I am having issues writing a loop code so that it sends an email to the person in row 1, then moves down and sends to the person in row 2, and so on until there is not an email address listed.
The code itself works great on the 1st line of data. It shows exactly how I want the email to look, but will not loop or move down.
- I have attempted a LOOP to run until the email address cell is empty, no luck.
- I then attempted to determine the number of email addresses listed and run the LOOP that many times, but still no success.
Both attempts stop after the first email is generated
The code itself works great on the 1st line of data. It shows exactly how I want the email to look, but will not loop or move down.
- I have attempted a LOOP to run until the email address cell is empty, no luck.
- I then attempted to determine the number of email addresses listed and run the LOOP that many times, but still no success.
Both attempts stop after the first email is generated
VBA Code:
Sub Macro_Send_Email()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strbody As String
Dim SigString As String
Dim Signature As String
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
' This sets the path so that I can insert logo and my signature into the signature line of the email
Dim strPicPath As String
strPicPath = "C:\Users\Tom\ASDFSignature.jpg"
Dim strPicPath1 As String
strPicPath1 = "C:\Users\Tom\ASDFSignatureTom.jpg"
' Cell "K2" is where the 1st email address is
' Side note, I didn't include it on this VBA, but I sort my data by column K, so that ALL of the email addresses show first, then those w/out show afterwards.
Dim currentCell As Range
Set currentCell = Range("k2")
' This sets my "loop counter" at 1
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
' Cell "AB1" shows the number of cells from Column K that contain email addresses. I thought this would help determine the number of times the loop needs to run.
Do While i <= Range("AB1").Value
' Anytime there is a currentCell.Offsett(#,#), it is selecting data from my sheet. So for instance, (0,24) will move over and insert the customer's first name and so on.
' I have removed a lot of the actual email content so sorry if it doesn't make sense
strbody = "Hello " & currentCell.Offset(0, 24).Value & ",<br> <br>" & _
"Blah. " & _
"Your account number is " & currentCell.Offset(0, -10).Value & " come visit us <A HREF=""https://yahoo.com/"">locations.</A><br><br> " & _
"If you have any questions about a product, price, or availability do not hesiate to give us a call at " & currentCell.Offset(0, 22).Value & _
". <br>When you do call, please let us know that you have a Commercial Account with us so that we can provide you with your contractor pricing.<br><br><br>" & _
"Thank you, <br>" & _
"<img src=""ASDFSignatureTom.jpg""><br>" & _
"Tom <br>" & _
"<A HREF=""http://www.yahoo.com"">Yahoo!</A> <br>" & _
"911 Office <br>" & _
"912 Mobile <br><br>" & _
"<img src=""ASDFSignature.jpg"">" & _
"<h4>""Tag line here!""</h4>"
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
' currentCell.Value is the customers email address
.To = currentCell.Value
' This will eventually be the store managers email address
' My Note: currentCell.Offset(0, 20).Value
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Commercial Account"
.HTMLBody = strbody ' & "<br>" & Signature
'.Send 'or use .Display
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
' This adds one to my counter and SHOULD stop when this counter equals the value in cell "AB1"
i = i + 1
' This is supposed to move down 1 row. So if starting cell was "K2", new cell would be "K3" so that the code would then pull data off of Row 3.
' Next loop would update this to Row 4 and so on
Set currentCell = currentCell.Offset(1, 0)
End Sub