better at Excel?
It's time to stand out from the crowd with your host John Michaloudis.
John: Welcome to the My Excel Online Podcast.
In today's show, we have a special guest.
He's an Excel MVP author of over 40 books. He is to Excel, what Elvis was to music, he is the king of Excel.
Let's welcome Mr. Bill Jelen.
Bill: Hey John! It's great to be here.
John: All right, Bill great to have you here, last time you were here, was episode number 4, in August 2015, where you talked about your, book that came out back then MrExcel, Excel.
The 40 greatest Excel tips of all time and now, three years later you're back!
How things been over the last three years?
Bill: Yeah. So, it's been busy. I've just this past summer updating books for Excel, 2019.
So, that was books number 55, 56 and 57, so I guess, from 40 books three years ago up to 57 books now.
As my friend Mike Alexander says, "I am really good at doing copy and paste." So...
John: nice one, nice one, exactly that's what you need to do to, get everything, that's on your blog and bang and put it on to a book and sell it.
Now, you've got a lot of great resources, a lot of great material and also before you know, you are MrExcel for a reason, you've been around for years and you know, helping the community and helping people understand Excel.
Because as we know every three years, there's always a new release and new features and you know, you're the first one, whose there, that brings out the book, to bring the knowledge to, even myself.
So, I can share it to everyone else as well. So, thank you for everything.
Now in this episode, we are going to talk about the new features in, Office 365 and also Excel 2019.
But, before we do that, let's describe, to our listeners, the difference between the two different versions because people may be on the subscription, which is Office 365 and other people may just have the perpetual license which is a download of Excel 2019.
And therefore, they have all the new features in Excel 2019 but not all the new features that come out in Office 365.
So, can you explain the difference between those two versions there?
Bill: Yes. Okay so, when Office 365 came out, this was, you know, many years ago, I said there's no way that I'm ever going to start paying them monthly for Office.
Right, I was of the belief that this is insane, I want to pay $400 once and own that DVD for the rest of my life and if I, you know, never want to upgrade again and never want to upgrade again but then, they started to convince me because they put out really, really good features and, I don't want to say, they did this on purpose but like Excel 2016 came out, in the next month.
BAM! there are like, three main really important features that came out, the, this is all now, this isn't going to be an Excel 2016.
It's going to be, only in Office 365.
Right! so, not only that I pay them to 400 bucks to get Excel 2016, then I started paying the monthly fee.
I'm paying twice because the stuff coming out on Office 365 was so good and the same thing has happened now.
So, the features that are in Excel 2019, anyone who had office 365, had those features in March of this year, March of 2018, was the cutoff.
If the feature wasn't an Office 365 by March of 2018, then it's not an Excel 2019.
So, when Excel 2019 came, came out, during the Ignite conference, so last month in September.
It was already obsolete, because, the Office 365 features, had been six months ahead.
So, this is really the first time, that a professional version of Excel came out and Excel 2019, that was obsolete on day one.
In my opinion, no one should be buying the professional versions of Excel.
The only reason, you should buy a professional version of Excel from now on is it, if for summers, you don't have the internet.
If you're in a top-secret government facility where no internet in, no internet out.
Oh yeah! Then, you have to go and buy the DVD.
There, you know, if you're in Antarctica, there's no internet there, if you live on Mars, yeah! def... definitely customers, for Excel 2019, but if you have the internet, it will cost you less and you'll get more features and you'll get more features sooner, with Office 365.
It seems like, it's the only way to go, from here out.
John: Yeah and also you don't only get on Excel with Office 365, you get Word, you get PowerPoint, you get everything else, plus, they add, the cloud service of OneDrive, so you can actually store your files in OneDrive.
I think, they give you, is the 500 games or One terabyte, just depends on the plan.
So, you get that added as well.
You also get to share your licenses with five different people in your office, in, or your house so...
Bill: Right, yeah.
John: so, you, either as well, just depend on the plan.
So, you just don't get Excel, you get everything else for a low annual fee, pretty much.
Bill: Yeah, that's right!
Now for me, all the extra stuff, that's fine but I'm all about that, I want the latest and greatest features.
If there's some new function in Excel, some new chart in Excel, I want to be on that leading edge and be able to use those functions and the list of functions, like if you, if you ask me, what's new in Excel 2019 and someone who is an Office 365 user, is listening this, they're going to be like, "Why I had all that stuff last year?" and you're right, you did have all that stuff last year.
The new features in Excel 2019, are things that Office 365, people have been enjoying for more than a year, like, co-authoring, allowing multiple people to, edit the workbook at the same time.
The ability to set Pivot table defaults, heck, I had that last year and in 2017 in Office 365, two new charts, the Filled Map chart and the Funnel chart, the ability to insert 3D models and icons and some accessibility improvements, for people using screen readers and things like that but, all of this stuff, nothing is new, for an office 365 user.
They've all had that for more than a year, it's just finally, the Excel 2019 people, who have been stuck, using the Excel 2016 or 2013 features now for three or six years.
They're finally just, just catching up.
I don't want to say that Microsoft is being hostile to these people but they're really cutting, I'm sure, if you're buying Excel 2019, their professional version you, you're just, you're not getting the latest and greatest stuff and you won't get anything new.
Now, you know, you, like the, the new features that came out in Office 365, won't be out until Excel 2022.
You know, only three years, before you get the stuff, the Office 365 people out right now.
John: Yeah, you are right on it.
All right. So, let's talk about, Office 365 because, the new features, they have just been released but before we do that, there are two versions, that you can get, you can have the Insider version or the Monthly Channel, which is a targeted so, I've got here the explanation here of the Insider version which is the best for insiders who want to use the very earliest builds to identify issues and provide feedback about new features for development.
Insider is ideal for those who don't mind, the bit of risk involved, in using unsupported builds. Okay.
Bill: Okay.
John: Yeah, yeah, that's the explanation here, on their office website, in the monthly target, is best for insiders want to receive less frequent, more stable updates.
So, bills come out monthly and are full supported.
So, yeah! you've got those two options to choose as well, right!
and I'll put a link in the show notes, for people where they can access this because it's available, you just got to know, where to find them.
Bill: Oh, that's right!
You know and then, there's a third option and if you're sitting in some corporate office right now, with a big IT department, who is out there, bullying everyone around, that IT department is going to put you on the Semi-Annual Channel All right, so not only, you don't get the monthly updates, you want to get the updates once every six months.
When they talk about that risk, I just laughed because I did a couple of seminars, this week in three seminars, last week where I flew around the country.
My rule, here is that I have one computer, in my office, this on the Insider Channel that gets the latest bit so, I can do a podcast about it but on the road, my laptop is on the safe Monthly Channel.
All right, but, but there's a feature that came out, that is, so good that I have to show it to people live and so I put the, the Insider Channel, on my travel laptop.
So, I'm out there doing the power Excel seminar and there's a weird feature in Excel that I show every day, about, about 9:40 in the seminar, 9:40 a.m. in the seminar.
So, my third trick that I show and it's how to do, if you have a filtered data set John.
So you apply to filter, you go to the blank row just below it and when you hit the AUTOSUM, it's won't give you a SUM function, it gives you a SUBTOTAL function which gives you the total visible.
Right now, that's a really weird feature, you know, I probably, I would never do that in real life.
I want to do it in the seminar but every single time, that I do that now the Office Insider, crashes, Excel crashes.
John: Okay.
Bill: Yeah, so that's the risk.
You have some weird thing that 99% that people won't do but you do and you're going to discover in the Insider Channel that it breaks and so, my role, in this whole thing, being on in the Insider Channel or, as soon as I realize, that there's a bug, you know, because I do the same, same steps every single seminar 35 times here, as soon as I realize there's a new bug, I let the Excel team know and they will get that bug fixed before, those bits hit the Monthly Channel.
Right, so I look at that I'm, I'm the first line of defense, for discovering, that they've broken something and I want to make sure, the [ deck ] is, if a bug ever hits the Monthly Channel, you know, that's my fault, I didn't realize that and did let them know and didn't give them a chance to fix that stuff, so, the people on the Insider Channel, you get the latest and greatest stuff but there's a chance that some little feature you have, yeah, it's just going to stop working.
Especially, if you have a feature that you use, that no one else ever uses, hey you might discover that, that got broken.
John: All right, so to be on the safe side, people should select the Monthly Channel there and that, that way, if you'd ever breaks down, you can just email Bill and it would be...
Bill: Yeah, that's right, that's right!
Yeah, Monthly Channels where to go or, or, have two computers, one on the Monthly Channel, one on the Insider Channel, you know, like you're using the latest and greatest switch over but you have the backup.
John: Hey, I just downloaded the Insider and just to, you know, to try the new features and man it's amazing, it's just, yeah, it's the things you can do.
But, obviously if you're going do that on the Insider and then you give it to someone who has Excel 2010 that will not work, right?
Bill: No, yeah, definitely not, definitely not!
Yeah so, you have to...
John: Office 365!
Bill: Right, that's right.
John: All right, now let's talk about the new features that have just been released.
We're going to talk about the new Geography and Stock Data types, the Artificial Intelligence with ideas, Dynamic Arrays using SORT, FILTER, UNIQUE and why SEQUENCE is a more important than SORT, FILTER, UNIQUE.
All right, Bill over to you buddy, let's go to the first topic which is the new Geography and Stock Data Types.
So, just explain to the people, what, what they do, just so they can get an idea and also, we have videos for each of these new features, you're going to find them in the show notes so, if you can't actually visualize it, go to microsoft online dot com forward slash podcast.
Click on the show and you'll have the video there you, you'll be able to see what we're talking about.
Okay, have it to you Bill!
Bill: Yes, okay. these new Geography types and here's how I do it in my live seminar which is great, so I've flown to some new city.
Yesterday I was in Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
All right and of course, I know that I'm sitting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma because that's where I flew to.
I create a column A. A1, I put city, A2, I type where I'm at, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
But then, I asked people, in the audience so I said, "All right, now give me the other, give me the other cities in Oklahoma" and they'll say, "well okay, well Tulsa".
I'm like, okay that's great and I typed that in and then I said, "All right, now give me some small cities, some cities I haven't heard of", and so, they'll rattle off some other cities that, you know, maybe 20,000; 30,000 people, I select that whole range and on the Data tab, the Data tab, I choose Geography and the thing that, I typed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, changes, it gets a little map icon, next to it and it changes the Oklahoma City.
So, all five of these, get recognized, unless I misspelled it, right and then it asked me to, you know, search and try to figure out, what it is and the first thing, I show them which makes the whole room go, ohhh, as I hover over the map icon and a little window pops up, it tells me everything about Oklahoma City, tells me, how many people live there, who the mayor is, has some pictures of the town and you know, everyone's like, ohhh and I'm like, "No, that's not the good part, this is completely useless, this is a picture, what, who cares about this." and then, I go over to column B and in column B, so remember, Oklahoma City is in A2.
So, in column B, I type =A2.
and when I type that period, a whole list of fields comes up. like A2.population and then, in an over in C2, I do =A2.leaders and the Mayor pops up.
So now, I see the Population and Mayor, for Oklahoma City but then, I choose those two formulas and double click to shoot that formula down and now I have the Population for all of the cities and the Mayor for all of the cities and people are like, "Ohhh! that's awesome." and then the last thing, I do and especially, you know, so I don't know Oklahoma well.
