Hello David, I'm sure you pretty much figured it out by now, however, automating SAP for basic functions is actually very easy. Just log in normally, and there's a little icon that looks like a TV with a green / red / blue line... If you click on it, there's a bunch of options, one of which is called: "Script recording and playback..."
If you click on that you'll see a pop up with a play, a record and a stop button. There's also a more (or less) button. If you expand that section you can select where you want your script to be recorded. Just select the area and hit record, once you are done click the stop button. Copy the whole path and open it on a notepad. You can select that thing and past it on your VBA script. The start should look something like this:
session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/NFS10N"
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
This is basically saying SAP logged in transaction FS10N. Please note the /N is not mandatory, however for dummy proof purposes I include it in every single one of my macros.
Make sure you're doing all the steps slowly so no mistakes happen, and SAP will do the rest for you. Let me know if you have any questions. I practically automate SAP ECC (and previously FP9) reports for a living
HOpe this helps