I am trying to do some basic VBA in my spreadheet, I just want to create an auto-open statement that inputs then next sequential number in column A1 every time the s/s is opened i.e.1,2,3,4 .....
I am using excel 2007 and my knowledge is very limited. I used a code already posted previously by Shane (which is not exactly want I want):
Range("A1") = Format(Range("A65536"), "YYYYMMDD") & Right(Range("A1"), 3) + 1
End Sub
(the first time you open the file you would need to add the first entry
But this does not work and I get a compile error when run thru debugger.
Any suggestions for this seemingly simple piece of code!!
I am trying to do some basic VBA in my spreadheet, I just want to create an auto-open statement that inputs then next sequential number in column A1 every time the s/s is opened i.e.1,2,3,4 .....
I am using excel 2007 and my knowledge is very limited. I used a code already posted previously by Shane (which is not exactly want I want):
Range("A1") = Format(Range("A65536"), "YYYYMMDD") & Right(Range("A1"), 3) + 1
End Sub
(the first time you open the file you would need to add the first entry
But this does not work and I get a compile error when run thru debugger.
Any suggestions for this seemingly simple piece of code!!