I've searched for some VBA solutions to this but I haven't found one that suits my needs. I'm using Excel 2007 and I'm a VBA novice.
Problem: The macro will be assigned to a command button and will be used by laypersons when they finish filling in data on a worksheet in Workbook 1. The sheet contains maybe 30 columns and 50 rows with a mix of fixed values and values generated by Vlookup and Indirect formulas. I need to copy the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2. Workbook 2 will be for archival purposes so I want to convert all formulas to fixed values. The catch is dealing with some cells that contain hyperlinks to PDF files...
Current Solution: I currently do this with a macro that moves/copies the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2, it then selects all cells in the new sheet in Workbook 2, copies all cells, then pastes-special "as values" to the exact same cell locations. This works great for me since the cell formatting and data in the sheet are VERY irregular and I have merged cells all over the place. This method keeps the exact formatting I need maintain:
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Workbooks("Workbook2.xlsx").Sheets(1)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
The problem is that a few of the cells have hyperlinks with "friendly names" and I lose the hyperlinks when I convert to values. The hyperlinks are not inserted directly, they are created by a formula, =HYPERLINK("N:\Filepath\"&C16&".PDF", "Click_For_PDF"), and the row and column that contains the hyper link will vary for each sheet I want to migrate from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2 using this macro. I want to keep the hyperlink active with the clickable friendly name in Workbook 2.
Possible Solution: I'm open to all types of solutions, but is there a way to essentially use my existing macro but AFTER converting to values with paste-special, go back to the original sheet in Workbook 1 that still contains formulas (or maybe a temporary duplicate sheet I migrate to Workbook 2?), search for all cells with a "value" of "Click_For_PDF", copy ONLY those cells and paste (normal) into the corresponding cell locations in the sheet in Workbook 2 that now contains fixed values? ALL of my hyperlinks have the friendly name "Click_For_PDF" so it should be an easy way to identify the hyperlink cells. The cell location of the hyperlink copied in Workbook 1 needs to carry over to Workbook 2 and I said before, the row and col vary with every sheet I want to archive with this macro.
Open to all options that fit the needs,
Many thanks!
Problem: The macro will be assigned to a command button and will be used by laypersons when they finish filling in data on a worksheet in Workbook 1. The sheet contains maybe 30 columns and 50 rows with a mix of fixed values and values generated by Vlookup and Indirect formulas. I need to copy the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2. Workbook 2 will be for archival purposes so I want to convert all formulas to fixed values. The catch is dealing with some cells that contain hyperlinks to PDF files...
Current Solution: I currently do this with a macro that moves/copies the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2, it then selects all cells in the new sheet in Workbook 2, copies all cells, then pastes-special "as values" to the exact same cell locations. This works great for me since the cell formatting and data in the sheet are VERY irregular and I have merged cells all over the place. This method keeps the exact formatting I need maintain:
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Workbooks("Workbook2.xlsx").Sheets(1)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
The problem is that a few of the cells have hyperlinks with "friendly names" and I lose the hyperlinks when I convert to values. The hyperlinks are not inserted directly, they are created by a formula, =HYPERLINK("N:\Filepath\"&C16&".PDF", "Click_For_PDF"), and the row and column that contains the hyper link will vary for each sheet I want to migrate from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2 using this macro. I want to keep the hyperlink active with the clickable friendly name in Workbook 2.
Possible Solution: I'm open to all types of solutions, but is there a way to essentially use my existing macro but AFTER converting to values with paste-special, go back to the original sheet in Workbook 1 that still contains formulas (or maybe a temporary duplicate sheet I migrate to Workbook 2?), search for all cells with a "value" of "Click_For_PDF", copy ONLY those cells and paste (normal) into the corresponding cell locations in the sheet in Workbook 2 that now contains fixed values? ALL of my hyperlinks have the friendly name "Click_For_PDF" so it should be an easy way to identify the hyperlink cells. The cell location of the hyperlink copied in Workbook 1 needs to carry over to Workbook 2 and I said before, the row and col vary with every sheet I want to archive with this macro.
Open to all options that fit the needs,
Many thanks!