You know, I go there once every two years, right so, I have a list of cities here, I don't know these cities and I say, all right I make this into a table and then, in the table drop down, for City, I said, "I want to sort the city's lowest or highest, by longitude" and it sorts the cities west to east.
That's not even a field in my table but yet, I can sort by these other things, that Excel knows about those geographies, all right, so it's just, it's really cool that it's get, gets the data from the internet.
You know, so in theory well like, with population, that's not going to change every day but if you have something that's changed everyday, like Stock Price, oh yeah, it would, you know update when you recalculate the spreadsheet.
John: This is cool and also, if you put your data into an Excel table, you can put it in Excel table, you bring us up a plus sign where you can add a column and then, it has a whole list, you can choose from.
For example, agriculture land area, birth rate, calling code capital and say let's click on birth rate, it brings up a new column called 'Birth Rate' and it gives you the values.
Bill: Yeah, right.
John: You don't have to put in a formula, you can also do the Excel table and then, just, just click from the drop down, the columns you want to see and that is very, very powerful, isn't it?
Bill: Oh yeah, that's, that's fine. I've never used that plus sign, I always just go, type =A2.
and then look through the tool tip, that pops up but that definitely, using the table....
John: You are formulas guy, aren't you?
Bill: yeah, right, yeah, I am always bad at using the table.
People in my seminars, well say, why aren't you using a table for that and I say like, yeah, you know, tables are great and everything but I have a couple of problems with tables and so, I try to avoid tables.
So yeah, you got me on that one...
John: Nice.
Bill: Table is definitely a better way to go.
John: And also you can do a, for example, you have the country or the state and population, those two columns, you can go to Insert and Map and Map and you can click on Map and it brings the whole map of the world and it highlights your cities that are in the table and also the population, that color means more population. So, it's a great, it's a great feature as well and this is just awesome.
Bill: It's really good and then, if you type a new row, right so, you talk about adding the plus sign there, if you type a new row below, so just below the table, you type a new row, a new city, it'll automatically convert that city to a Geography and it'll fill in the other columns for you as well so, it works, works, really well.
John: It's a beautiful, beautiful great feature and it's just time setting, isn't it?
As all these features, yeah, allows you just to make a reports quicker, that's a way that I see. It's a great feature.
All right! Now, the Stock Data Types.
Bill: Okay, now this is the same, same general formu... nomenclature, that you're going to use here.
Stock Data Types, you are in a column, type some publicly traded stocks and it could be not just stocks on the New York Stock Exchange but stocks on, stocks, Stock Exchange occur around the world, you know, so I'll type in Microsoft, let's say and maybe Apple and then, on the Data tab, I will convert those to stocks.
In this time instead of a little map I get, it's a little symbol of like a roman building with columns out front.
I don't know, why that's the symbol for the Stock Data Types, but then, same thing there I can, now I ask for all kinds of things, like ask for =A2.CEO and it'll tell me, who the head of the company is.
=A2.Price =A2LastClosingPrice I can even do =A2.Sharesoutstanding and then calculate price, time, shares outstanding and market capital, capitalization.
All sorts of great information there and it's funny the people who are intrigued with this, you know, obviously are investing in the stock market and they're, they're really curious about where the data is coming from, where is this data coming, how we know its kind and as soon as you convert to Stock Data Type, the info bar, you know, above the formula bar that little place where it says, "Hey, you have Macros and the Macros need to be enabled." Now, that bar lights up with financial market information is provided as is and then, a link to learn about our data sources and they'll tell you for each country which Stock Markets it's using and where it's getting that information from.
So you can decide, whether or not, you trust, is it Morningstar or who's, who's providing the information.
So, for each, you know, each country, you can see where they're getting the data from.
John: Nice and also you're going to refresh it just right click and refresh and it'll update with the latest Stock Prices.
Bill: Yes, that's right.
John: I've got here, just a couple of data, on my computer of a Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon.
Microsoft $116, Apple $233, Facebook $219, Amazon $2050, Bill: Yeah.
John: wow!
Bill: That's crazy, isn't it?
John: Yeah and we're recording, is 25th of October 2018.
This is great feature because a lot of people ask, how do you get, you know, Stock data into Excel and this is just beautiful, isn't it?
just easy and quick and stable.
Bill: You know, the old way to do this, I always used an old fashioned Web Query, not the new Power Query but the old-fashioned Web Query and that would be great but I was getting my data from finance dot yahoo dot com, that web page, but as soon as they reorganize their webpage and added a new table and what I used to be, getting was table four, it's down table five.
Well, everything would break and that's no fun, right.
You're just, you're relying on this, it works great for 72 straight days, then show up one day and you have other things to do and yeah, no other Web Query doesn't work anymore so you have to start over, this is just so much better, that we, we don't have to worry about the thing breaking, it's just, it's always going to work.
John: A great reason to upgrade to the latest version of Office 365, fantastic.
Man, I love that's too.
Guy 1: What is the Vlookup formula?
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John: Now, next one! Artificial Intelligence with ideas, this is, this is a next level, AI, this is the future, isn't it?
People, would not have to employ Analyst because this is going to do the job for a manager, isn't it?
It could be scary.
Bill: Yeah, right. Well actually, I think, I think, it's going to make Analysts better.
John: Okay.
Bill: Yeah.
So, here's the deal, you know, you're, you're a Financial Analyst, you get a large data set from the, that your system, your mainframe system or what your enterprise system is and then, you know, you summarize it down, you create a pivot table and you end up with, what 60 lines on a report, maybe three pages of report and you're going to send that report up to your manager, who's going to forward it on to his manager and here's the sad fact, that I've come to realize, they're not going spend, yeah, may be spend 20 minutes getting that report, they're going to look at it for five seconds, seven seconds, ten seconds, you know, and then they're going boot on.
All right, you spent 20 minutes of your life and they're going to give you ten seconds.
So, I always tried to write a headline that would catch their attention and make them not spend ten seconds but spend 30 seconds like, I would call out one fact, "Hey, check it out the West Region, had their best [ forever ]." or you know, this product in this region took off and at the very least I knew, that the managers, manager would remember that factoid, right and then maybe that factoid would get used in a staff meeting, when he was talking about it, "Oh, yeah. I saw, you know, a report from Bill, it says, you know, the West Region had their highest region ever." So, it was always, look through the data and try and find something interesting.
Well now, with this new feature called Ideas, you select your data, the original source data and you ask ideas to find something interesting.
It takes a good 12 or 15 seconds and they come back with four or five charts and you start looking through those four or five charts and John, I have to tell you, those first four or five charts are super boring, they're never good, right.
they're and what I've learned is, if you're, the chart you're seeing is blue, it's basically the same chart, you would have gotten in Excel 2013 from Insert Recommended Pivot tables.
It's the same logic, it creates those first few charts but then, what's funny in the strategy there and I can't get anyone at Microsoft to confirm this but I'm sure, this is what's happening.
Well, you're consuming those first five charts while you're looking those first five charts in the background.
they then, produce the rest of the chart so at the bottom of the five charts, a little hyperlink appears that says, "see more results" and when you click, see more results, now you get 32 to 37 charts and those are the good ones.
Go past those first five, they get those first five really quick, you give them a little bit more time now and then it starts to give you, really insightful things that you wouldn't have been able to pick up.
So, once you get down into the charts that are orange, the orange charts, those are the ones that the Machine Learning and the Artificial Intelligence is kicking in and it's not just choosing, to show you total whatever numeric column is on the right, by the text column on the left that which is what the recommended pivot table always used to offer but you get down into the things like, it'll find outliers, it'll find where there was an outstanding top two.
So, in this market or sector you had two customers who accounted for 80% of the revenue, it'll find a correlation between when this happens, this other thing happens and it is really beautiful, how it detects what's going on.
And here, here's the thing so it's Machine Learning which means that right now, it's an infant, right, it's, it's brand new and it's trying to find interesting things and presents 37 charts.
If you would take the time to, on a, the couple of charts, answer the question, "is this helpful?" Right. Imagine, if a million people would vote for a chart, "Is this helpful?" Well, that information goes back to the algorithm and the algorithm will learn, which charts are actually good charts.
So, while this feature is cool right now, a year from now or six months from now, after it has millions of votes, it'll start tuning the results and I'm hoping, I get to the point where the good charts, the really interesting orange charts will pop a pivot, up to the top and those boring charts that really, you know, we're kind of obvious, won't be presented all the time so, I'm not going to take the time to vote on 37 charts but I always go through and the one that I like the best, I always click, "Is this helpful?" Yeah, give me more of this.
John: If you click on the one that you like, just click on the thumbnails of, what happens next?
Bill: It builds a Pivot table and a Pivot chart and puts that writing your spreadsheets.
John: Automatically, you don't have to do anything.
Bill: Yeah, right.
John: Wow!
Bill: You get, you get all the results.
John: that's powerful, isn't it?
Bill: Now, John, should we be honest with people? Should we tell them?
John: Let's go!
Bill: Yeah. So, here's the thing, sorry, this features looks great and it looks great in a demo and it's awesome in a demo and I love the 37 results and I show this feature all the time but I had one, one chart that I thought, was really fascinating.
It said, "Hey! you have, you have three days that were outliers in this data set." and I was fascinated, when they brought me to Pivot table and the Pivot chart.
They highlighted those three data points in orange and I don't know, how they did.
It, it would be hard work for them to go through and you know, [ chairs ] were the data, data points.
They isolated the three days and they changed the color of those three points in the chart which I guess, if I was really bored, I could go through and spend, you know, six minutes doing that but it just happens automatically but here's the downside.
So, imagine that you have a data step that's changing constantly, so you get a new data set and you put that data set in your pivot table.
And now, the three days that were outliers, are no longer outliers, some other days are outliers.
Yeah. That, the logic and the chart to highlight which days were outliers, it doesn't work anymore, they're not smart enough to have those charts automatically updated.
So, I sent a note back to the Excel team, like, "Well hey, well wait a second this is great, but I need to be able to refresh the data and have you re-realized which the outliers are, right now, it's not that smart." You could, just kind of hear, the silence on the other, the line, they're like, "Hi, yeah, you're right. That's not going to do that." But maybe it'll come around, you know, this is a great first step and I love, I love, you know, though they'll release a feature and say, this is what we have right now, give us your feedback and you know, as time goes by and especially with Office 365, you know, you know, might be six months and they put out a new version of this and and it'll get smarter, it's a great first, first thing and here's, here's my other fun statistic, John.
I am the king of weird Excel facts.
Think about Excel, you know, we have the Home tab, right.
The Home tab, it starts out with paste, cut, copy, format painter.
I've heard that when someone on the Excel team, creates a new feature, almost invariably, the person who created that feature says, you know, this is so important.
It should be on the Home tab, all right and the Home tab has not changed, the order of icons on the Home tab has not changed, since January 30th 2007.
January 30, 2007, was the last time that anything changed on the Home tab.
This feature, the Ideas feature, is the first feature in 11 years to break into the Home tab, all right, so, in all the features that are created in the last 11 years, they all ended up on some other tab, you know the Data tab or the Insert tab, this is the first time in 11 years that the Excel team thinks this feature is so important and so good, that they will put it on the Home tab right.
So right there, that's first time in 11 years to get a new feature on the Home tab, is the Ideas feature.
Now that tells you, how much they believe the Ideas.
John: It is and this Ideas on the far right hand side, with a flash, a blue, Bill: Lightning bolt John: Lightning bolt.
Bill: Yeah.
John: Let's see, let's see.
