< and > than off of a filter function


Board Regular
Oct 16, 2022
Office Version
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  1. Windows
Hello, I have a table built with the formula =FILTER(A3:I3000,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Q3,B3:B3000)),""). This formula looks at A Column for a keyword in a big table and brings me back a smaller table based on that keyword. In this smaller chart there is one column of numbers and I am trying in another cell to make a formula =IF(AND(T5:T3000<=2000,T5:T3000>=1500),AH5:AH3000/AD5:3000,""). I understand that this formula might have multiple issues but I'm not a master and kind of just work through them until they work. But my problem right now is I believe its not reading the column T5:T3000 as a number. Even when I simplify the formula to IF(AND(T5<9999999),AH5/AD5,"") It comes back as false and leaves a blank cell even thou the number is only 1700. As far as I can see the cells are formatted as numbers so Im wondering if its not working because Im trying to pull a number off a =FILTER formula
The TEXTJOIN (or CONCAT) are text functions so they return text values not numerical values. There is a hint that this has happens as you can see your values in col D are left-aligned which is the default for text values while numerical values by default are right-aligned.

Those text values that look like numerical values can be converted into actual numbers by adding zero (+0) as Kirk did with your formula or multiplying by 1 (*1) as I did with my formula (& you were already doing this inside your TEXTJOIN function - see yellow highlight below - because MID is also a text function & your formula needed to try to convert those text digits to real digits) or by applying a double negative (--) like this
Excel Formula:

View attachment 108204

It looks like in your samples that you second filter is to look for a year value in column R (originally column B). I would say that your current filter formula might be a bit 'risky' because there are other digits in col B that could give you a wrong data line. For example if a col B value happened to be
"2020 VERSATILE RT20148 Combine"
then this line would show up in the results if Q3 was "RT20148" and AA3 was "2014"
It appears to me that if there is a year value in column B it comes right at the start? If that is the case then you could try this formula to do both filters at once
Excel Formula:

Or another possibility, still assuming that the year would be the first thing in col B, would be to put the year and model(?) information both into Q3 like this 2014*S680 and then use this slightly simpler filter formula
Excel Formula:

