Option Explicit
Sub colorizer()
Dim sel As Range: Set sel = Selection
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer: i = 0: j = 0
Dim pos As Integer
Dim w1 As Boolean
Dim n As Integer
Dim cols() As String, wrds() As String
Dim colX() As String, wrdX() As String
Dim sRGB() As String
n = 3
ReDim cols(n): ReDim wrds(n)
wrds(0) = "SM": cols(0) = "0,112,192"
wrds(1) = "AW": cols(1) = "255,192,0"
wrds(2) = "TFS": cols(2) = "112,48,160"
wrds(3) = "GB": cols(3) = "0,176,80"
For Each cel In sel
On Error Resume Next
wrdX = Split(cel.Value2, " | ", -1, vbTextCompare)
cel.Value2 = ""
ReDim colX(UBound(wrdX))
For i = LBound(wrdX) To UBound(wrdX)
For j = LBound(wrds) To UBound(wrds)
If wrdX(i) = wrds(j) Then
colX(i) = cols(j)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
w1 = True
For i = LBound(wrdX) To UBound(wrdX)
If w1 = True Then
cel.Value2 = wrdX(i)
w1 = False
cel.Value2 = cel.Value2 & " | " & wrdX(i)
End If
Next i
w1 = True
For i = LBound(wrdX) To UBound(wrdX)
If w1 = True Then
sRGB = Split(colX(i), ",", -1, vbTextCompare)
cel.Characters(1, Len(wrdX(i))).Font.Color = RGB(CInt(sRGB(0)), CInt(sRGB(1)), CInt(sRGB(2)))
w1 = False
pos = Len(wrdX(i)) + 1
cel.Characters(pos, 3).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
pos = pos + 3
sRGB = Split(colX(i), ",", -1, vbTextCompare)
cel.Characters(pos, Len(wrdX(i))).Font.Color = RGB(CInt(sRGB(0)), CInt(sRGB(1)), CInt(sRGB(2)))
pos = pos + Len(wrdX(i))
End If
Next i
Next cel
End Sub