I am trying to see if there is any difference between the Name and NameLocal properties of the Name object.
If I create a name using VBA and supply both the Name and NameLocal parameters, both properties in the resulting object will have the value that was set for Name. I tried this both with US-English and French for the Excel Language Region and it has the same results on each.
will output:
Are there any built-in names or XLM Macros where these properties could be different? Can someone give me an example?

If I create a name using VBA and supply both the Name and NameLocal parameters, both properties in the resulting object will have the value that was set for Name. I tried this both with US-English and French for the Excel Language Region and it has the same results on each.
VBA Code:
Sub NameTest()
Dim n As Name
Set n = ThisWorkbook.Names.Add(Name:="test1", NameLocal:="test2", RefersTo:="=$A$1")
Debug.Print "Name: " & n.Name
Debug.Print "NameLocal: " & n.NameLocal
End Sub
will output:
Name: test1
NameLocal: test1
Are there any built-in names or XLM Macros where these properties could be different? Can someone give me an example?