Bill: That's yeah.
John: I just preview. Man this is going to, as you said make Analyst better because It'll give him more information where probably, they wouldn't be able to do before Bill: and not just your data so, you know the data sets that I use, John. I'm really familiar with those data sets and they'll say, you know, "Hey, Walmart is your largest customer in the retail sector.
I'm like, yeah I know that." But it's funny, I was working on these books. I have a book that I co-authored with Mike Alexander.
Mike has his own data sets, you know, I created my data sets in many cases, he created his data sets.
Boy, it's so fun to take someone else's data set, data set from a vendor or from a customer something like it and run that through Ideas because then, you can start to see, you know, you'll start to understand the other person's data more than they understand their data because this thing will find, you know, there is stuff in the data so, it's, it's just, it's a great feature, it's a fun feature and gives you ideas, makes you look smarter and that way when you write that headline for your manager's manager, there's a better chance that they'll be, be interesting what you have to say.
John: We're going to put a video in the show now, just so you can see, how this works visually and you can try it out, if you don't have the latest version of Office 365, you should definitely get that, upgrade.
Well, there's some great stuff here. Thank you for that, appreciate it.
Now, I'm just on to the next one and talk about Dynamic Arrays.
Now, this is, this is big, that big that you decided to release a book as well.
Bill: I did. This, this is massive. This is, I say this a lot this is the biggest thing I've seen in 20 years.
This is a complete rewrite of the calculation engine. This is Joe McDade.
Joe McDade whom I first met, when he was on the ModelOff competition.
He wasn't in the ModelOff competition the world modeling Championships.
He was the question writer...
John: Okay.
Bill: For the ModelOff, right.
So, he's, he's a smart guy and Joe, Joe worked in the real world, he's worked with Excel, you know, like we've all worked with Excel and Joe got hired by the Excel team and is working on the calculation engine and came up, Joe and his team, you know, Joe's the face of that team but you know, his team behind him, working in calc.
They came up with a completely, new type of formula, right.
A single formula, I'm going to enter a formula in one cell and that formula, is allowed to spill, that's the official word, Spill, results into the neighboring cells.
So, I might enter formula in cell C5 and that formula might return 10 columns by 50 rows and so, one formula is generating, 500 cells.
All of those numbers appear and I can calculate it, based on those numbers but that formula, only lives in the top left-hand cell.
If I have to change any of those numbers in the middle, I have to go back up and change the formula top left cell.
So, one formula now, will return multiple results in, you know, there were weird functions in Excel, like for example, the LINEST or the TRANSPOSE function and MMULT, that would return a series of values, but you had to select the range ahead of time, you had no large, how large the range would be and then, you had to hit the magic three key strokes of Ctrl+Shift+Enter right, those formulas were hard to use, when you send it on to your co-workers, they had no clue what was going on, they would edit it, not press Ctrl+Shift+Enter and then all the five years what appear, all of that goes away.
Now, with these Dynamic arrays, you just enter the formula and my favourites are the, the SORT, for example, the SORT function or the FILTER function.
You just enter that formula in one cell and it returns a whole bunch of results, and spills those results in the neighboring cells and let's say, that I was sorting a table and the table now grows.
Well, hey the results, will grow with the table, it's just, just amazing, how coolest these functions are, so SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE John: And now, the way through this, the videos that you released and which explains the very powerful stuff.
But one thing, I wanted to ask you is, why would you want to use these or where would you want to use these, in creating dashboards, in what kind of scenarios?
Bill: Is, for dashboards...
John: All right.
Bill: And and here's, here's the fundamental problem that we have, even with Pivot tables, right.
So, you're a data Analyst, you use Excel, 40 hours a week.
If you need to distort a data set, that's easy for you, choose one cell, click A to Z, or Z to A, SORT ascending, SORT descending.
BAM, you're done. All right.
That, we can do that, in the blink of an eye. We can sort that data set but the problem is, when we build a report and that report is pulling data in from somewhere, so the results are changing all the time and we built a beautiful dashboard, give it to our manager, who gives it to his manager and they open it.
Well, you know, when data changed, the top customer may not be the top customer anymore and so, you need to get your Vice President Sales.
You say, "All right now, hey! I know you don't use Excel, the time you just have to click right here, in this cell and then go back to the Data tab and then click on this button that says, Z to A or Z to A." and he's not going to do it, right. There's no way, there's no way, that my Vice President Sales, two levels above me, is going to, is going to do those three clicks and so, what am I going to write a Macro.
Now, he has to make sure that Macros are enabled. Yeah, this is never going to happen but if I, now have a function called "Equal SORT" and SORT will sort the underlying data, so with the top customers are at the top.
Then, every time he opens this workbook.
BAM, it's just going to be there.
You know, maybe I have a Slicer and the Slicer, then the FILTER function will return all the items that match the Slicer or the UNIQUE function.
The UNIQUE function will give us a list of unique items that are in a list.
So, all kinds of great things we can do with SORT and FILTER and UNIQUE and then there's kind of a, that's a list of three.
I'm going to give you three and a half, the SORT by function.
Let's me sort a list of names by some other column.
It's kind of a weird offshoot of the SORT function.
So, those three, those three are just awesome, awesome function.
John: Now, you don't have to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter, that's, that's old news.
Bill: Yeah, right. Ctrl+Shift+Enter is dead, Ctrl+Shift+Enter is dead in it.
By the way, for those of you that watch videos on YouTube [ McGee ]. I'm sure you've seen Mike Grivin.
You know, the Excel is one channel and Mike has an awesome book that I have here on my bookshelf called "Ctrl+ Shift+Enter", 350 pages of impossible formulas, just insane formulas that will let you extract all unique values from a list or extract unique values that match something and I, I love Mike and I love Mike's book and that book is dog-eared and I use it all the time.
I called Mike the day that I got these I said, "Mike I love your book, but this 20 page chapter is going to be, now going to be three sentences", right.
This has become so much easier and we laughed, we said instead of calling the book, Ctrl+Shift+Enter, the new, new titles just going to, have to be, Enter because you don't have to press Ctrl and Shift anymore.
We're talking about UNIQUE, can we just take it, can we take a detour, an unplanned detour.
This will be a five-minute detour, I need you to grab a pen and everyone listening, I need you to grab a pen and just a sheet of scratch paper and I need you to write down five words for me.
All right!
John: yeah.
Bill: Okay, okay this is great.
So, here's the words. It's Apple, apple like, the fruit right.
and then the second word is Apple, the third word is Banana.
John: Yeah.
Bill: The fourth word is Cherry and the fifth word is Cherry.
Okay. So, we have apple, apple, banana, cherry, cherry and I am going to ask you a question that seems completely obvious to me and that question is, "What is the unique list of products in those five cells?" So, we have apple, apple, banana, cherry, cherry.
When someone asked me, "What the unique list of products is in those five cells?" The only answer that I ever would consider is, apple, banana, cherry John: Me too.
Bill: Yeah, Right.
To me in English, sitting there as a Financial Analyst, I need a unique list of products, it's apple, banana, cherry but, you know, I was frustrated with the conditional formatting in Excel because we go to Home, Conditional Formatting, mark cells and ask for the Duplicate Values.
They have some other weird algorithm, it doesn't match what I think, it is the unique list and occasionally and I've done this the last three times, I had 50 people in the room.
I said, "What's the unique list of products, an apple, banana cherry? Does anyone disagree with me?" And there'll be two people like, maybe four percent who raised their hands.
They said, "Now, you have the unique list of products from that list, is banana." and I'm like, like and they're like, that's the only product that appears once, that's the only thing that's unique in that list, I'm like who would ever care about that.
All right.
It's just frustrating to me but the people who see that as banana as being the unique, they say that what I'm calling is unique, apple, banana, cherry is a distinct list and that database people they have a difference term between distinct and unique.
So the great news, there's this vast argument over what is UNIQUE, is that this new UNIQUE function in Excel, has a third argument, that says, "We're going to give you Bill's way which is apple, banana, cherry or give you the wrong way which is just banana." Now, the Tooltip doesn't actually say Bill's way in the wrong way but that's the way it is, right, it's the way that any normal person would think and then the database people.
So, the great news is that Joe understood this, this divide, he called the function UNIQUE but it will actually either give you distinct or unique, depending on your definition.
So, I just kudos to Joe, Joe McDade and his team for understanding.
If there is this difference, 96% of the world understands, what UNIQUE is and then these four percent who don't get it and have this other weird definition of unique.
Well, he can make them happy as well.
John: Love it, love it, all right. So, go there Dynamic Arrays, Sort so by Filter, UNIQUE, it's going to change the way you create dashboards and you've also got here, Dynamic Arrays in the equals a three, pack...
Bill: Hashtag John: Hashtag, sorry, hash.
Bill: Yeah, so here in the United States we call that a number sign John: Yeah Bill: Or a pound sign but when I was in England and I called it a pound sign, they looked at me, like I was nuts because their pound sign is their currency symbol which is the funny-looking L kind of thing and they call it a Hash, it's that thing, that they...
John: it's a Twitter, it's a Twitter hashtag, isn't that?
Bill: Thank you, a Twitter hash tag, yeah.
All right, we have the ability to say like =A2 and we have the ability to say =$, a $ sign to the absolute reference or a mixed reference with $A2 or $A or A$2 but now, there's a brand new thing which is =A2# A2# says, don't just give me the value in A, give me the value in A and all of the spilled results.
So for example, if I would ask for =SUM(A2#), it's going to give me, the sum of all of the results from the UNIQUE or the FILTER or the SORT function.
So, this brand new nomenclature and it's funny, Joe McDade doesn't have a word for this and we're trying to figure out, you know, what's the best word for that nomenclature is and the funniest one, I have is, Ingeborg Hover horse, who's down in New Zealand.
She started calling it, the Spiller, you know, the Spiller the, so the Spiller reference so well, a lot of others have been suggested, I in my head, I always think of it as the Spiller.
So, =A2#, brand new nomenclature to return all the results that the Dynamic Array formula A2, is giving us.
John: So a lot of new features, there for you guys to check out.
Just give it a go, give it a go and then once you get used to it, you won't go back, you will not go back to the other formulas or to Ctrl+Shift+Enter, because this is going to make your life that much easier.
All right, the final, the final topic we are going to cover is, why SEQUENCE is more important than SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE.
Bill: Okay. So, let's go to cell, cell A1 and type =Sequence [ 10 ], press enter and BAM, it gives you the numbers 1 through 10.
All right, I looked at that and said, well that, that is so weak, Right, this is for someone who doesn't know typing the number 1 and grab the control handle when you drag it down to get the numbers 1 through 10.
It's like this compared to, how cool SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE are, SEQUENCE seems completely lame that, it'll do.
Now, that's just the first segment.
So, 10 is the number of rows so if I would ask for 10, 5.
It'll give me 10 rows 5 columns of number so, in the first row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 next row 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
All right, so I can generate a range of sequential numbers, still seems like just, you know, nothing nothing, exciting and then the next thing, I can do is say, what number I want to start at.
So, I want to start at 10 and I want to jump by 7.
So, 10 rows 5 columns, start at 10 jump by 7, gives me 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52, 59, right, it's just like this is weird, why would we ever need this.
It's certainly not, as exciting as the new functions of SORT and FILTER and UNIQUE and that was my initial reaction so, the video I did on this, it was at the end of the week, you know, it's just like, yeah okay, here's this other thing, I don't think anyone ever uses.
