I have 'Master' formulas in I1:Q1, all are formulas except col. O which has a static number that I wish to be copied down. The vba copies the 'master' formulas and pastes formulas into I9:Q9 to then populate to end of data based on data in col G.
Autofill is working well for the formulas but is filling the static number in incrementally e.g should be 6 on every row and is filling it as 6,7,8,9...). I have read that Filldown will stop this.
However, I am struggling to work out how to convert this vba code to Filldown. Also, if I am successful, will it still work with the formulas or will it just paste the same formula all the way down (e.g static formula =mid(A9,5,6) all the way down when I want the formula to move with the row = mid(A10,5,6), mid(A11,5,6) etc?
I have 'Master' formulas in I1:Q1, all are formulas except col. O which has a static number that I wish to be copied down. The vba copies the 'master' formulas and pastes formulas into I9:Q9 to then populate to end of data based on data in col G.
Autofill is working well for the formulas but is filling the static number in incrementally e.g should be 6 on every row and is filling it as 6,7,8,9...). I have read that Filldown will stop this.
However, I am struggling to work out how to convert this vba code to Filldown. Also, if I am successful, will it still work with the formulas or will it just paste the same formula all the way down (e.g static formula =mid(A9,5,6) all the way down when I want the formula to move with the row = mid(A10,5,6), mid(A11,5,6) etc?
"Sub Copy_Formula()'
' Copy_Formula Macro
Sheets("Deposit Accounting").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("I9:Q9" & Range("G" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row)
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
End Sub"