Hello! This is my first post so at the beginning let me say hi to all of you
I know that there are few similar threads raising this question but... well I've just begun my VBA adventure and some of the codes from these threads aren't quite clear for me. Plus I'm in a little rush so thanks for your understanding and help.
OK to the point. All I have to do is to create a macro in Attachmate which will copy some text from attachmate and paste it into Excel spreadsheet (created by macro or created before - whatever).
Some details:
there will be a few pages with data in Attachmate and their number may vary (sometimes it can be only 1 page, sometimes 3 etc.).
I've read about "GetString" and all of these but it's to advanced for my for now. If you could only help me with getting my data from Attachmate to Excel, I believe I could handle this from there.
I am working on Excel 2010, OS is Windows XP, I'm not quite sure about Attachmate ver., I haven't checked it at work but I assume it's 9.2.
Big thanks for help once again!
I've tried understand threads on tek-tips but they are even more difficult for me.

OK to the point. All I have to do is to create a macro in Attachmate which will copy some text from attachmate and paste it into Excel spreadsheet (created by macro or created before - whatever).
Some details:
there will be a few pages with data in Attachmate and their number may vary (sometimes it can be only 1 page, sometimes 3 etc.).
I've read about "GetString" and all of these but it's to advanced for my for now. If you could only help me with getting my data from Attachmate to Excel, I believe I could handle this from there.
I am working on Excel 2010, OS is Windows XP, I'm not quite sure about Attachmate ver., I haven't checked it at work but I assume it's 9.2.
Big thanks for help once again!
I've tried understand threads on tek-tips but they are even more difficult for me.