BTW, if we need to do more in this thread it would be a great help if you could give us any small sample data and/or formulas with XL2BB so we can easily copy for testing. :)
RB prices.xlsx
24231996 TRAILTECH Combine TrailerDetails: Spring Suspension, 215/75R17.5 Tires21575175.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023263/large/14233278_1.jpgTuesday, November 28, 2023 (Day 1 of 2)*S680
3462014 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineMeter Reads: 1,731 Hr*1731.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023510/large/13492158_1.jpgWednesday, April 5, 2023
4472013 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineMeter Reads: 2,064 Hr*2064.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023510/large/13492160_1.jpgWednesday, April 5, 2023 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineMeter Reads: 1,731 Hr*1731https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023510/large/13492158_1.jpgWednesday, April 5, 2023
561CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor CombineMeter Reads: 60 Hr*60.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023597/large/13875951_1.jpgThursday, June 22, 2023 VERSATILE RT490 4x4 CombineMeter Reads: 344 Hr*344https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023219/large/13843414_1.jpgThursday, April 27, 2023 (Day 4 of 5)
650292012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 CombineMeter Reads: 2,257 Hr*2257.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2022155/large/13303309_1.jpgTuesday, July 19, 2022 (Day 1 of 2) VERSATILE RT490 RWA CombineMeter Reads: 301 Hr*301https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2022110/large/12988327_1.jpgWednesday, March 2, 2022 (Day 2 of 3)
7511997 CASE IH 2188 CombineMeter Reads: 4,883 Hr*4883.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023602/large/13891193_1.jpgThursday, July 13, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 780 CombineMeter Reads: 3,497 Hr*3497https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023259/large/14273223_1.jpgWednesday, December 6, 2023 (Day 1 of 3)
8501997 CASE IH 2188 CombineMeter Reads: 5,246 Hr*5246.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023602/large/13891174_1.jpgThursday, July 13, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 780 CombineMeter Reads: 3,454 Hr*3454https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023259/large/14273228_1.jpgWednesday, December 6, 2023 (Day 1 of 3)
944WHITE 5542 CombineDetails: Pickup S/N - 8122128NP, White 10 ft Draper Pickup, 9 ft Auger, Chopper, 18.4-26 …812212810918426.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023647/large/14162497_1.jpgFriday, October 13, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 670 CombineMeter Reads: 2,100 Hr*2100https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023257/large/14004815_1.jpgTuesday, July 18, 2023 (Day 1 of 2)
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
RB prices.xlsx
24231996 TRAILTECH Combine TrailerDetails: Spring Suspension, 215/75R17.5 Tires21575175.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023263/large/14233278_1.jpgTuesday, November 28, 2023 (Day 1 of 2)*S680
3462014 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineMeter Reads: 1,731 Hr*1731.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023510/large/13492158_1.jpgWednesday, April 5, 2023
4472013 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineMeter Reads: 2,064 Hr*2064.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023510/large/13492160_1.jpgWednesday, April 5, 2023 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineMeter Reads: 1,731 Hr*1731https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023510/large/13492158_1.jpgWednesday, April 5, 2023
561CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor CombineMeter Reads: 60 Hr*60.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023597/large/13875951_1.jpgThursday, June 22, 2023 VERSATILE RT490 4x4 CombineMeter Reads: 344 Hr*344https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023219/large/13843414_1.jpgThursday, April 27, 2023 (Day 4 of 5)
650292012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 CombineMeter Reads: 2,257 Hr*2257.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2022155/large/13303309_1.jpgTuesday, July 19, 2022 (Day 1 of 2) VERSATILE RT490 RWA CombineMeter Reads: 301 Hr*301https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2022110/large/12988327_1.jpgWednesday, March 2, 2022 (Day 2 of 3)
7511997 CASE IH 2188 CombineMeter Reads: 4,883 Hr*4883.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023602/large/13891193_1.jpgThursday, July 13, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 780 CombineMeter Reads: 3,497 Hr*3497https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023259/large/14273223_1.jpgWednesday, December 6, 2023 (Day 1 of 3)
8501997 CASE IH 2188 CombineMeter Reads: 5,246 Hr*5246.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023602/large/13891174_1.jpgThursday, July 13, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 780 CombineMeter Reads: 3,454 Hr*3454https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023259/large/14273228_1.jpgWednesday, December 6, 2023 (Day 1 of 3)
944WHITE 5542 CombineDetails: Pickup S/N - 8122128NP, White 10 ft Draper Pickup, 9 ft Auger, Chopper, 18.4-26 …812212810918426.00https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023647/large/14162497_1.jpgFriday, October 13, 2023 CLAAS LEXION 670 CombineMeter Reads: 2,100 Hr*2100https://www.rbauction.com//equipment_images/2023257/large/14004815_1.jpgTuesday, July 18, 2023 (Day 1 of 2)
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
It took a hour but I got it figured out haha, So I tried the new formula you suggested with the 2014*S680 but it still appears to only be sorting by the year not the model?
Upvote 0
The formula seems to be working fine. It is filtering the source data to return those rows where the year specified appears first in the B column and the specified model (S680) appears anywhere else in that same cell. Unfortunately, not all of the B column entries begin with a year, so you'll never see them.
Edit: What were your plans for finding this entry:
CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine
...what would you search for?
Upvote 0
It took a hour but I got it figured out haha, So I tried the new formula you suggested with the 2014*S680 but it still appears to only be sorting by the year not the model?
I'm not sure what you are saying. My suggested formula with the 2014*S680 was not attempting to sort anything. It was showing how you could get the same result as your two original FILTER formulas in a single formula.

BTW, when using XL2BB you can hide irrelevant columns to make the mini sheet smaller and easier to follow in the forum, as I have done below.