But then, I started to work on a book, all about these Dynamic Arrays and in the book, I really try to think of other uses, other than just SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE and one of the things that I do frequently is, you know, if you're buying a car or buying a house we typically get a loan or mortgage on that car, house and in Excel, you can build an Amortization table.
If you're trying to figure out, each month how much principle and how much interest you're paying and there's some great functions there, that, you know, I only use, once every five years that will let you calculate the interest per period, for the loan.
So, if I need to figure out how much interest I'm going to pay this year so, I can put that in into my taxes.
I can ask for the interest for period five, period six, period seven, period eight, period nine and we have this Excel trickster thing, if ever we ask for, if I need period 5, ask for the row of A5 because when I copy that down, it'll change to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12 and so on, all right.
So, it's one of those weird Excel tricks for things that only pops out once every five years, when I buy a new house or a new car or something like that.
But then, I realized, well wait a second, what if I ask the SEQUENCE function to give me twelve numbers from five, on up.
All right, so I'll get from 5 to, 5 to 16 in the SEQUENCE function.
Then, goes into the I payment function in the, I Paymentfunction [ IPMT ].
In the I Payment function, there's a point where you say, which period do you want and you say, "I don't want the fifth period, I want the fifth through sixteenth periods, using the SEQUENCE function." and that sequence in that argument, inside of I Payment, to calculate the interest portion of the payment that makes I Payment, all of a sudden, into an Array function and I said, "Oh wait, this is, this is super powerful." because now, SEQUENCE is turning this other function, that's not normally an Array function, into an array function and once I had that realization and actually when I pressed enter, I was a little annoyed because it's spilled.
It gave me 12 results like, "No no no no no I don't want 12 results, I want just one answer of, how much am I paying in those 12 periods." So, I wrapped it in the SUM function and you would think, you'd have to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter but Ctrl+Shift+Enter is dead.
The SEQUENCE function turn the I Payment function, into an Array function and that's when I had the realization that the SEQUENCE function is the key to this whole thing, the SEQUENCE function turns every Excel function into an Array function.
Functions that you would never think would be Array functions.
I have this joke, I make a joke at the beginning of every one of my seminars, of the most ridiculous Excel function in the world and the joke is, if you have bad financial news, I go over to the content of, I show a financial, say with really bad numbers and then I use the ROMAN function The ROMAN function converts those numbers to ROMAN numerals like, from 2,000 years ago.
All right, and then I hide the original number, I just put this on to see if those desk and run, right, they'll never figure out, you'll be down the hall before they figure out, what's going on.
ROMAN is ridiculous and who can use the ROMAN function.
No one is using Roman numerals anymore, except for, you know, here our big football, American football game is...
John: Yeah.
Bill: is Roman numerals.
Okay. So, I sent a note back to Joe McDade with a screenshot.
I said, Joe I've just created the world's least useful Array function." I did =ROMAN and then inside a ROMAN, I put the SEQUENCE function, it was able to generate all the minerals from 1 to 100, yeah.
So, even SEQUENCE turn a ridiculous function like ROMAN into an Array function.
SEQUENCE is that, is the magic that turns every function, into an Array function.
It's super, super powerful. So, I initially dismissed it as this is a party trick for someone who doesn't know, how to hold down the Ctrl key, when we drag the fill handle.
It's the Excel trickster way to make every single formula into an Array formula John: And this may be advanced with people but it's like, the secrets could be like, the rank between pretty much, people can just use that through SEQUENCE and then put in your parameters and it can give you rows of and columns of numbers, just with a, just with one formula, right.
Bill: I'm glad you mentioned that, they actually do. there is another function called "RAND Array" So, we've always had RAND in between.
RAND Array is like Rand but it gives us a, you know, 10 rows by 5 columns.
So, if you're doing Monte Carlo analysis or something like that, there's another video series out there, called Excel Hash, where it was a competition that ASDA, Slay and Middle Tracy and Leila and, and Mike and John Ian Kapoor and I competed head-to-head against each other and my model that I built for that was horrible. I finished fifth out of sixth, you know, almost in last place.
It was this terrible, 20 minute, thing about, whether or not the earth is going to be destroyed by this Asteroid in 2196 and who cares, we'll all be dead by that but the model, there was just a thing to behold with two hundred thousand calculations, happening at each press of F9.
John: Wow Bill: I took this to those 200,000 cells and I replaced it with a single formula, one formula that these new Array formulas, using RAND array, doing a VLOOKUP into the RAND array.
And here's the amazing thing that, when it was in 200,000 cells that workbook was huge.
It was six megabytes of data, when I made it to be in one cell, doing all the same calculations in one cell, it was 32k.
32k, so I went from 6 megabytes to 32 K, using, yeah, this RAND array that returned a 100,000 results and it did a hundred thousand VLOOKUPS.
So, I mean, it's just, it's, it's really exciting stuff, really really exciting and you know, right now, 1% of the people, the people on Insiders have it.
Wait, till this gets out to the the whole world, everyone who has Office 365, will have this and people a lot smarter than me, will be out there just doing amazing things, that we've never even thought of with these Dynamic Arrays.
It's the one, that's really going to change everything.
John: Nice, when and when it's just going to be released because we're in, you know, October 2018, when this will be available to the people out there, you know, Office 365?
Bill: Yes, so if you're in Office 365 and if you're on the Insider Channel, the risky channel, you now have it, as of yesterday October 24th, everyone who's on the Insider Channel, has it.
Now, they're being really slow about this because they're worried, they're really worried that this is going to break some add-ins, some add-ins that have been out there for a long time, might have been taking advantage of something called "Implicit Intersection", without realizing they were taking advantage of it and it might break the add-ins and in fact, I had one of my friends who's an MVP.
I had one of his add-ins break and he's like, "Well wait a second, I wasn't using Implicit Intersection." but he was, he didn't realize he was using it but he was taking advantage of it and that's great because this guy is engaged and he's alive and he realizes it and he fixed his addin. What we're worried about is, the add-in that was created five, six, seven, eight years ago and that person who created an add-in, is no longer interested in Excel.
They've moved on there, you know, doing something else and, but people are relying on that add-in, and so they're going really slow to see if it breaks any add-ins and if they can track down the person, created the add-in and have the add-in or they fix their code.
So, if you're on the Monthly Channel, I don't know this officially but I'm really going to bet that it'll be early 2019, before you get it and if you're on the Semi- Annual Channel. I really bet, it's going to be July of 2019 before, you get it because they're just being super cautious with this, making sure that it doesn't cause any problems.
You go to a calculation engine that's been there for 30 years and start to make changes to 30 year old code that I appreciate the fact, that they're being super cautious with this.
John: So, when it comes out and people are using it and it's going to change the world.
John: It's going to make them faster, quicker, not just these formulas but you know, what will we talk about today; the Geography and Stock Data Types, Artificial Intelligence, it's just going to make people's jobs that much better.
They're going to be quicker, they're going to have more answers, that they can give to the boss and help the business.
So, Kudos to Microsoft and the Excel team there for bringing these new features out.
Guy 3: Before you go, you have free ebook for our listeners, what have you got for us?
Bill: Yeah, that's right. So, the data that they announced, these are Dynamic Arrays at the ignite conference in Orlando, Florida.
I started furiously writing and the next day early, the next day about 2:00 in the morning, I released a 60 page ebook, that I put out there.
I actually released the e-book even before it had gone to the copy editor, right.
So, there's a version out there that was very, very rough and then, you know, send it to our editors and had everything updated and so, I decided that this stuff is so important.
It wouldn't be right for me to sell this book.
So, for right now, at least through the end of this year, through the end of this year, I'm making the e-book available for free, so it's a 60 page ebook, you can download the PDF, it has 30 different examples of how to, how to use these formulas, how to use the Spiller, Array and things to, you know, just to watch out for and things you maybe, I've never thought about so that's called "Excel Dynamic Arrays" straight to the point and you can put a link right in the show notes or something like that, so people go download that book.
John: I will do and I'll put a link there, you can also check out Bill Jelen's website in MrExcel dot com and you can also find it, this is still available, until the end of this year 2018.
So, you only have a couple of months and also you have a new book which is coming out "Excel 2019", just quickly talk about that.
Bill: Yeah, this is exciting right so, I've written a lot of books, right, this is my fifty-fifth book but this is the first book that I'm associated with, where the publisher on the cover is Microsoft Press.
This is like being caught up to the, the Premier Leaks, right, I've finally, I've been in the Minor Leaks for so long, I'm finally, you know, writing for the mothership for Microsoft press so, I'm really excited about this book.
It's called "Microsoft Excel 2019", inside out, comes out.
So, I think November 11, 2018 it's available big thick book.
I guess, this is the book that competes with the Excel 2019 Bible and you know, it's, it's one of those, those top three books about Excel 2019 and hey, I got to be completely honest with you.
The title says, Microsoft Excel 2019 but the opening line of that book is, you should not be buying Excel 2019 and I'm going to assume that if you're reading this book that you're probably using Office 365.
So, I covered not just the features in Excel 2019 but those important new features like, Dynamic Arrays and the Geography Data Types and the Stock Data Types insights, and to be honest and see, when my friends and competitors come out with their version of Excel 2019, if they're just covering Excel 2019 which means it's an obsolete product, if they're covering the new stuff, I felt it was definitely right to cover the new stuff so, even though the title in the front says Excel 2019, it definitely has all the Office 365 features as well.
John: Fantastic. Thanks to that and I'll put the links in the show notes for everyone, to get a hold of that book.
Now, before we go, where do you see Excel in the next couple years because you're involved.
Bill: Well yeah, how could so, you know, we didn't talk today, about Power Query at all.
Power Query is the game changer, the Power Query is the amazing thing.
Lets you clean data and load data and Power Query, it's interesting because it's in Excel but it's also in Power BI and Power BI is the leader there.
So you see, features show up in Power BI, a couple of months before they show up in Excel.
So, I have already seen some of the great new changes that happen in Power Query and Power BI and I know those are, will come to Excel, you know, by the end of the year, maybe the beginning of the year, some beautiful additions that Power Query, I'm looking forward to that.
Joe McDade and the formulas team, now that they've done all this work for Dynamic Arrays.
They say that they can probably start producing functions, you know, every month, every quarter. So, a lot of new calculation functions, will be coming out.
Now, that they've finished this work on Dynamic Arrays, you know, they've kind of rewritten the architecture and so, we'll see a lot more functions come out and then, those Data Types, right now, it's a Geography in stock.
Imagine, if you could define your own Data Types so you're, you know, you're in some industry and your company has other measures, you could define your own data dictionaries for that, I would love to see the data types expand that's just some of the things and who knows what other, other great things they have, kind of that, they're working on, they're behind the scenes but I'm sure, I'm sure, if you have an Office 365, you'll be getting plenty of new features as we go along.
John: We all may. Thank you very much for, you know, for being part of the show.
I know, three years ago, you were in Episode number four, but I'm not going to wait three years to get you back again.
Bill: All right. Hats off.
John: Best of luck with the book and everything you do.
YouTube channel there, I want to put the links in the show notes, there.
Good luck and listen to you, back sooner.
Bill: All right, sounds great thanks, John.
John: Hey, thank you for listening to this awesome podcast show, I hope you've got a lot of information.
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Bill: This is massive, this is, I say this a lot. This is the biggest thing I've seen in 20 years.
Guy 1: Welcome to the My Excel Online Podcast, the need to know Excel insights, knowledge and tips, brought to you by the experts that know them best.
