Hello! I'm stuck with this for several weeks and that's why I'm asking for your help.
This code interacts with a third party application, sending values and printing documents from it.
It works fantastic, only for the small detail that with the passing of the iterations the cpu fan starts to make noise. Surely I am applying a bad practice in some line of the code.
p/d: Sorry for my english
This code interacts with a third party application, sending values and printing documents from it.
It works fantastic, only for the small detail that with the passing of the iterations the cpu fan starts to make noise. Surely I am applying a bad practice in some line of the code.
p/d: Sorry for my english
For Each vCelda In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OP_Print").Range("op_print[Nº DOC.]").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
vSoc = Cells(vCelda.Row, Range("op_print[SOC]").Column)
vOPNUM = vCelda
vAÑO = Format(vCelda.Offset(0, 1), "yyyy")
vTre = "-" & UCase(Cells(vCelda.Row, Range("op_print[TRE]").Column))
vFilename = UCase(vFullPath & "\" & vSoc & "-" & vOPNUM & "-" & vAÑO & vTre)
If (FSO.FileExists(vFullPath & "\" & vSoc & "-" & vOPNUM & "-" & vAÑO & vTre & ".pdf") = False) Or (FSO.FileExists(vFullPath & "\" & vSoc & "-" & vOPNUM & "-" & vAÑO & vTre & "-RET.pdf") = False) Then
'Espera a que esté activa la ZFI0050
If EsperaW(wHandle) = False Then Stop
'Limpia ZFI0050
SK "^/"
SK "/nZFI0050"
Sleep 1000
'Rellena ZFI0050
SK vSoc & "{DOWN}"
'retenciones (vret)
If vRet = "SOLO OP" Then
SK "^({TAB 2}) "
ElseIf vRet = "SOLO RET" Then
SK "^({TAB 2}){TAB} "
ElseIf vRet = "AMBAS" Then
SK "^({TAB 2}) {TAB} "
End If
'Ejecuta ZFI0050
SK "{f8}"
'Solo ret
If vRet = "SOLO RET" Then
EsperaW sCaption:="Vista de impresión para Local", vClass:="SAP_FRONTEND_SESSION", iSleep:=250
SK "^(p)"
End If
'Ventana interna impresión de SAP
If vRet = "SOLO OP" Or vRet = "AMBAS" Then
vSubWinButPrint = sButSapAceptar
SendMessage vSubWinButPrint, BM_CLICK, 0, 0
End If
'Cuadro impresión de Windows
vTimer = Timer
If FindWindow(vbNullString, "Imprimir") > 0 Then
v1 = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Imprimir")
If EsperaW(wHandle:=v1) Then Exit Do
End If
If Timer > vTimer + 10 Then Stop
Sleep 250
SK "{enter}"
'Cuadro Guardar Impresión Como
If EsperaW(sCaption:="Guardar impresión como", vClass:="#32770", iSleep:=250) = False Then Stop
'Envía valores nombre archivo op
If vRet = "SOLO OP" Or vRet = "AMBAS" Then
SK vFilename & "{ENTER}"
ElseIf vRet = "SOLO RET" Then
SK vFilename & "-RET" & "{ENTER}"
End If
'Retenciones (sólo para AMBAS)
If vRet = "AMBAS" Then
EsperaW wHandle:=wHandle, iSleep:=250
SK "^(p)"
Sleep 10
'Cuadro impresión de Windows
vTimer = Timer
If FindWindow(vbNullString, "Imprimir") > 0 Then
v1 = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Imprimir")
If v1 = GetForegroundWindow() Then Exit Do
End If
If Timer > vTimer + 10 Then Stop
Sleep 500
SK "{enter}"
'Cuadro Guardar Impresión Como
If EsperaW(sCaption:="Guardar impresión como", vClass:="#32770") = False Then Stop
Sleep 10
'Envía valores nombre archivo
WSCRIPT.SendKeys vFilename & "-RET" & "{ENTER}", True
End If
'Pinta la celda
vCelda.Interior.Color = vbGreen
End If
Next vCelda
Function EsperaW(Optional ByVal wHandle As Long, Optional ByVal sCaption As String, Optional ByVal vClass As String, Optional vEspera As Double, Optional ByVal iSleep As Long) As Boolean
Dim vTimer As Double
EsperaW = False
If vEspera = 0 Then vEspera = 15
If wHandle = 0 Then
vTimer = Timer
wHandle = GetHandleFromPartialCaption_long(0, sCaption, vClass)
If wHandle > 0 Then Exit Do
If Timer > vTimer + vEspera Then Exit Function
End If
'Espera ventana activa
vTimer = Timer
If GetForegroundWindow = wHandle Then
EsperaW = True
Exit Do
End If
If Timer > vTimer + vEspera Then Exit Function
If iSleep > 0 Then
Sleep iSleep
Sleep 250
End If
End Function