I have a workbook which includes a master list of needed bike repairs. It's intended to be "evergreen", with no more than about 20 pending repairs in the queue at any given time. So, as repairs are completed, the Repair # (or row) can be "recycled", and used for a new/ incoming repair.
I also don't expect the vendors (MGF's) will change frequently.
Following the master list worksheet, are approximately 20 numbered worksheet tabs (printable "fax sheets", which coincide with the row numbers, to send various vendors part orders) each of which has cells linked to appropriate rows/cells, on the master, from which to draw their information such that it need not be re-entered on the tab.
On the master, I've created a drop drop menu in the "MFG" (Manufacturer's/Vendor's) cell, from which to select the vendor name in a "MFG list" I've situated in the unprintable area off to the right side.
In the MFG list, I've included other MFG information, such as Fax & Phone numbers, along with what bikes they make.
My desire (if it's possible) is trying to come up with some syntax that, once the Vendor (MFG) is selected from the drop down, the fax & phone numbers would automatically populate (or "drag along" with the MFG selection) in the appropriate cells on the master. Note: I know I could create drop down downs, for those as well, but it's not "intuitive"...unless one already has the fax & phone numbers memorized, for each MFG, one would still have to look to the list in order match a number to a MFG name and type/copy it into the correct cell.
I don't have the vendors in any other database (e.g. - Outlook) from which to try a "LOOKUP" function (as far as I understand it), for example, and need to do this all within the "self-sustaining" workbook. I thought I might be able to accomplish it by means of an "IF" function, but failed after a couple of attempts. I just kept getting errors.
If you have any suggestions, I'd value your input. If it's generally "possible" (and the same syntax would work), I might add a MFG list column(s) - with "Models" - and instead "drive" the MFG selection, fax & phone entries, from the "Model" selection made, since I typically know the Model (when creating / updating the master) and have to select the "MFG" from there.
Thanks in advance!
I can email the file to you on request.
I've also uploaded it to my DropBox (LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0xmoxmwtlbsc7q/WalMart - Bike Repair Worksheets.xls?dl=0) for your convenience.
Sorry, I couldn't get the HTML add-in to work!
Best regards,
I also don't expect the vendors (MGF's) will change frequently.
Following the master list worksheet, are approximately 20 numbered worksheet tabs (printable "fax sheets", which coincide with the row numbers, to send various vendors part orders) each of which has cells linked to appropriate rows/cells, on the master, from which to draw their information such that it need not be re-entered on the tab.
On the master, I've created a drop drop menu in the "MFG" (Manufacturer's/Vendor's) cell, from which to select the vendor name in a "MFG list" I've situated in the unprintable area off to the right side.
In the MFG list, I've included other MFG information, such as Fax & Phone numbers, along with what bikes they make.
My desire (if it's possible) is trying to come up with some syntax that, once the Vendor (MFG) is selected from the drop down, the fax & phone numbers would automatically populate (or "drag along" with the MFG selection) in the appropriate cells on the master. Note: I know I could create drop down downs, for those as well, but it's not "intuitive"...unless one already has the fax & phone numbers memorized, for each MFG, one would still have to look to the list in order match a number to a MFG name and type/copy it into the correct cell.
I don't have the vendors in any other database (e.g. - Outlook) from which to try a "LOOKUP" function (as far as I understand it), for example, and need to do this all within the "self-sustaining" workbook. I thought I might be able to accomplish it by means of an "IF" function, but failed after a couple of attempts. I just kept getting errors.
If you have any suggestions, I'd value your input. If it's generally "possible" (and the same syntax would work), I might add a MFG list column(s) - with "Models" - and instead "drive" the MFG selection, fax & phone entries, from the "Model" selection made, since I typically know the Model (when creating / updating the master) and have to select the "MFG" from there.
Thanks in advance!
I can email the file to you on request.
I've also uploaded it to my DropBox (LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0xmoxmwtlbsc7q/WalMart - Bike Repair Worksheets.xls?dl=0) for your convenience.
Sorry, I couldn't get the HTML add-in to work!
Best regards,
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