Are you ready to explore your full potential and get better at Excel?
It's time to stand out from the crowd with your host John Michaloudis.
John: Welcome to the My Excel Online Podcast.
In today's show, we have a special guest.
He's an Excel MVP author of over 40 books. He is to Excel, what Elvis was to music, he is the king of Excel.
Let's welcome Mr. Bill Jelen.
Bill: Hey John! It's great to be here.
John: All right, Bill great to have you here, last time you were here, was episode number 4, in August 2015, where you talked about your, book that came out back then MrExcel, Excel.
The 40 greatest Excel tips of all time and now, three years later you're back!
How things been over the last three years?
Bill: Yeah. So, it's been busy. I've just this past summer updating books for Excel, 2019.
So, that was books number 55, 56 and 57, so I guess, from 40 books three years ago up to 57 books now.
As my friend Mike Alexander says, "I am really good at doing copy and paste." So...
John: nice one, nice one, exactly that's what you need to do to, get everything, that's on your blog and bang and put it on to a book and sell it.
Now, you've got a lot of great resources, a lot of great material and also before you know, you are MrExcel for a reason, you've been around for years and you know, helping the community and helping people understand Excel.
Because as we know every three years, there's always a new release and new features and you know, you're the first one, whose there, that brings out the book, to bring the knowledge to, even myself.
So, I can share it to everyone else as well. So, thank you for everything.
Now in this episode, we are going to talk about the new features in, Office 365 and also Excel 2019.
But, before we do that, let's describe, to our listeners, the difference between the two different versions because people may be on the subscription, which is Office 365 and other people may just have the perpetual license which is a download of Excel 2019.
And therefore, they have all the new features in Excel 2019 but not all the new features that come out in Office 365.
So, can you explain the difference between those two versions there?
Bill: Yes. Okay so, when Office 365 came out, this was, you know, many years ago, I said there's no way that I'm ever going to start paying them monthly for Office.
Right, I was of the belief that this is insane, I want to pay $400 once and own that DVD for the rest of my life and if I, you know, never want to upgrade again and never want to upgrade again but then, they started to convince me because they put out really, really good features and, I don't want to say, they did this on purpose but like Excel 2016 came out, in the next month.
BAM! there are like, three main really important features that came out, the, this is all now, this isn't going to be an Excel 2016.
It's going to be, only in Office 365.
Right! so, not only that I pay them to 400 bucks to get Excel 2016, then I started paying the monthly fee.
I'm paying twice because the stuff coming out on Office 365 was so good and the same thing has happened now.
So, the features that are in Excel 2019, anyone who had office 365, had those features in March of this year, March of 2018, was the cutoff.
If the feature wasn't an Office 365 by March of 2018, then it's not an Excel 2019.
So, when Excel 2019 came, came out, during the Ignite conference, so last month in September.
It was already obsolete, because, the Office 365 features, had been six months ahead.
So, this is really the first time, that a professional version of Excel came out and Excel 2019, that was obsolete on day one.
In my opinion, no one should be buying the professional versions of Excel.
The only reason, you should buy a professional version of Excel from now on is it, if for summers, you don't have the internet.
If you're in a top-secret government facility where no internet in, no internet out.
Oh yeah! Then, you have to go and buy the DVD.
There, you know, if you're in Antarctica, there's no internet there, if you live on Mars, yeah! def... definitely customers, for Excel 2019, but if you have the internet, it will cost you less and you'll get more features and you'll get more features sooner, with Office 365.
It seems like, it's the only way to go, from here out.
John: Yeah and also you don't only get on Excel with Office 365, you get Word, you get PowerPoint, you get everything else, plus, they add, the cloud service of OneDrive, so you can actually store your files in OneDrive.
I think, they give you, is the 500 games or One terabyte, just depends on the plan.
So, you get that added as well.
You also get to share your licenses with five different people in your office, in, or your house so...
Bill: Right, yeah.
John: so, you, either as well, just depend on the plan.
So, you just don't get Excel, you get everything else for a low annual fee, pretty much.
Bill: Yeah, that's right!
Now for me, all the extra stuff, that's fine but I'm all about that, I want the latest and greatest features.
If there's some new function in Excel, some new chart in Excel, I want to be on that leading edge and be able to use those functions and the list of functions, like if you, if you ask me, what's new in Excel 2019 and someone who is an Office 365 user, is listening this, they're going to be like, "Why I had all that stuff last year?" and you're right, you did have all that stuff last year.
The new features in Excel 2019, are things that Office 365, people have been enjoying for more than a year, like, co-authoring, allowing multiple people to, edit the workbook at the same time.
The ability to set Pivot table defaults, heck, I had that last year and in 2017 in Office 365, two new charts, the Filled Map chart and the Funnel chart, the ability to insert 3D models and icons and some accessibility improvements, for people using screen readers and things like that but, all of this stuff, nothing is new, for an office 365 user.
They've all had that for more than a year, it's just finally, the Excel 2019 people, who have been stuck, using the Excel 2016 or 2013 features now for three or six years.
They're finally just, just catching up.
I don't want to say that Microsoft is being hostile to these people but they're really cutting, I'm sure, if you're buying Excel 2019, their professional version you, you're just, you're not getting the latest and greatest stuff and you won't get anything new.
Now, you know, you, like the, the new features that came out in Office 365, won't be out until Excel 2022.
You know, only three years, before you get the stuff, the Office 365 people out right now.
John: Yeah, you are right on it.
All right. So, let's talk about, Office 365 because, the new features, they have just been released but before we do that, there are two versions, that you can get, you can have the Insider version or the Monthly Channel, which is a targeted so, I've got here the explanation here of the Insider version which is the best for insiders who want to use the very earliest builds to identify issues and provide feedback about new features for development.
Insider is ideal for those who don't mind, the bit of risk involved, in using unsupported builds. Okay.
Bill: Okay.
John: Yeah, yeah, that's the explanation here, on their office website, in the monthly target, is best for insiders want to receive less frequent, more stable updates.
So, bills come out monthly and are full supported.
So, yeah! you've got those two options to choose as well, right!
and I'll put a link in the show notes, for people where they can access this because it's available, you just got to know, where to find them.
Bill: Oh, that's right!
You know and then, there's a third option and if you're sitting in some corporate office right now, with a big IT department, who is out there, bullying everyone around, that IT department is going to put you on the Semi-Annual Channel All right, so not only, you don't get the monthly updates, you want to get the updates once every six months.
When they talk about that risk, I just laughed because I did a couple of seminars, this week in three seminars, last week where I flew around the country.
My rule, here is that I have one computer, in my office, this on the Insider Channel that gets the latest bit so, I can do a podcast about it but on the road, my laptop is on the safe Monthly Channel.
All right, but, but there's a feature that came out, that is, so good that I have to show it to people live and so I put the, the Insider Channel, on my travel laptop.
So, I'm out there doing the power Excel seminar and there's a weird feature in Excel that I show every day, about, about 9:40 in the seminar, 9:40 a.m. in the seminar.
So, my third trick that I show and it's how to do, if you have a filtered data set John.
So you apply to filter, you go to the blank row just below it and when you hit the AUTOSUM, it's won't give you a SUM function, it gives you a SUBTOTAL function which gives you the total visible.
Right now, that's a really weird feature, you know, I probably, I would never do that in real life.
I want to do it in the seminar but every single time, that I do that now the Office Insider, crashes, Excel crashes.
John: Okay.
Bill: Yeah, so that's the risk.
You have some weird thing that 99% that people won't do but you do and you're going to discover in the Insider Channel that it breaks and so, my role, in this whole thing, being on in the Insider Channel or, as soon as I realize, that there's a bug, you know, because I do the same, same steps every single seminar 35 times here, as soon as I realize there's a new bug, I let the Excel team know and they will get that bug fixed before, those bits hit the Monthly Channel.
Right, so I look at that I'm, I'm the first line of defense, for discovering, that they've broken something and I want to make sure, the [ deck ] is, if a bug ever hits the Monthly Channel, you know, that's my fault, I didn't realize that and did let them know and didn't give them a chance to fix that stuff, so, the people on the Insider Channel, you get the latest and greatest stuff but there's a chance that some little feature you have, yeah, it's just going to stop working.
Especially, if you have a feature that you use, that no one else ever uses, hey you might discover that, that got broken.
John: All right, so to be on the safe side, people should select the Monthly Channel there and that, that way, if you'd ever breaks down, you can just email Bill and it would be...
Bill: Yeah, that's right, that's right!
Yeah, Monthly Channels where to go or, or, have two computers, one on the Monthly Channel, one on the Insider Channel, you know, like you're using the latest and greatest switch over but you have the backup.
John: Hey, I just downloaded the Insider and just to, you know, to try the new features and man it's amazing, it's just, yeah, it's the things you can do.
But, obviously if you're going do that on the Insider and then you give it to someone who has Excel 2010 that will not work, right?
Bill: No, yeah, definitely not, definitely not!
Yeah so, you have to...
John: Office 365!
Bill: Right, that's right.
John: All right, now let's talk about the new features that have just been released.
We're going to talk about the new Geography and Stock Data types, the Artificial Intelligence with ideas, Dynamic Arrays using SORT, FILTER, UNIQUE and why SEQUENCE is a more important than SORT, FILTER, UNIQUE.
All right, Bill over to you buddy, let's go to the first topic which is the new Geography and Stock Data Types.
So, just explain to the people, what, what they do, just so they can get an idea and also, we have videos for each of these new features, you're going to find them in the show notes so, if you can't actually visualize it, go to microsoft online dot com forward slash podcast.
Click on the show and you'll have the video there you, you'll be able to see what we're talking about.
Okay, have it to you Bill!
Bill: Yes, okay. these new Geography types and here's how I do it in my live seminar which is great, so I've flown to some new city.
Yesterday I was in Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
All right and of course, I know that I'm sitting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma because that's where I flew to.
I create a column A. A1, I put city, A2, I type where I'm at, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
But then, I asked people, in the audience so I said, "All right, now give me the other, give me the other cities in Oklahoma" and they'll say, "well okay, well Tulsa".
I'm like, okay that's great and I typed that in and then I said, "All right, now give me some small cities, some cities I haven't heard of", and so, they'll rattle off some other cities that, you know, maybe 20,000; 30,000 people, I select that whole range and on the Data tab, the Data tab, I choose Geography and the thing that, I typed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, changes, it gets a little map icon, next to it and it changes the Oklahoma City.
So, all five of these, get recognized, unless I misspelled it, right and then it asked me to, you know, search and try to figure out, what it is and the first thing, I show them which makes the whole room go, ohhh, as I hover over the map icon and a little window pops up, it tells me everything about Oklahoma City, tells me, how many people live there, who the mayor is, has some pictures of the town and you know, everyone's like, ohhh and I'm like, "No, that's not the good part, this is completely useless, this is a picture, what, who cares about this." and then, I go over to column B and in column B, so remember, Oklahoma City is in A2.
So, in column B, I type =A2.
and when I type that period, a whole list of fields comes up. like A2.population and then, in an over in C2, I do =A2.leaders and the Mayor pops up.
So now, I see the Population and Mayor, for Oklahoma City but then, I choose those two formulas and double click to shoot that formula down and now I have the Population for all of the cities and the Mayor for all of the cities and people are like, "Ohhh! that's awesome." and then the last thing, I do and especially, you know, so I don't know Oklahoma well.
