Here is an easy way of getting rid of hyperlinks that you have created via the Insert/Hyperlink menu.
Hover your cursor over the hyperlinked cell, then hit Ctrl-Z (i.e. hit the Ctrl key and the Z key together).
Do not try the above method with a web address, as Ctrl-Z deletes the entire web reference. To get rid of a hyperlinked web address, do this:
1. In a vacant cell, put 1 then Enter.
2. Click on the cell with the 1, then right click your mouse and select Copy.
2. Hover over the web address (the cursor should turn into a hand), right click your mouse and select Paste Special.
3. Click the radio button for Multiply
4. OK.
The web address will remain but it will not be hyperlinked.
This message was edited by Ekim on 2002-09-03 10:54