I am using three tables to make query run.
Could anyone inspect my code to see why I'm getting error from subject of this topic?
I assume there is some error in strSQL, which is readable by access but not by Excel VBA Adodb connection.
I am using three tables to make query run.
Could anyone inspect my code to see why I'm getting error from subject of this topic?
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
If Me.cmbRoutingNumber = "" Then
MsgBox "Please, select Routing Number", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
' Load default parameters for Revision / Change
With frmCirculationSheet
.txtUsername = ""
.txtUsername.Enabled = False
.txtRoutingDescription.Enabled = False
.txtRoutingNumber.Enabled = False
.txtEngineType.Enabled = False
.txtTargetDate.Enabled = False
.txtUsage.Enabled = False
.txtAdditionalInfo.Enabled = False
.txtContentDesc.Enabled = True
.cmbRountingNumberLoc.Enabled = False
.cmdCal2.Enabled = False
.cmdStart.Visible = False
.cmdSave.Visible = True
' Get data about workplan from DB
Dim conn As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
' Create a new ADODB Connection
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Specify the database connection details
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & "C:\Users\YKO0096\Desktop\SCM_TestDB.accdb"
' Open the database connection
' Create a new ADODB recordset
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Define the SQL statement to retrieve the data from the database
strSQL = "SELECT tbWorkplanAtt.Owner, tbWorkplanAtt.Target, tbWorkplanAtt.Workplan, tbWorkplanAtt.Routing_Number, tbWorkplanAtt.Description, tbWorkplanAtt.Usage, tbWorkplanAtt.Engine_Type, tbWorkplanRevision.Content_Of_Task, tbWorkplanRevision.Additional_Info, tbOperations.Process, tbOperations.OPN_Number" & _
" FROM (tbWorkplanAtt LEFT JOIN tbOperations ON tbWorkplanAtt.Workplan = tbOperations.Workplan) LEFT JOIN tbWorkplanRevision ON tbWorkplanAtt.Workplan = tbWorkplanRevision.Workplan" & _
" GROUP BY tbWorkplanAtt.Owner, tbWorkplanAtt.Target, tbWorkplanAtt.Workplan, tbWorkplanAtt.Routing_Number, tbWorkplanAtt.Description, tbWorkplanAtt.Usage, tbWorkplanAtt.Engine_Type, tbWorkplanRevision.Content_Of_Task, tbWorkplanRevision.Additional_Info, tbOperations.Process, tbOperations.OPN_Number" & _
" HAVING (((tbWorkplanAtt.Workplan)='S50-Test'))"
' Execute the SQL statement and retrieve the data
rs.Open strSQL, conn
' Check if any records were returned
If Not rs.EOF Then
' Populate the textboxes with the first record's data
.txtUsername.Value = rs("Owner").Value
.txtTargetDate.Value = rs("Target").Value
.txtRoutingNumber.Value = rs("Workplan").Value
.cmbRountingNumberLoc.Value = rs("Routing_Number").Value
.txtRoutingDescription.Value = rs("Description").Value
.txtUsage.Value = rs("Usage").Value
.txtEngineType.Value = rs("Engine_Type").Value
.txtContentDesc.Value = rs("Content_Of_Task").Value
.txtAdditionalInfo.Value = rs("Additional_Information").Value
' Clear the listbox before populating it with data
' Loop through the retrieved data and populate the listbox
i = 0
While Not rs.EOF
' Read the values from the recordset columns
Dim column1Data As String
Dim column2Data As String
column1Data = rs("Process").Value
column2Data = rs("OPN_Number").Value
' Add the data to column 1 in the listbox
.lstActiveOPN.AddItem column1Data
.lstActiveOPN.List(i, 1) = column2Data
' Move to the next record in the recordset
i = i + 1
' No records found, clear all the textboxes and the listbox
.txtTargetDate.Value = ""
.txtRoutingNumber.Value = ""
.cmbRountingNumberLoc.Value = ""
.txtRoutingDescription.Value = ""
.txtUsage.Value = ""
.txtEngineType.Value = ""
.txtContentDesc.Value = ""
.txtAdditionalInfo.Value = ""
End If
' Close the recordset and the connection
' Release the objects
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End With
End Sub
I assume there is some error in strSQL, which is readable by access but not by Excel VBA Adodb connection.