Option Explicit
'-- Name of sheet containing tables --
'-- it is assumed that the data is contiguous, starting in row 2 --
Const msTableSheet As String = "Table"
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iPtr As Integer, iIndexPtr As Integer, iRandomPtr As Integer, iTableEntriesCount As Integer
Dim iLoopPtr As Integer
Dim lOutputPtr As Long
Dim sInputText As String, sCurChar As String, sRandomText As String
Dim vaTables() As Variant
'-- Exit if cell A1 not changed --
If Target.Address <> "$A$1" Then Exit Sub
'-- Get input text string --
sInputText = Trim$(CStr(Target.Value))
'-- Process if not blank --
If sInputText <> "" Then
'-- Empty output column from A2 onwards --
Intersect(Range("A2:A" & Rows.Count), Columns("A")).ClearContents
AssembleLookupTable vaTables
lOutputPtr = 1
For iPtr = 1 To Len(sInputText)
sCurChar = UCase$(Mid$(sInputText, iPtr, 1))
'-- Process if current character is alphabetic --
If iIndexPtr <> 0 Then
iTableEntriesCount = Val(vaTables(iIndexPtr, 1))
If iTableEntriesCount > 0 Then
iRandomPtr = Int((iTableEntriesCount * Rnd) + 1)
sRandomText = vaTables(iIndexPtr, iRandomPtr + 1)
vaTables(iIndexPtr, iRandomPtr + 1) = ""
If sRandomText = "" Then
iLoopPtr = iRandomPtr + 1
If iLoopPtr > iTableEntriesCount Then iLoopPtr = 1
Do While iLoopPtr <> iRandomPtr
sRandomText = vaTables(iIndexPtr, iLoopPtr + 1)
If sRandomText <> "" Then
vaTables(iIndexPtr, iLoopPtr + 1) = ""
Exit Do
End If
iLoopPtr = iLoopPtr + 1
If iLoopPtr > iTableEntriesCount Then iLoopPtr = 1
End If
If sRandomText <> "" Then
'-- Output text to cell A2 onwards --
lOutputPtr = lOutputPtr + 1
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error Resume Next
Cells(lOutputPtr, 1).Value = sRandomText
On Error GoTo 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End If
End If
Next iPtr
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AssembleLookupTable(ByRef Table() As Variant)
Dim iTablePtr As Integer, iCurCount As Integer, iCurPtr As Integer
Dim lRowEnd As Long, lRow As Long
Dim sCurIndex As String
Dim vaInput As Variant
Dim wsTable As Worksheet
Set wsTable = Sheets(msTableSheet)
lRowEnd = wsTable.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'-- Read data into arrray --
vaInput = wsTable.Range("A1:C" & lRowEnd).Value
'-- Initialise lookup table --
ReDim Table(1 To 26, 1 To 1)
For lRow = 2 To UBound(vaInput, 1)
'-- Get next Letter index & convert to a pointer between 1 & 26 --
sCurIndex = UCase$(Left$(CStr(vaInput(lRow, 1)) & " ", 1))
If iTablePtr <> 0 Then
'-- Populate table array with element 1 = count of entries, elements 2 onwards = verses --
iCurCount = Val(Table(iTablePtr, 1)) + 1
iCurPtr = iCurCount + 1
If iCurPtr > UBound(Table, 2) Then ReDim Preserve Table(1 To 26, 1 To iCurPtr)
Table(iTablePtr, 1) = iCurCount
Table(iTablePtr, iCurPtr) = CStr(vaInput(lRow, 2))
End If
Next lRow
End Sub