Back to my first point. In the mini sheet below
I have used your original filter formula in cell L9 (except I changed Q3 to L1 since that is where I put the S680 that you originally had in Q3.
In cell V9 I have used the formula that you originally had in AA5 (again modified to suit the new ranges).
In cell L5 I used my single formula to do both filters and you see that the result in L5 and right is the same as the result in V9 and right.

24231996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014*S680
3462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
4472013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
561CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine
650292012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine
7511997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
8501997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
944WHITE 5542 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
10472013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
I'm not sure what you are saying. My suggested formula with the 2014*S680 was not attempting to sort anything. It was showing how you could get the same result as your two original FILTER formulas in a single formula.

BTW, when using XL2BB you can hide irrelevant columns to make the mini sheet smaller and easier to follow in the forum, as I have done below.

Back to my first point. In the mini sheet below
I have used your original filter formula in cell L9 (except I changed Q3 to L1 since that is where I put the S680 that you originally had in Q3.
In cell V9 I have used the formula that you originally had in AA5 (again modified to suit the new ranges).
In cell L5 I used my single formula to do both filters and you see that the result in L5 and right is the same as the result in V9 and right.

24231996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014*S680
3462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
4472013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
561CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine
650292012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine
7511997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
8501997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
944WHITE 5542 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
10472013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
I Like what your formula is doing it makes it way easier combining it all into one filter, My problem and what I was meaning by "sorting" was actually "filtering" So when I copy it onto my spreadsheet it is still filtering all by "2014" not by 2014 AND S680. So in that mini spreadsheet you just sent in L4 your new formula you made, Is bringing back in M4 " 2014 John Deere S680 combine" but on mine it is bringing that back as well, but it also brings back other 2014s for example "2014 New holland CR890 combine"
Upvote 0
I'm not sure what you are saying. My suggested formula with the 2014*S680 was not attempting to sort anything. It was showing how you could get the same result as your two original FILTER formulas in a single formula.

BTW, when using XL2BB you can hide irrelevant columns to make the mini sheet smaller and easier to follow in the forum, as I have done below.

Back to my first point. In the mini sheet below
I have used your original filter formula in cell L9 (except I changed Q3 to L1 since that is where I put the S680 that you originally had in Q3.
In cell V9 I have used the formula that you originally had in AA5 (again modified to suit the new ranges).
In cell L5 I used my single formula to do both filters and you see that the result in L5 and right is the same as the result in V9 and right.