You know, I go there once every two years, right so, I have a list of cities here, I don't know these cities and I say, all right I make this into a table and then, in the table drop down, for City, I said, "I want to sort the city's lowest or highest, by longitude" and it sorts the cities west to east.
That's not even a field in my table but yet, I can sort by these other things, that Excel knows about those geographies, all right, so it's just, it's really cool that it's get, gets the data from the internet.
You know, so in theory well like, with population, that's not going to change every day but if you have something that's changed everyday, like Stock Price, oh yeah, it would, you know update when you recalculate the spreadsheet.
John: This is cool and also, if you put your data into an Excel table, you can put it in Excel table, you bring us up a plus sign where you can add a column and then, it has a whole list, you can choose from.
For example, agriculture land area, birth rate, calling code capital and say let's click on birth rate, it brings up a new column called 'Birth Rate' and it gives you the values.
Bill: Yeah, right.
John: You don't have to put in a formula, you can also do the Excel table and then, just, just click from the drop down, the columns you want to see and that is very, very powerful, isn't it?
Bill: Oh yeah, that's, that's fine. I've never used that plus sign, I always just go, type =A2.
and then look through the tool tip, that pops up but that definitely, using the table....
John: You are formulas guy, aren't you?
Bill: yeah, right, yeah, I am always bad at using the table.
People in my seminars, well say, why aren't you using a table for that and I say like, yeah, you know, tables are great and everything but I have a couple of problems with tables and so, I try to avoid tables.
So yeah, you got me on that one...
John: Nice.
Bill: Table is definitely a better way to go.
John: And also you can do a, for example, you have the country or the state and population, those two columns, you can go to Insert and Map and Map and you can click on Map and it brings the whole map of the world and it highlights your cities that are in the table and also the population, that color means more population. So, it's a great, it's a great feature as well and this is just awesome.
Bill: It's really good and then, if you type a new row, right so, you talk about adding the plus sign there, if you type a new row below, so just below the table, you type a new row, a new city, it'll automatically convert that city to a Geography and it'll fill in the other columns for you as well so, it works, works, really well.
John: It's a beautiful, beautiful great feature and it's just time setting, isn't it?
As all these features, yeah, allows you just to make a reports quicker, that's a way that I see. It's a great feature.
All right! Now, the Stock Data Types.
Bill: Okay, now this is the same, same general formu... nomenclature, that you're going to use here.
Stock Data Types, you are in a column, type some publicly traded stocks and it could be not just stocks on the New York Stock Exchange but stocks on, stocks, Stock Exchange occur around the world, you know, so I'll type in Microsoft, let's say and maybe Apple and then, on the Data tab, I will convert those to stocks.
In this time instead of a little map I get, it's a little symbol of like a roman building with columns out front.
I don't know, why that's the symbol for the Stock Data Types, but then, same thing there I can, now I ask for all kinds of things, like ask for =A2.CEO and it'll tell me, who the head of the company is.
=A2.Price =A2LastClosingPrice I can even do =A2.Sharesoutstanding and then calculate price, time, shares outstanding and market capital, capitalization.
All sorts of great information there and it's funny the people who are intrigued with this, you know, obviously are investing in the stock market and they're, they're really curious about where the data is coming from, where is this data coming, how we know its kind and as soon as you convert to Stock Data Type, the info bar, you know, above the formula bar that little place where it says, "Hey, you have Macros and the Macros need to be enabled." Now, that bar lights up with financial market information is provided as is and then, a link to learn about our data sources and they'll tell you for each country which Stock Markets it's using and where it's getting that information from.
So you can decide, whether or not, you trust, is it Morningstar or who's, who's providing the information.
So, for each, you know, each country, you can see where they're getting the data from.
John: Nice and also you're going to refresh it just right click and refresh and it'll update with the latest Stock Prices.
Bill: Yes, that's right.
John: I've got here, just a couple of data, on my computer of a Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon.
Microsoft $116, Apple $233, Facebook $219, Amazon $2050, Bill: Yeah.
John: wow!
Bill: That's crazy, isn't it?
John: Yeah and we're recording, is 25th of October 2018.
This is great feature because a lot of people ask, how do you get, you know, Stock data into Excel and this is just beautiful, isn't it?
just easy and quick and stable.
Bill: You know, the old way to do this, I always used an old fashioned Web Query, not the new Power Query but the old-fashioned Web Query and that would be great but I was getting my data from finance dot yahoo dot com, that web page, but as soon as they reorganize their webpage and added a new table and what I used to be, getting was table four, it's down table five.
Well, everything would break and that's no fun, right.
You're just, you're relying on this, it works great for 72 straight days, then show up one day and you have other things to do and yeah, no other Web Query doesn't work anymore so you have to start over, this is just so much better, that we, we don't have to worry about the thing breaking, it's just, it's always going to work.
John: A great reason to upgrade to the latest version of Office 365, fantastic.
Man, I love that's too.
Guy 1: What is the Vlookup formula?
Guy 2: Powerful liquid solution.
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John: Now, next one! Artificial Intelligence with ideas, this is, this is a next level, AI, this is the future, isn't it?
People, would not have to employ Analyst because this is going to do the job for a manager, isn't it?
It could be scary.
Bill: Yeah, right. Well actually, I think, I think, it's going to make Analysts better.
John: Okay.
Bill: Yeah.
So, here's the deal, you know, you're, you're a Financial Analyst, you get a large data set from the, that your system, your mainframe system or what your enterprise system is and then, you know, you summarize it down, you create a pivot table and you end up with, what 60 lines on a report, maybe three pages of report and you're going to send that report up to your manager, who's going to forward it on to his manager and here's the sad fact, that I've come to realize, they're not going spend, yeah, may be spend 20 minutes getting that report, they're going to look at it for five seconds, seven seconds, ten seconds, you know, and then they're going boot on.
All right, you spent 20 minutes of your life and they're going to give you ten seconds.
So, I always tried to write a headline that would catch their attention and make them not spend ten seconds but spend 30 seconds like, I would call out one fact, "Hey, check it out the West Region, had their best [ forever ]." or you know, this product in this region took off and at the very least I knew, that the managers, manager would remember that factoid, right and then maybe that factoid would get used in a staff meeting, when he was talking about it, "Oh, yeah. I saw, you know, a report from Bill, it says, you know, the West Region had their highest region ever." So, it was always, look through the data and try and find something interesting.
Well now, with this new feature called Ideas, you select your data, the original source data and you ask ideas to find something interesting.
It takes a good 12 or 15 seconds and they come back with four or five charts and you start looking through those four or five charts and John, I have to tell you, those first four or five charts are super boring, they're never good, right.
they're and what I've learned is, if you're, the chart you're seeing is blue, it's basically the same chart, you would have gotten in Excel 2013 from Insert Recommended Pivot tables.
It's the same logic, it creates those first few charts but then, what's funny in the strategy there and I can't get anyone at Microsoft to confirm this but I'm sure, this is what's happening.
Well, you're consuming those first five charts while you're looking those first five charts in the background.
they then, produce the rest of the chart so at the bottom of the five charts, a little hyperlink appears that says, "see more results" and when you click, see more results, now you get 32 to 37 charts and those are the good ones.
Go past those first five, they get those first five really quick, you give them a little bit more time now and then it starts to give you, really insightful things that you wouldn't have been able to pick up.
So, once you get down into the charts that are orange, the orange charts, those are the ones that the Machine Learning and the Artificial Intelligence is kicking in and it's not just choosing, to show you total whatever numeric column is on the right, by the text column on the left that which is what the recommended pivot table always used to offer but you get down into the things like, it'll find outliers, it'll find where there was an outstanding top two.
So, in this market or sector you had two customers who accounted for 80% of the revenue, it'll find a correlation between when this happens, this other thing happens and it is really beautiful, how it detects what's going on.
And here, here's the thing so it's Machine Learning which means that right now, it's an infant, right, it's, it's brand new and it's trying to find interesting things and presents 37 charts.
If you would take the time to, on a, the couple of charts, answer the question, "is this helpful?" Right. Imagine, if a million people would vote for a chart, "Is this helpful?" Well, that information goes back to the algorithm and the algorithm will learn, which charts are actually good charts.
So, while this feature is cool right now, a year from now or six months from now, after it has millions of votes, it'll start tuning the results and I'm hoping, I get to the point where the good charts, the really interesting orange charts will pop a pivot, up to the top and those boring charts that really, you know, we're kind of obvious, won't be presented all the time so, I'm not going to take the time to vote on 37 charts but I always go through and the one that I like the best, I always click, "Is this helpful?" Yeah, give me more of this.
John: If you click on the one that you like, just click on the thumbnails of, what happens next?
Bill: It builds a Pivot table and a Pivot chart and puts that writing your spreadsheets.
John: Automatically, you don't have to do anything.
Bill: Yeah, right.
John: Wow!
Bill: You get, you get all the results.
John: that's powerful, isn't it?
Bill: Now, John, should we be honest with people? Should we tell them?
John: Let's go!
Bill: Yeah. So, here's the thing, sorry, this features looks great and it looks great in a demo and it's awesome in a demo and I love the 37 results and I show this feature all the time but I had one, one chart that I thought, was really fascinating.
It said, "Hey! you have, you have three days that were outliers in this data set." and I was fascinated, when they brought me to Pivot table and the Pivot chart.
They highlighted those three data points in orange and I don't know, how they did.
It, it would be hard work for them to go through and you know, [ chairs ] were the data, data points.
They isolated the three days and they changed the color of those three points in the chart which I guess, if I was really bored, I could go through and spend, you know, six minutes doing that but it just happens automatically but here's the downside.
So, imagine that you have a data step that's changing constantly, so you get a new data set and you put that data set in your pivot table.
And now, the three days that were outliers, are no longer outliers, some other days are outliers.
Yeah. That, the logic and the chart to highlight which days were outliers, it doesn't work anymore, they're not smart enough to have those charts automatically updated.
So, I sent a note back to the Excel team, like, "Well hey, well wait a second this is great, but I need to be able to refresh the data and have you re-realized which the outliers are, right now, it's not that smart." You could, just kind of hear, the silence on the other, the line, they're like, "Hi, yeah, you're right. That's not going to do that." But maybe it'll come around, you know, this is a great first step and I love, I love, you know, though they'll release a feature and say, this is what we have right now, give us your feedback and you know, as time goes by and especially with Office 365, you know, you know, might be six months and they put out a new version of this and and it'll get smarter, it's a great first, first thing and here's, here's my other fun statistic, John.
I am the king of weird Excel facts.
Think about Excel, you know, we have the Home tab, right.
The Home tab, it starts out with paste, cut, copy, format painter.
I've heard that when someone on the Excel team, creates a new feature, almost invariably, the person who created that feature says, you know, this is so important.
It should be on the Home tab, all right and the Home tab has not changed, the order of icons on the Home tab has not changed, since January 30th 2007.
January 30, 2007, was the last time that anything changed on the Home tab.
This feature, the Ideas feature, is the first feature in 11 years to break into the Home tab, all right, so, in all the features that are created in the last 11 years, they all ended up on some other tab, you know the Data tab or the Insert tab, this is the first time in 11 years that the Excel team thinks this feature is so important and so good, that they will put it on the Home tab right.
So right there, that's first time in 11 years to get a new feature on the Home tab, is the Ideas feature.
Now that tells you, how much they believe the Ideas.
