I would like to average the unique values in B1:Z1 if they are >-.5 and <.5 and <>0. Is there a formula that would do this?
Thanks in advance
Sorry about not including a sample. Here are some numbers:
-.1, .2, 0, .4, .4, -.6... with an expected average of the unique values (-.1+.2+.4)/3=.167
Thanks again
I tried it and I get an average of -.025. I'm wondering where the conditions of >-.5, <.5, and <>0 are in your formula.
Here's the abbreviated formula in A1 with those -.1, .2, 0, .4, .4, -.6 in B1 thru G1
Am I doing something wrong?
=AVERAGE(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(ISNUMBER(1/B1:Z1),IF(B1:Z1 > -0.5,IF(B1:Z1 < 0.5,MATCH(B1:Z1,B1:Z1,0)))),
It works perfectly. Thank you so very much.