24231996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014*S680
3462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
4472013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
561CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine
650292012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine
7511997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
8501997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
944WHITE 5542 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
10472013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
RB prices.xlsx
21996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014*S680
32014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
42013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine462014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
5CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine114842014 VERSATILE RT490 4x4 Combine
62012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine6642014 VERSATILE RT490 RWA Combine
71997 CASE IH 2188 Combine352014 CLAAS LEXION 780 Combine
81997 CASE IH 2188 Combine362014 CLAAS LEXION 780 Combine
9WHITE 5542 Combine2822014 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
102012 VERSATILE RT490 Combine162014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
111991 GLEANER R70 Combine152014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
12GLEANER R60 Combine242014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
132011 GLEANER A86 Combine172014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
142012 VERSATILE RT490 Combine252014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
151998 GLEANER C62 Combine1582014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
162011 GLEANER A86 Combine1562014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
172007 GLEANER A85 Combine1572014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
182012 VERSATILE RT490 Combine912014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
192004 GLEANER R75 Combine922014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
202006 GLEANER R65 Combine1432014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
211995 GLEANER R62 Combine1442014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
221984 GLEANER N7 Combine602014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
23GLEANER C62 Combine2922014 NEW HOLLAND CX8090 Combine
24GLEANER K Combine382014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
25GLEANER M2 Combine312014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
262011 GLEANER S67 Combine272014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
272021 FENDT IDEAL 8 Combine282014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
282021 FENDT IDEAL 8 Combine1522014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
292019 FENDT IDEAL 9 Combine1532014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
302008 LEXION 570R 4x4 Combine1622014 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine
312019 FENDT IDEAL 8 Combine622014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
322004 CHALLENGER 670 Combine312014 JOHN DEERE S690 4x4 Combine
332017 VERSATILE RT490 4x4 Combine50212014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
342014 VERSATILE RT490 4x4 Combine50232014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
352019 FENDT IDEAL 9 Combine50252014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
362019 FENDT IDEAL 9 Combine50242014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
372019 FENDT IDEAL 9 Combine852014 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine
382019 FENDT IDEAL 9 Combine142014 NEW HOLLAND CX8080 Combine
392019 FENDT IDEAL 9 Combine382014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
40OLIVER 40 FOR PARTS ONLY Combine412014 JOHN DEERE S680 4x4 Combine
41VERSATILE 420 FOR PARTS ONLY Combine402014 JOHN DEERE S680 4x4 Combine
421999 LEXION 465 4x4 Combine1572014 JOHN DEERE S690 RWA Combine
432014 VERSATILE RT490 RWA Combine1582014 JOHN DEERE S690 RWA Combine
442020 CLAAS LEXION 8700TT Combine392014 CASE IH 9230 Combine
452020 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine382014 CASE IH 9230 Combine
462015 CASE 9240 Combine1472014 CASE IH 8230 Combine
472014 CLAAS LEXION 780 Combine1482014 CASE IH 8230 Combine
482014 CLAAS LEXION 780 Combine1352014 CASE IH 7230 Combine
492013 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine1362014 CASE IH 7230 Combine
502015 CLAAS LEXION 760TT Combine732014 CASE IH 8230 Combine
512015 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine1102014 CASE IH 8230 Combine
522009 CLAAS LEXION 570 Combine942014 CASE IH 8230 Combine
532018 CLAAS 670 LEXION Combine922014 CASE IH 9230 Combine
542012 CLAAS 770 LEXION Combine742014 CASE IH 7130 Combine
552019 CLAAS LEXION 8700 Combine732014 CASE IH 7130 Combine
562019 CLAAS LEXION 760TT Combine50072014 MACDON FD75-S 35 ft Flex Draper Header
572019 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine472014 MACDON FD75-D 40 ft Flex Draper Header
582018 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine452014 NEW HOLLAND 880 CF 45 ft Flex Draper Header
592015 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine222014 HONEY BEE 4036 36 ft Draper Header
602012 CLAAS 760TT LEXION Combine482014 JOHN DEERE 640FD 40 ft Flex Draper Header
612011 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine832014 JOHN DEERE 630D 30 ft Draper HydraFloat Header
622011 CLAAS 770TT Combine822014 JOHN DEERE 630D 30 ft Draper HydraFloat Header
632011 CLAAS LEXION 770TT Combine
642001 CASE 2388 4x4 Combine
652019 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine
662017 CLAAS LEXION 780TT Combine
672015 CLAAS LEXION 780 TT Combine
682013 CLAAS LEXION 780 Combine
692011 CLAAS 760 Lexion Combine
702014 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
711953 MASSEY-HARRIS 90RT Antique Combine
722019 CLAAS 760 Combine
732016 CLAAS 760 Combine
742019 CLAAS LEXION 780 TT Combine
762019 CLAAS LEXION 670TT Combine
772017 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
782006 BYT 40 ft One-Way High Cube Combine
792008 CLAAS LEXION 570 Combine
802020 CLAAS LEXION 8700TT 4x4 Combine
812018 CLAAS LEXION 760TT Combine
822018 CASE 8240 Combine
832020 CLAAS 8700TT LEXION RWA Combine
842010 CASE 7088 Combine
852018 CLAAS LEXION 780TT Combine
862012 CLAAS LEXION 750 Combine
872005 CLAAS LEXION 580R Combine
882009 CLAAS LEXION 570R Combine
89WHITE 8650 Pull Type (Inoperable) Combine
902016 CLAAS LEXION 780TT Combine
911976 COOP G-100 15 ft Discer Combine
922019 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine
932017 CLAAS LEXION 780 TT Combine
942016 CLAAS 780 Lexion Combine
952017 CLAAS 760 Lexion Combine
