I've created a macro that takes a list of addresses and returns the distance. The problem I'm having is that the macro is static, but I don't know how many rows of addresses I'm going to have. I've made it so that the data is returned in an array but once again when populating the column for distance the range is statically set. How can I make so that I can put in any number of addresses and loop through quickly?
Code below
Code below
Public Sub getdirections()
Dim xmlhttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60, myurl As String, c As Range, rng As Range, xmlresponse As New DOMDocument60
Dim myarray() As Variant, x As Long, d As Range
Set rng = Range("c2:c26")
'single substitution to get one location will work on looping in a bit
For Each c In rng
myurl = "http://www.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/route?key=key & c & "&outFormat=xml&ambiguities=ignore&routeType=shortest"
'Debug.Print myurl
'sending the request
xmlhttp.Open "GET", myurl, False
xmlresponse.LoadXML (xmlhttp.ResponseText)
'once I got XML returns instead of JSON returns all started to work properly
Set stats = xmlresponse.SelectNodes("//response/route/distance")
'Sheets(1).Range("e2").Value = stats(0).Text
ReDim Preserve myarray(x)
myarray(x) = stats(0).Text
x = x + 1
'Range("d2 & rng").Value = stats(0).Text
If c = "" Then
Exit For
End If
For x = LBound(myarray) To UBound(myarray)
Debug.Print myarray(x)
Next x
Range("d2:d26").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(myarray)
End Sub