I am struggling to find a solution for an Array Formula for the past 7 days. Hope anyone can help me fix this issue. I know it has a limitation of 255 characters for which I googled and found a solution of breaking the formula in to 2-3 strings and rejoining it, but it is not working. I am constantly getting a message "Unable to set the FormulaArray propoerty of the range class". If I try to enter a very short formula, for example, '=Average(N2:O2)' it works but the below formula is giving error. Hope someone can help me fix this issue. Thanks.
The formula is correct, if I enter it with .Formula property it get inserted and works as desired.
I am struggling to find a solution for an Array Formula for the past 7 days. Hope anyone can help me fix this issue. I know it has a limitation of 255 characters for which I googled and found a solution of breaking the formula in to 2-3 strings and rejoining it, but it is not working. I am constantly getting a message "Unable to set the FormulaArray propoerty of the range class". If I try to enter a very short formula, for example, '=Average(N2:O2)' it works but the below formula is giving error. Hope someone can help me fix this issue. Thanks.
Dim theFormulaPart1 As String Dim theFormulaPart2 As String
Dim theFormulaPart3 As String
Dim theFormulaPart4 As String
theFormulaPart1 = "=IFERROR(IF(AND(Table1[ @[ Data Consistency] ],NOT(SIGN(Table1[ @[ Data missing] ])))," & _
theFormulaPart2 = "SUMPRODUCT((IF((OFFSET(" & ColumnLetter & "" & _
" 2,0,0,1,nbCol" & CBS & "))=""?"",0,1))," & _
"Lst_MaxWeight_" & CBS & "," & _
theFormulaPart3 = "SIGN(TRANSPOSE(FREQUENCY(MATCH(Lst_Indic_" & _
"" & CBS & "," & _
"Lst_Indic_" & CBS & ",0)," & _
theFormulaPart4 = "COLUMN(OFFSET($S$8,0,0,1,nbCol" & CBS & "-1))" & _
"-COLUMN($" & ColumnLetter & "$8)+1)))),""""),""ND"")"
With Worksheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("Table1").ListColumns(CBS & " Row Score Max").DataBodyRange.Cells(1)
.FormulaArray = theFormulaPart1
.Replace "X_X_X())", theFormulaPart2
.Replace "Y_Y_Y())", theFormulaPart3
.Replace "Z_Z_Z())", theFormulaPart4
'.FormulaArray = .FormulaR1C1
' .Select
' DoEvents
' Application.SendKeys "{F2}^+~"
End With
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