Apologies for the long post but I'm at work so can't download the HTML maker utilities.
I haven't actually implemented the logon yet, preferring to make the user log onto Essbase before they run the macro.
The only bit that I cant get to work is for the macro to regularly disconnect so as not to run over the 250 connected sessions.
Any thing you can spot to help out is appreciated.
' Copyright 1992-1999 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
' Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
' restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights
' in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013,
' or in the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at
' FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.
' Hyperion Solutions Corporation
' 1344 Crossman Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
' /*********************************************************\
' * *
' * ESSXLVBA.TXT - Essbase Excel VBA Include File. *
' * *
' * For Essbase Release 6 *
' * *
' \*********************************************************/
' The following prototypes declare the Visual Basic menu-equivalent functions
Declare Function EssMenuVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVKeepOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVZoomIn Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVZoomOut Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVPivot Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVWizard Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVQueryDesigner Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVFlashBack Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVOptions Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVMemberSelection Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVCurrencyReport Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVCascade Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVRetrieveLock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVLock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVUnlock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVSend Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVCalculation Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVConnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVDisconnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVDatalessNav Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVLinkedObjects Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
Declare Function EssMenuVRemoveOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
' The following prototype declares the VBA-specific functions
Declare Function EssVGetHctxFromSheet Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVGetMemberInfo Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal mbrName As Variant, ByVal action As Variant, ByVal aliases As Variant) As Variant
Declare Function EssVFreeMemberInfo Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByRef memInfo As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVFreeDataPoint Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByRef Info As Variant) As Long
' The following constants are suitable as actions
' for the EssVGetMemberInfo function
Const EssChildLevel = 1
Const EssDescendentLevel = 2
Const EssBottomLevel = 3
Const EssSiblingLevel = 4
Const EssSameLevel = 5
Const EssSameGenerationLevel = 6
Const EssCalculationLevel = 7
Const EssParentLevel = 8
Const EssDimensionLevel = 9
' The following prototypes declare the Visual Basic
' Extended Spreadsheet macro-equivalent functions
Declare Function EssVCalculate Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal calcScript As Variant, ByVal synchronous As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVCancelCalc Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVCascade Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant, ByVal path As Variant, ByVal prefix As Variant, ByVal suffix As Variant, ByVal level As Variant, ByVal openFile As Variant, ByVal copyFormats As Variant, ByVal overwrite As Variant, ByVal listFile As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVCell Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ParamArray memberList() As Variant) As Variant
Declare Function EssVConnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal userName As Variant, ByVal password As Variant, ByVal server As Variant, ByVal application As Variant, ByVal database As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVDisconnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVFlashBack Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVGetCurrency Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Variant
Declare Function EssVGetDataPoint Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal cell As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal aliases As Variant) As Variant
Declare Function EssVGetGlobalOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal item As Long) As Variant
Declare Function EssVGetSheetOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal item As Variant) As Variant
Declare Function EssVKeepOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVRemoveOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVPivot Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal startPoint As Variant, ByVal endPoint As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal lockFlag As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVSendData Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVSetCurrency Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal currencyIdentifier As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVSetGlobalOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal item As Long, ByVal globalOption As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVSetSheetOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal item As Variant, ByVal sheetOption As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVUnlock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVZoomIn Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant, ByVal level As Variant, ByVal across As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVZoomOut Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVSetMenu Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal setMenu As Boolean) As Long
Declare Function EssVGetStyle Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal styleType As Variant, ByVal dimName As Variant, ByVal item As Long) As Variant
Declare Function EssVSetStyle Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal styleType As Variant, ByVal dimName As Variant, ByVal item As Long, ByVal newValue As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVLoginSetPassword Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal newPassword As Variant, ByVal oldPassword As Variant, ByVal server As Variant, ByVal userName As Variant) As Long
Declare Function EssVSetSKUMouse Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal fSKUWithMouse As Variant) As Long
Public pathname As String
Sub AVBUpdate()
' Update AVBs Macro
' Macro recorded 12/05/2006 by Oliver Harwood
' Folder to search
Dim pathname As String
pathname = BrowseFolder("Select a folder of AVBs to update") & "\"
If pathname = "\" Then
MsgBox "You didn't select a folder. This macro will now terminate."
Exit Sub
MsgBox "You selected: " & pathname
End If
filemask = "*AVB.xls" ' Type of files to open
'If Dir(pathname, vbDirectory) = "" Then ' Test that the directory exists
' MsgBox "The folder " & pathname & " was not found."
' Exit Sub
'End If
fname = Dir(pathname & filemask, vbNormal) ' Reads the first filename in the directory
c = 0
Do While fname <> ""
' Repeats for as long as there is a filename read in by Dir()
'MsgBox "Opening " & fname
Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathname & fname, UpdateLinks:=3
c = c + 1
' Add in routine for updating AVBS
Sheets("Fin Use Only - Essbase Retrieve").Select
application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Turn off screen prompts
'Turn off "Display Unknown Members", retrieve data and then reinstate
Y = EssVSetGlobalOption(6, False)
X = EssMenuVRetrieve()
Y = EssVSetGlobalOption(6, True)
If c > 0 Then X = EssMenuVDisconnect() 'this is where i try to disconnect but it doesnt want to work
Sheets("MI Expense Report").Select
application.DisplayAlerts = True 'Turn screen prompts back on
Workbooks(fname).Close savechanges:=True
fname = Dir()
' Reads the next filename in the list, or returns "" if there are no more
End Sub