I have 3 advanced filters for various tables on a single tab that return data to the same user form. They all work fine if I am physically on the worksheet that the advanced filters reside on. If I run the user form while I have another tab open the advanced filters return "Nothing Found".
Advfilter1 searches an employee database, on a seperate worksheet, and returns active or inactive positions to listbox1.
A double click in listbox1 places the selections job code into a txtbox.
A command button then activates advfilter2 to search for job codes which will be considered as potential replacements and returns that list to listbox2.
At the same time advfilter3 searches the employees database and returns a list of available personnel to listbox3 that possess any of the listed job codes in listbox2.
Why does only 1 of the 3 (if any) work if not physically on the specific worksheet, but all work if the active worksheet is selected?
I have 3 advanced filters for various tables on a single tab that return data to the same user form. They all work fine if I am physically on the worksheet that the advanced filters reside on. If I run the user form while I have another tab open the advanced filters return "Nothing Found".
Advfilter1 searches an employee database, on a seperate worksheet, and returns active or inactive positions to listbox1.
A double click in listbox1 places the selections job code into a txtbox.
A command button then activates advfilter2 to search for job codes which will be considered as potential replacements and returns that list to listbox2.
At the same time advfilter3 searches the employees database and returns a list of available personnel to listbox3 that possess any of the listed job codes in listbox2.
Why does only 1 of the 3 (if any) work if not physically on the specific worksheet, but all work if the active worksheet is selected?
VBA Code:
Private Sub lstBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim i As Integer
Dim JDOutSH As Worksheet
Set JDOut = Sheet14
On Error Resume Next
i = Me.lstBox1.ListIndex
Me.CS1.Value = Me.lstBox1.Column(0, i)
Me.CS2.Value = Me.lstBox1.Column(3, i)
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub AdvFilterVaclstBox1()
Sheets("Staff_Data").Range("Table735[#All]").AdvancedFilter Action:= _
xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range("VacantOut!Criteria"), CopyToRange:= _
Range("D6:P6"), Unique:=False
End Sub
Sub AdvFilterVaclstBox2()
With Sheet14
Range("Table297[#All]").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange _
:=Range("C6:C7"), CopyToRange:=Range("D6:P7"), Unique:=False
End With
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
End Sub
Sub AdvFilterVaclstBox3()
Sheets("Staff_Data").Range("Table735[#All]").AdvancedFilter Action:= _
xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range("JDOut!Criteria"), CopyToRange:=Range( _
"V27:AN27"), Unique:=False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSearchStatus_Click()
Dim Status As Variant
On Error GoTo errHandler:
lstBox1.RowSource = ""
Set Status = cboSearchStatus
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Me.cboSearchStatus.Value = "Active" Or Me.cboSearchStatus.Value = "Inactive" Or Me.cboSearchStatus.Value = "Vacant" Then
Sheet3.Range("D5").Value = Me.cboSearchStatus.Value
If Sheet3.Range("C9").Value = "" Then
lstBox1.RowSource = ""
lstBox1.RowSource = "VacantOut"
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If Sheet3.Range("C9").Value = "" Then
lstBox1.RowSource = ""
lstBox1.RowSource = "VacantOut"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "No match found for " & cboSearchStatus.Value
Me.lstBox1.RowSource = ""
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdJDLookup_Click()
Dim JobClass As Long
Dim JDOutSH As Worksheet
Dim Staff_Data As Worksheet
On Error GoTo errHandler:
Set JDOutSH = Sheet14
Set Staff_Data = Sheet7
JobClass = Me.CS2.Value
JDOutSH.Range("C7").Value = Me.CS2.Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lstBox2.RowSource = "JDSrchNew"
With Sheet14
If CS2.Value = "" Then
.Range("C7").Value = ""
.Range("C7").Value = CS2
End If
End With
If Sheet14.Range("C7").Value = "" Then
lstBox2.RowSource = ""
lstBox2.RowSource = "JDSrchNew"
End If
If Sheet14.Range("C7").Value = "" Then
lstSelector.RowSource = ""
lstSelector.RowSource = "PotentialStaff"
End If
lstBox2.RowSource = Sheet14.Range("JDSrchNew").Address(external:=False)
lstSelector.RowSource = Sheet14.Range("PotentialStaff").Address(external:=True)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "No match found for " & txtSearchTrng2.Text
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End Sub