I would like to populate the array TempSample using PriceData. PriceData is currently defined using a worksheet table. How can I convert the current PriceData variant into something that will behave like a traditional array? If I ReDim PriceData(1 to A, 1 to 3) as Variant, where A is equal to UBound(PriceData,1) I receive an error down the code "unable to get the correl property of the worksheetfunction class". How can I define the first array starting from a table on a worksheet?
Dim PriceData As Variant: PriceData = Worksheets(DataSht).Range(samplerange)
For rr = 1 To NumObs
TempSample(rr, 1) = PriceData(ii + rr, 1)
TempSample(rr, 2) = PriceData(ii + rr, 2)
TempSample(rr, 3) = PriceData(ii + rr, 3)
Next rr