John: It is and this Ideas on the far right hand side, with a flash, a blue, Bill: Lightning bolt John: Lightning bolt.
Bill: Yeah.
John: Let's see, let's see.
Bill: That's yeah.
John: I just preview. Man this is going to, as you said make Analyst better because It'll give him more information where probably, they wouldn't be able to do before Bill: and not just your data so, you know the data sets that I use, John. I'm really familiar with those data sets and they'll say, you know, "Hey, Walmart is your largest customer in the retail sector.
I'm like, yeah I know that." But it's funny, I was working on these books. I have a book that I co-authored with Mike Alexander.
Mike has his own data sets, you know, I created my data sets in many cases, he created his data sets.
Boy, it's so fun to take someone else's data set, data set from a vendor or from a customer something like it and run that through Ideas because then, you can start to see, you know, you'll start to understand the other person's data more than they understand their data because this thing will find, you know, there is stuff in the data so, it's, it's just, it's a great feature, it's a fun feature and gives you ideas, makes you look smarter and that way when you write that headline for your manager's manager, there's a better chance that they'll be, be interesting what you have to say.
John: We're going to put a video in the show now, just so you can see, how this works visually and you can try it out, if you don't have the latest version of Office 365, you should definitely get that, upgrade.
Well, there's some great stuff here. Thank you for that, appreciate it.
Now, I'm just on to the next one and talk about Dynamic Arrays.
Now, this is, this is big, that big that you decided to release a book as well.
Bill: I did. This, this is massive. This is, I say this a lot this is the biggest thing I've seen in 20 years.
This is a complete rewrite of the calculation engine. This is Joe McDade.
Joe McDade whom I first met, when he was on the ModelOff competition.
He wasn't in the ModelOff competition the world modeling Championships.
He was the question writer...
John: Okay.
Bill: For the ModelOff, right.
So, he's, he's a smart guy and Joe, Joe worked in the real world, he's worked with Excel, you know, like we've all worked with Excel and Joe got hired by the Excel team and is working on the calculation engine and came up, Joe and his team, you know, Joe's the face of that team but you know, his team behind him, working in calc.
They came up with a completely, new type of formula, right.
A single formula, I'm going to enter a formula in one cell and that formula, is allowed to spill, that's the official word, Spill, results into the neighboring cells.
So, I might enter formula in cell C5 and that formula might return 10 columns by 50 rows and so, one formula is generating, 500 cells.
All of those numbers appear and I can calculate it, based on those numbers but that formula, only lives in the top left-hand cell.
If I have to change any of those numbers in the middle, I have to go back up and change the formula top left cell.
So, one formula now, will return multiple results in, you know, there were weird functions in Excel, like for example, the LINEST or the TRANSPOSE function and MMULT, that would return a series of values, but you had to select the range ahead of time, you had no large, how large the range would be and then, you had to hit the magic three key strokes of Ctrl+Shift+Enter right, those formulas were hard to use, when you send it on to your co-workers, they had no clue what was going on, they would edit it, not press Ctrl+Shift+Enter and then all the five years what appear, all of that goes away.
Now, with these Dynamic arrays, you just enter the formula and my favourites are the, the SORT, for example, the SORT function or the FILTER function.
You just enter that formula in one cell and it returns a whole bunch of results, and spills those results in the neighboring cells and let's say, that I was sorting a table and the table now grows.
Well, hey the results, will grow with the table, it's just, just amazing, how coolest these functions are, so SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE John: And now, the way through this, the videos that you released and which explains the very powerful stuff.
But one thing, I wanted to ask you is, why would you want to use these or where would you want to use these, in creating dashboards, in what kind of scenarios?
Bill: Is, for dashboards...
John: All right.
Bill: And and here's, here's the fundamental problem that we have, even with Pivot tables, right.
So, you're a data Analyst, you use Excel, 40 hours a week.
If you need to distort a data set, that's easy for you, choose one cell, click A to Z, or Z to A, SORT ascending, SORT descending.
BAM, you're done. All right.
That, we can do that, in the blink of an eye. We can sort that data set but the problem is, when we build a report and that report is pulling data in from somewhere, so the results are changing all the time and we built a beautiful dashboard, give it to our manager, who gives it to his manager and they open it.
Well, you know, when data changed, the top customer may not be the top customer anymore and so, you need to get your Vice President Sales.
You say, "All right now, hey! I know you don't use Excel, the time you just have to click right here, in this cell and then go back to the Data tab and then click on this button that says, Z to A or Z to A." and he's not going to do it, right. There's no way, there's no way, that my Vice President Sales, two levels above me, is going to, is going to do those three clicks and so, what am I going to write a Macro.
Now, he has to make sure that Macros are enabled. Yeah, this is never going to happen but if I, now have a function called "Equal SORT" and SORT will sort the underlying data, so with the top customers are at the top.
Then, every time he opens this workbook.
BAM, it's just going to be there.
You know, maybe I have a Slicer and the Slicer, then the FILTER function will return all the items that match the Slicer or the UNIQUE function.
The UNIQUE function will give us a list of unique items that are in a list.
So, all kinds of great things we can do with SORT and FILTER and UNIQUE and then there's kind of a, that's a list of three.
I'm going to give you three and a half, the SORT by function.
Let's me sort a list of names by some other column.
It's kind of a weird offshoot of the SORT function.
So, those three, those three are just awesome, awesome function.
John: Now, you don't have to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter, that's, that's old news.
Bill: Yeah, right. Ctrl+Shift+Enter is dead, Ctrl+Shift+Enter is dead in it.
By the way, for those of you that watch videos on YouTube [ McGee ]. I'm sure you've seen Mike Grivin.
You know, the Excel is one channel and Mike has an awesome book that I have here on my bookshelf called "Ctrl+ Shift+Enter", 350 pages of impossible formulas, just insane formulas that will let you extract all unique values from a list or extract unique values that match something and I, I love Mike and I love Mike's book and that book is dog-eared and I use it all the time.
I called Mike the day that I got these I said, "Mike I love your book, but this 20 page chapter is going to be, now going to be three sentences", right.
This has become so much easier and we laughed, we said instead of calling the book, Ctrl+Shift+Enter, the new, new titles just going to, have to be, Enter because you don't have to press Ctrl and Shift anymore.
We're talking about UNIQUE, can we just take it, can we take a detour, an unplanned detour.
This will be a five-minute detour, I need you to grab a pen and everyone listening, I need you to grab a pen and just a sheet of scratch paper and I need you to write down five words for me.
All right!
John: yeah.
Bill: Okay, okay this is great.
So, here's the words. It's Apple, apple like, the fruit right.
and then the second word is Apple, the third word is Banana.
John: Yeah.
Bill: The fourth word is Cherry and the fifth word is Cherry.
Okay. So, we have apple, apple, banana, cherry, cherry and I am going to ask you a question that seems completely obvious to me and that question is, "What is the unique list of products in those five cells?" So, we have apple, apple, banana, cherry, cherry.
When someone asked me, "What the unique list of products is in those five cells?" The only answer that I ever would consider is, apple, banana, cherry John: Me too.
Bill: Yeah, Right.
To me in English, sitting there as a Financial Analyst, I need a unique list of products, it's apple, banana, cherry but, you know, I was frustrated with the conditional formatting in Excel because we go to Home, Conditional Formatting, mark cells and ask for the Duplicate Values.
They have some other weird algorithm, it doesn't match what I think, it is the unique list and occasionally and I've done this the last three times, I had 50 people in the room.
I said, "What's the unique list of products, an apple, banana cherry? Does anyone disagree with me?" And there'll be two people like, maybe four percent who raised their hands.
They said, "Now, you have the unique list of products from that list, is banana." and I'm like, like and they're like, that's the only product that appears once, that's the only thing that's unique in that list, I'm like who would ever care about that.
All right.
It's just frustrating to me but the people who see that as banana as being the unique, they say that what I'm calling is unique, apple, banana, cherry is a distinct list and that database people they have a difference term between distinct and unique.
So the great news, there's this vast argument over what is UNIQUE, is that this new UNIQUE function in Excel, has a third argument, that says, "We're going to give you Bill's way which is apple, banana, cherry or give you the wrong way which is just banana." Now, the Tooltip doesn't actually say Bill's way in the wrong way but that's the way it is, right, it's the way that any normal person would think and then the database people.
So, the great news is that Joe understood this, this divide, he called the function UNIQUE but it will actually either give you distinct or unique, depending on your definition.
So, I just kudos to Joe, Joe McDade and his team for understanding.
If there is this difference, 96% of the world understands, what UNIQUE is and then these four percent who don't get it and have this other weird definition of unique.
Well, he can make them happy as well.
John: Love it, love it, all right. So, go there Dynamic Arrays, Sort so by Filter, UNIQUE, it's going to change the way you create dashboards and you've also got here, Dynamic Arrays in the equals a three, pack...
Bill: Hashtag John: Hashtag, sorry, hash.
Bill: Yeah, so here in the United States we call that a number sign John: Yeah Bill: Or a pound sign but when I was in England and I called it a pound sign, they looked at me, like I was nuts because their pound sign is their currency symbol which is the funny-looking L kind of thing and they call it a Hash, it's that thing, that they...
John: it's a Twitter, it's a Twitter hashtag, isn't that?
Bill: Thank you, a Twitter hash tag, yeah.
All right, we have the ability to say like =A2 and we have the ability to say =$, a $ sign to the absolute reference or a mixed reference with $A2 or $A or A$2 but now, there's a brand new thing which is =A2# A2# says, don't just give me the value in A, give me the value in A and all of the spilled results.
So for example, if I would ask for =SUM(A2#), it's going to give me, the sum of all of the results from the UNIQUE or the FILTER or the SORT function.
So, this brand new nomenclature and it's funny, Joe McDade doesn't have a word for this and we're trying to figure out, you know, what's the best word for that nomenclature is and the funniest one, I have is, Ingeborg Hover horse, who's down in New Zealand.
She started calling it, the Spiller, you know, the Spiller the, so the Spiller reference so well, a lot of others have been suggested, I in my head, I always think of it as the Spiller.
So, =A2#, brand new nomenclature to return all the results that the Dynamic Array formula A2, is giving us.
John: So a lot of new features, there for you guys to check out.
Just give it a go, give it a go and then once you get used to it, you won't go back, you will not go back to the other formulas or to Ctrl+Shift+Enter, because this is going to make your life that much easier.
All right, the final, the final topic we are going to cover is, why SEQUENCE is more important than SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE.
Bill: Okay. So, let's go to cell, cell A1 and type =Sequence [ 10 ], press enter and BAM, it gives you the numbers 1 through 10.
All right, I looked at that and said, well that, that is so weak, Right, this is for someone who doesn't know typing the number 1 and grab the control handle when you drag it down to get the numbers 1 through 10.
It's like this compared to, how cool SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE are, SEQUENCE seems completely lame that, it'll do.
Now, that's just the first segment.
So, 10 is the number of rows so if I would ask for 10, 5.
It'll give me 10 rows 5 columns of number so, in the first row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 next row 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
All right, so I can generate a range of sequential numbers, still seems like just, you know, nothing nothing, exciting and then the next thing, I can do is say, what number I want to start at.
So, I want to start at 10 and I want to jump by 7.
So, 10 rows 5 columns, start at 10 jump by 7, gives me 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52, 59, right, it's just like this is weird, why would we ever need this.
