I have this script and is only working if I do debug (Alt+f8), but if i run the report it is not doing the doevent part, no error at all.
Any help as what is wrong.
Ref the screen shot for time to auto trigger, or to do Doevent for the condition match's scheduledTimes = timeValue(now)
Any help as what is wrong.
Ref the screen shot for time to auto trigger, or to do Doevent for the condition match's scheduledTimes = timeValue(now)
VBA Code:
Sub RunFileAtScheduledTime()
Dim filePath As String
Dim scheduledTimes(1 To 3) As Date ' Array to store scheduled times
Dim otherWorkbook As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
' Set the path to the other workbook
filePath = "C:\Viral Shah\Automation\Hourly Pending Tickets\Hourly Pending Tickets V2.xlsm"
' Read the scheduled times from cells C3, D3, and E3 of the "RunReportTime" sheet
scheduledTimes(1) = Sheets("RunReportTime").Range("C3").value
scheduledTimes(2) = Sheets("RunReportTime").Range("D3").value
scheduledTimes(3) = Sheets("RunReportTime").Range("E3").value
' Loop indefinitely
' Loop through scheduled times
i = 1 ' Initialize i to start from the first scheduled time
Do While i <= 3
' Check if the current scheduled time has passed
If scheduledTimes(i) < timeValue(Now) Then
' Move to the next scheduled time if the current one has passed
i = i + 1
' Wait until current scheduled time matches the current time
Do Until scheduledTimes(i) = timeValue(Now)
' Open the other workbook
Set otherWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(filePath)
' Call the allrun subroutine from the other workbook
Application.Run "'" & otherWorkbook.Name & "'!allrun"
' Close the other workbook
otherWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
' Exit the loop to start over the outer loop
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
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