I am trying to write a VBA code that autofilters , copy and pastes to a new sheet. The names of the sheet will be soft medium hard where those values are found in column B. The problem is the cell that labels it as soft medium or hard has a bunch of filler characters before the designation. For example cell B2 may be 15488621-hard. Therefore I need to search each cell for its designation and copy the whole row to the proper sheet. I tried using the record macro for filter but it only allowed 2 criteria instead of 3. An additional problem that the spreadsheets I am working with contain 20,000+ cells so it needs to be relatively efficient at sorting. The number of rows in a given spreadsheet varies as well so I am not able to set a specific range. At this point I would assume it would be quicker to create the soft, med, hard sheets prior to sorting and move the data accordingly but I am be wrong. Any suggestions?