Good Morning,
What I am looking to do might not even be possible, but I am hoping that it is, even if I have to try and figure out Access to make it work.
I work for a construction company, and the way we add jobs to our server is:
Job number - Job address - Job name
example 1500 - 123 test lane - Lots of work
When we make a new folder, we start in a folder called "Bid" following that same naming structure, and if we are awarded the job, it gets moved (removed completely from bid) into a folder called "Active" until its completed, in which it is moved into a folder called "Archive".
I have a button ( that I put together from frankenstein code) That takes the folder that I select, and puts the job number, job address, and job name into a table ( the macro separates it by - ). And then I drag that into a big list of all of our jobs, and I mark the status of the job ( active, bid, or archive). And then delete duplicates.
What I am hoping for, is some sort of VBA code that can automatically add the job to the table, whenever a new folder is created.
Ideally the code would automatically:
1) Look at the bid folders, the active folder, and the archive folders.
2) Look at the job number, and the job status (job status is active, bid, or archived) on the current table
3) If that job number is on the table, and it is in the correct folder (active, bid or archived) , do nothing
4) If that job number is NOT on the list, add it to the table (separating Job number, address, and job name) and then changing its status to which ever folder it is currently in.
5) If that job number is on the list, but has the wrong status, change the status. (This would happen if we moved a job from bid to active, or from active to archive)
Again, I dont even know if this is possible, but I would like it too be.
The purpose of this is to eventually have all of our project trackers (different excel workbooks) and active jobs list refer back to this one master list. I would eventually like to assign customer names and emails to projects as well, so we have a running list of everything.
I have never used microsoft access, but if you think that it makes more sense to do it in there, I would be up to learning and figuring it out. (Other programs work as well if you recommend them, we as a company just all use mircosoft products.)
Any help or insight you have would be appreciated, Even if you tell me its impossible (so I can stop looking and trying to figure this out).
Thank you for your help! Have a great day!
What I am looking to do might not even be possible, but I am hoping that it is, even if I have to try and figure out Access to make it work.
I work for a construction company, and the way we add jobs to our server is:
Job number - Job address - Job name
example 1500 - 123 test lane - Lots of work
When we make a new folder, we start in a folder called "Bid" following that same naming structure, and if we are awarded the job, it gets moved (removed completely from bid) into a folder called "Active" until its completed, in which it is moved into a folder called "Archive".
I have a button ( that I put together from frankenstein code) That takes the folder that I select, and puts the job number, job address, and job name into a table ( the macro separates it by - ). And then I drag that into a big list of all of our jobs, and I mark the status of the job ( active, bid, or archive). And then delete duplicates.
What I am hoping for, is some sort of VBA code that can automatically add the job to the table, whenever a new folder is created.
Ideally the code would automatically:
1) Look at the bid folders, the active folder, and the archive folders.
2) Look at the job number, and the job status (job status is active, bid, or archived) on the current table
3) If that job number is on the table, and it is in the correct folder (active, bid or archived) , do nothing
4) If that job number is NOT on the list, add it to the table (separating Job number, address, and job name) and then changing its status to which ever folder it is currently in.
5) If that job number is on the list, but has the wrong status, change the status. (This would happen if we moved a job from bid to active, or from active to archive)
Again, I dont even know if this is possible, but I would like it too be.
The purpose of this is to eventually have all of our project trackers (different excel workbooks) and active jobs list refer back to this one master list. I would eventually like to assign customer names and emails to projects as well, so we have a running list of everything.
I have never used microsoft access, but if you think that it makes more sense to do it in there, I would be up to learning and figuring it out. (Other programs work as well if you recommend them, we as a company just all use mircosoft products.)
Any help or insight you have would be appreciated, Even if you tell me its impossible (so I can stop looking and trying to figure this out).
Thank you for your help! Have a great day!