Hi All,
My first post to the forum. Usually I find I am able to solve any problems I have by browsing historic posts and amending solutions to suit my needs however this one has me stumped.
I have a worksheet with four columns (A,B,C & D) which is tens of thousands of rows long and grows each day. New information is added to columns A, B and C each morning and D is updated at the end of the day. I am trying to fill column D using a formula entered in to the first blank cell in column D and autofilling down until level with the last cell containing data in column A/B/C (all will be the same). This is part of a larger macro formatting a report and trying to move information across. I can select the start cell and enter the formula but cannot get the autofill part to work.
I have tried several solutions but the code below is what I have at the moment;
Which gives the error "Run-time error '1004': AutoFill methodof range class failed."
As I said I've tried a number of things none of which worked and this is simply the most recent attempt. There may well be a completely different approach that works better.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,
My first post to the forum. Usually I find I am able to solve any problems I have by browsing historic posts and amending solutions to suit my needs however this one has me stumped.
I have a worksheet with four columns (A,B,C & D) which is tens of thousands of rows long and grows each day. New information is added to columns A, B and C each morning and D is updated at the end of the day. I am trying to fill column D using a formula entered in to the first blank cell in column D and autofilling down until level with the last cell containing data in column A/B/C (all will be the same). This is part of a larger macro formatting a report and trying to move information across. I can select the start cell and enter the formula but cannot get the autofill part to work.
I have tried several solutions but the code below is what I have at the moment;
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=(ActiveCell.Address & ":D" & LastRow)
Which gives the error "Run-time error '1004': AutoFill methodof range class failed."
As I said I've tried a number of things none of which worked and this is simply the most recent attempt. There may well be a completely different approach that works better.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,