I have a macro that connects to a DB2 database and returns a recordset that I complete subsequent actions with. I have found that longer queries are causing excel to stall - giving me the 'this program is not responding' and forcing me to restart excel. I have played around with the command timeout setting in the connection and extending this out has given me the results I require.... howerer.... I am not happy with this as it still has the problem if query times increase again.
I would expect an error to be thrown up which I can deal with instead of the program just crashing but this isnt happening. I have confirmed there are no 'On Error goto' things so I am stumped as to how to resolve this.
I am creating the recordset like this:
DBRS.Open SQL, CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
where SQL is my query, and CN is my connection.
Can anyone help?
I have a macro that connects to a DB2 database and returns a recordset that I complete subsequent actions with. I have found that longer queries are causing excel to stall - giving me the 'this program is not responding' and forcing me to restart excel. I have played around with the command timeout setting in the connection and extending this out has given me the results I require.... howerer.... I am not happy with this as it still has the problem if query times increase again.
I would expect an error to be thrown up which I can deal with instead of the program just crashing but this isnt happening. I have confirmed there are no 'On Error goto' things so I am stumped as to how to resolve this.
I am creating the recordset like this:
DBRS.Open SQL, CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
where SQL is my query, and CN is my connection.
Can anyone help?