962016 CLAAS 670 Lexion Combine
972020 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
982020 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
992017 CLAAS LEXION 760TT Combine
1002011 CLAAS LEXION 760TT 4x4 Combine
1012020 CLAAS 670 TT Combine
1021986 CASE 1680 Combine
1032015 CLAAS 780 TT Combine
1042013 CLAAS 780 Combine
1052010 CLAAS 760 Combine
1062015 CLAAS LEXION 670TT Combine
1072013 JOHN DEERE S680 4x4 Combine
1082017 NEW HOLLAND CR8.90 Combine
1092014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
1102014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
1112015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1122015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1132015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1142014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1152012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
1162013 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
1172014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
1182012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1192013 JOHN DEERE S670 Combine
1202012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
1212013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1222010 JOHN DEERE T670 Combine
1232014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1242012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1252015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1262015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1272013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1282012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1292012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1302013 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
1312009 JOHN DEERE 9770 STS Combine
1322009 NEW HOLLAND CR9080 Combine
1332012 NEW HOLLAND CX8080 Combine
1342012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
1352009 JOHN DEERE T670 Combine
1362010 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 Combine
1372009 JOHN DEERE 9870 STS Combine
1382011 JOHN DEERE 9870 STS Combine
1392009 MASSEY FERGUSON 9795 Combine
1402009 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 Combine
1412006 JOHN DEERE 9860 STS Combine
1422004 JOHN DEERE 9660 Combine
1432002 MASSEY FERGUSON 8780XP Combine
1441997 JOHN DEERE CTS Combine
1452002 CAT LEXION 470 Combine
1461995 JOHN DEERE 9600 Combine
1471981 JOHN DEERE 7721 Pull-Type Combine
1482017 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1492017 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1502017 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1512013 JOHN DEERE S670 Combine
1522012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
1532013 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
1542013 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
1552011 NEW HOLLAND CR9080 Combine
1562010 JOHN DEERE 9770 STS Combine
1572014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
1582012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
1592008 JOHN DEERE 9770 Combine
1602014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
1612009 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 Combine
1622014 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
1632011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
1642011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
1652004 JOHN DEERE 9760 STS Combine
1662009 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
1672006 NEW HOLLAND CR960 Combine
1682003 NEW HOLLAND CR940 Combine
1692014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
1702013 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
1712014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
1722009 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 Combine
1732006 NEW HOLLAND CR960 Combine
1742009 CAT LEXION 570R Combine
1752013 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
I trimmed your example down to make it a little easier to follow. I think the issue is that SEARCH is recognizing 2014, but it isn't interpreting the wildcard (*) followed by S680. You could do something like this...splitting up the two search terms, but using only one formula that has two matching arrays formed within it. One uses the same idea presented by Peter, which finds where the text string begins with the 1st search term, and the other matching array looks anywhere within the text string for the 2nd search term:
21996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014
32014 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineS680
42013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
5CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
62012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
71997 CASE IH 2188 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
81997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
9WHITE 5542 Combine
102015 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine
112009 CLAAS LEXION 570 Combine
122015 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
132014 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
142013 JOHN DEERE S680 4x4 Combine
152017 NEW HOLLAND CR8.90 Combine
162014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
172014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
182015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
192015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
202015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
212014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
222012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
232013 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
242014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
252012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
262013 JOHN DEERE S670 Combine
272012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
282013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
292010 JOHN DEERE T670 Combine
302014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
312012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
322015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
332012 NEW HOLLAND CX8080 Combine
342012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
352013 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
362011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
372011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
382004 JOHN DEERE 9760 STS Combine
392009 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
402013 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
412014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
422009 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 Combine
432006 NEW HOLLAND CR960 Combine