It's certainly not, as exciting as the new functions of SORT and FILTER and UNIQUE and that was my initial reaction so, the video I did on this, it was at the end of the week, you know, it's just like, yeah okay, here's this other thing, I don't think anyone ever uses.
But then, I started to work on a book, all about these Dynamic Arrays and in the book, I really try to think of other uses, other than just SORT, FILTER and UNIQUE and one of the things that I do frequently is, you know, if you're buying a car or buying a house we typically get a loan or mortgage on that car, house and in Excel, you can build an Amortization table.
If you're trying to figure out, each month how much principle and how much interest you're paying and there's some great functions there, that, you know, I only use, once every five years that will let you calculate the interest per period, for the loan.
So, if I need to figure out how much interest I'm going to pay this year so, I can put that in into my taxes.
I can ask for the interest for period five, period six, period seven, period eight, period nine and we have this Excel trickster thing, if ever we ask for, if I need period 5, ask for the row of A5 because when I copy that down, it'll change to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12 and so on, all right.
So, it's one of those weird Excel tricks for things that only pops out once every five years, when I buy a new house or a new car or something like that.
But then, I realized, well wait a second, what if I ask the SEQUENCE function to give me twelve numbers from five, on up.
All right, so I'll get from 5 to, 5 to 16 in the SEQUENCE function.
Then, goes into the I payment function in the, I Paymentfunction [ IPMT ].
In the I Payment function, there's a point where you say, which period do you want and you say, "I don't want the fifth period, I want the fifth through sixteenth periods, using the SEQUENCE function." and that sequence in that argument, inside of I Payment, to calculate the interest portion of the payment that makes I Payment, all of a sudden, into an Array function and I said, "Oh wait, this is, this is super powerful." because now, SEQUENCE is turning this other function, that's not normally an Array function, into an array function and once I had that realization and actually when I pressed enter, I was a little annoyed because it's spilled.
It gave me 12 results like, "No no no no no I don't want 12 results, I want just one answer of, how much am I paying in those 12 periods." So, I wrapped it in the SUM function and you would think, you'd have to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter but Ctrl+Shift+Enter is dead.
The SEQUENCE function turn the I Payment function, into an Array function and that's when I had the realization that the SEQUENCE function is the key to this whole thing, the SEQUENCE function turns every Excel function into an Array function.
Functions that you would never think would be Array functions.
I have this joke, I make a joke at the beginning of every one of my seminars, of the most ridiculous Excel function in the world and the joke is, if you have bad financial news, I go over to the content of, I show a financial, say with really bad numbers and then I use the ROMAN function The ROMAN function converts those numbers to ROMAN numerals like, from 2,000 years ago.
All right, and then I hide the original number, I just put this on to see if those desk and run, right, they'll never figure out, you'll be down the hall before they figure out, what's going on.
ROMAN is ridiculous and who can use the ROMAN function.
No one is using Roman numerals anymore, except for, you know, here our big football, American football game is...
John: Yeah.
Bill: is Roman numerals.
Okay. So, I sent a note back to Joe McDade with a screenshot.
I said, Joe I've just created the world's least useful Array function." I did =ROMAN and then inside a ROMAN, I put the SEQUENCE function, it was able to generate all the minerals from 1 to 100, yeah.
So, even SEQUENCE turn a ridiculous function like ROMAN into an Array function.
SEQUENCE is that, is the magic that turns every function, into an Array function.
It's super, super powerful. So, I initially dismissed it as this is a party trick for someone who doesn't know, how to hold down the Ctrl key, when we drag the fill handle.
It's the Excel trickster way to make every single formula into an Array formula John: And this may be advanced with people but it's like, the secrets could be like, the rank between pretty much, people can just use that through SEQUENCE and then put in your parameters and it can give you rows of and columns of numbers, just with a, just with one formula, right.
Bill: I'm glad you mentioned that, they actually do. there is another function called "RAND Array" So, we've always had RAND in between.
RAND Array is like Rand but it gives us a, you know, 10 rows by 5 columns.
So, if you're doing Monte Carlo analysis or something like that, there's another video series out there, called Excel Hash, where it was a competition that ASDA, Slay and Middle Tracy and Leila and, and Mike and John Ian Kapoor and I competed head-to-head against each other and my model that I built for that was horrible. I finished fifth out of sixth, you know, almost in last place.
It was this terrible, 20 minute, thing about, whether or not the earth is going to be destroyed by this Asteroid in 2196 and who cares, we'll all be dead by that but the model, there was just a thing to behold with two hundred thousand calculations, happening at each press of F9.
John: Wow Bill: I took this to those 200,000 cells and I replaced it with a single formula, one formula that these new Array formulas, using RAND array, doing a VLOOKUP into the RAND array.
And here's the amazing thing that, when it was in 200,000 cells that workbook was huge.
It was six megabytes of data, when I made it to be in one cell, doing all the same calculations in one cell, it was 32k.
32k, so I went from 6 megabytes to 32 K, using, yeah, this RAND array that returned a 100,000 results and it did a hundred thousand VLOOKUPS.
So, I mean, it's just, it's, it's really exciting stuff, really really exciting and you know, right now, 1% of the people, the people on Insiders have it.
Wait, till this gets out to the the whole world, everyone who has Office 365, will have this and people a lot smarter than me, will be out there just doing amazing things, that we've never even thought of with these Dynamic Arrays.
It's the one, that's really going to change everything.
John: Nice, when and when it's just going to be released because we're in, you know, October 2018, when this will be available to the people out there, you know, Office 365?
Bill: Yes, so if you're in Office 365 and if you're on the Insider Channel, the risky channel, you now have it, as of yesterday October 24th, everyone who's on the Insider Channel, has it.
Now, they're being really slow about this because they're worried, they're really worried that this is going to break some add-ins, some add-ins that have been out there for a long time, might have been taking advantage of something called "Implicit Intersection", without realizing they were taking advantage of it and it might break the add-ins and in fact, I had one of my friends who's an MVP.
I had one of his add-ins break and he's like, "Well wait a second, I wasn't using Implicit Intersection." but he was, he didn't realize he was using it but he was taking advantage of it and that's great because this guy is engaged and he's alive and he realizes it and he fixed his addin. What we're worried about is, the add-in that was created five, six, seven, eight years ago and that person who created an add-in, is no longer interested in Excel.
They've moved on there, you know, doing something else and, but people are relying on that add-in, and so they're going really slow to see if it breaks any add-ins and if they can track down the person, created the add-in and have the add-in or they fix their code.
So, if you're on the Monthly Channel, I don't know this officially but I'm really going to bet that it'll be early 2019, before you get it and if you're on the Semi- Annual Channel. I really bet, it's going to be July of 2019 before, you get it because they're just being super cautious with this, making sure that it doesn't cause any problems.
You go to a calculation engine that's been there for 30 years and start to make changes to 30 year old code that I appreciate the fact, that they're being super cautious with this.
John: So, when it comes out and people are using it and it's going to change the world.
John: It's going to make them faster, quicker, not just these formulas but you know, what will we talk about today; the Geography and Stock Data Types, Artificial Intelligence, it's just going to make people's jobs that much better.
They're going to be quicker, they're going to have more answers, that they can give to the boss and help the business.
So, Kudos to Microsoft and the Excel team there for bringing these new features out.
Guy 3: Before you go, you have free ebook for our listeners, what have you got for us?
Bill: Yeah, that's right. So, the data that they announced, these are Dynamic Arrays at the ignite conference in Orlando, Florida.
I started furiously writing and the next day early, the next day about 2:00 in the morning, I released a 60 page ebook, that I put out there.
I actually released the e-book even before it had gone to the copy editor, right.
So, there's a version out there that was very, very rough and then, you know, send it to our editors and had everything updated and so, I decided that this stuff is so important.
It wouldn't be right for me to sell this book.
So, for right now, at least through the end of this year, through the end of this year, I'm making the e-book available for free, so it's a 60 page ebook, you can download the PDF, it has 30 different examples of how to, how to use these formulas, how to use the Spiller, Array and things to, you know, just to watch out for and things you maybe, I've never thought about so that's called "Excel Dynamic Arrays" straight to the point and you can put a link right in the show notes or something like that, so people go download that book.
John: I will do and I'll put a link there, you can also check out Bill Jelen's website in MrExcel dot com and you can also find it, this is still available, until the end of this year 2018.
So, you only have a couple of months and also you have a new book which is coming out "Excel 2019", just quickly talk about that.
Bill: Yeah, this is exciting right so, I've written a lot of books, right, this is my fifty-fifth book but this is the first book that I'm associated with, where the publisher on the cover is Microsoft Press.
This is like being caught up to the, the Premier Leaks, right, I've finally, I've been in the Minor Leaks for so long, I'm finally, you know, writing for the mothership for Microsoft press so, I'm really excited about this book.
It's called "Microsoft Excel 2019", inside out, comes out.
So, I think November 11, 2018 it's available big thick book.
I guess, this is the book that competes with the Excel 2019 Bible and you know, it's, it's one of those, those top three books about Excel 2019 and hey, I got to be completely honest with you.
The title says, Microsoft Excel 2019 but the opening line of that book is, you should not be buying Excel 2019 and I'm going to assume that if you're reading this book that you're probably using Office 365.
So, I covered not just the features in Excel 2019 but those important new features like, Dynamic Arrays and the Geography Data Types and the Stock Data Types insights, and to be honest and see, when my friends and competitors come out with their version of Excel 2019, if they're just covering Excel 2019 which means it's an obsolete product, if they're covering the new stuff, I felt it was definitely right to cover the new stuff so, even though the title in the front says Excel 2019, it definitely has all the Office 365 features as well.
John: Fantastic. Thanks to that and I'll put the links in the show notes for everyone, to get a hold of that book.
Now, before we go, where do you see Excel in the next couple years because you're involved.
Bill: Well yeah, how could so, you know, we didn't talk today, about Power Query at all.
Power Query is the game changer, the Power Query is the amazing thing.
Lets you clean data and load data and Power Query, it's interesting because it's in Excel but it's also in Power BI and Power BI is the leader there.
So you see, features show up in Power BI, a couple of months before they show up in Excel.
So, I have already seen some of the great new changes that happen in Power Query and Power BI and I know those are, will come to Excel, you know, by the end of the year, maybe the beginning of the year, some beautiful additions that Power Query, I'm looking forward to that.
Joe McDade and the formulas team, now that they've done all this work for Dynamic Arrays.
They say that they can probably start producing functions, you know, every month, every quarter. So, a lot of new calculation functions, will be coming out.
Now, that they've finished this work on Dynamic Arrays, you know, they've kind of rewritten the architecture and so, we'll see a lot more functions come out and then, those Data Types, right now, it's a Geography in stock.
Imagine, if you could define your own Data Types so you're, you know, you're in some industry and your company has other measures, you could define your own data dictionaries for that, I would love to see the data types expand that's just some of the things and who knows what other, other great things they have, kind of that, they're working on, they're behind the scenes but I'm sure, I'm sure, if you have an Office 365, you'll be getting plenty of new features as we go along.
John: We all may. Thank you very much for, you know, for being part of the show.
I know, three years ago, you were in Episode number four, but I'm not going to wait three years to get you back again.
Bill: All right. Hats off.
John: Best of luck with the book and everything you do.
YouTube channel there, I want to put the links in the show notes, there.
Good luck and listen to you, back sooner.
Bill: All right, sounds great thanks, John.
John: Hey, thank you for listening to this awesome podcast show, I hope you've got a lot of information.
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