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
I trimmed your example down to make it a little easier to follow. I think the issue is that SEARCH is recognizing 2014, but it isn't interpreting the wildcard (*) followed by S680. You could do something like this...splitting up the two search terms, but using only one formula that has two matching arrays formed within it. One uses the same idea presented by Peter, which finds where the text string begins with the 1st search term, and the other matching array looks anywhere within the text string for the 2nd search term:
21996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014
32014 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineS680
42013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
5CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
62012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
71997 CASE IH 2188 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
81997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
9WHITE 5542 Combine
102015 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine
112009 CLAAS LEXION 570 Combine
122015 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
132014 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
142013 JOHN DEERE S680 4x4 Combine
152017 NEW HOLLAND CR8.90 Combine
162014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
172014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
182015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
192015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
202015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
212014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
222012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
232013 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
242014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
252012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
262013 JOHN DEERE S670 Combine
272012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
282013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
292010 JOHN DEERE T670 Combine
302014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
312012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
322015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
332012 NEW HOLLAND CX8080 Combine
342012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
352013 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
362011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
372011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
382004 JOHN DEERE 9760 STS Combine
392009 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
402013 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
412014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
I trimmed your example down to make it a little easier to follow. I think the issue is that SEARCH is recognizing 2014, but it isn't interpreting the wildcard (*) followed by S680. You could do something like this...splitting up the two search terms, but using only one formula that has two matching arrays formed within it. One uses the same idea presented by Peter, which finds where the text string begins with the 1st search term, and the other matching array looks anywhere within the text string for the 2nd search term:
21996 TRAILTECH Combine Trailer2014
32014 JOHN DEERE S680 CombineS680
42013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
5CASE IH SMALL GRAIN ROT Small Grains Combine Rotor Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
62012 MASSEY FERGUSON 9560 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
71997 CASE IH 2188 Combine02014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
81997 CASE IH 2188 Combine
9WHITE 5542 Combine
102015 CLAAS LEXION 760 Combine
112009 CLAAS LEXION 570 Combine
122015 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
132014 CLAAS LEXION 670 Combine
142013 JOHN DEERE S680 4x4 Combine
152017 NEW HOLLAND CR8.90 Combine
162014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
172014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
182015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
192015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
202015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
212014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
222012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
232013 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 Combine
242014 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
252012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
262013 JOHN DEERE S670 Combine
272012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
282013 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
292010 JOHN DEERE T670 Combine
302014 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
312012 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
322015 JOHN DEERE S680 Combine
332012 NEW HOLLAND CX8080 Combine
342012 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
352013 NEW HOLLAND CR8090 Combine
362011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
372011 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
382004 JOHN DEERE 9760 STS Combine
392009 NEW HOLLAND CR9060 Combine
402013 JOHN DEERE S690 Combine
412014 JOHN DEERE S680 STS Combine
422009 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 Combine
432006 NEW HOLLAND CR960 Combine
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Yup!! That did it thank you!, Going back to your last message as well the ones in column B that don't have a year, I'm not worried about missing I only want to compare equipment that I can find the years of
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I think the issue is that SEARCH is recognizing 2014, but it isn't interpreting the wildcard (*) followed by S680.
Yes, SEARCH is recognising the wildcard followed by S680 but it was my mistake by ensuring that was found in every row by including &"_"&L2 at the end. :oops:

With 2014*S680 in L2 (& nothing in L3), try this in L4 instead

Excel Formula:
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hmmm...I see your point, Peter...the revised formula works. I had to think a bit about this behavior. By concatenating L2 to the column B entries, you're assured of finding the search terms, so no error trap was needed. And if the equipment text string begins with the 1st search term (year) we should get a 1, provided the 2nd search term is also found somewhere in the string...and this is the problem. That 2nd search term may not exist in the original string, but it will still be found at the end of the appended string because of the &"_"&L2 term...so some false positives were found.
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