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I've built an ADO function in VBA to handle queries to an Access database. It's setup to process queries with 0 - 2 parameters.
I'm trying to expand it to handle an Insert as well. When the Insert SQL and parameter are passed to the function, Excel locks up.
Where am I going wrong with handling the INSERT query? Also included is the SQL statement I'm trying to execute. It doesn't have the VALUES part - which isn't necessary in Access? If I have an error in my SQL statement, how might I alter it to work with ADO?
ADO Function:
Function call:
SQL to execute (includes variables from program):
I'm trying to expand it to handle an Insert as well. When the Insert SQL and parameter are passed to the function, Excel locks up.
Where am I going wrong with handling the INSERT query? Also included is the SQL statement I'm trying to execute. It doesn't have the VALUES part - which isn't necessary in Access? If I have an error in my SQL statement, how might I alter it to work with ADO?
ADO Function:
Public Function adoQuery(sSQL, Optional ParamValue As Variant, Optional ParamValue2 As Variant, Optional Insert As Boolean)
Set myConnection = New ADODB.Connection
Set myResults = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = "L:\my_db.accdb"
With myConnection
.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0": .Open "Data Source = """ & FilePath & """"
End With
If IsMissing(ParamValue) = False Then
'Query with parameter(s):
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Dim param As ADODB.Parameter
cmd.ActiveConnection = myConnection
cmd.CommandText = sSQL
Select Case VarType(ParamValue)
Case Is <= 6
paramType = adInteger 'number
paramSize = adInteger
Case Is = 7
paramType = adDate 'date
paramSize = adDBDate
Case Else
paramType = adVarChar 'text
paramSize = adChar
End Select
Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("param1", paramType, adParamInput, paramSize, ParamValue)
cmd.Parameters.Append param
Set param = Nothing
If IsMissing(ParamValue2) = False Then '(2) parameters passed to function:
Dim param2 As ADODB.Parameter
Select Case VarType(ParamValue2)
Case Is <= 6
paramType = adInteger 'number
paramSize = adInteger
Case Is = 7
paramType = adDate 'date
paramSize = adDBDate
Case Else
paramType = adVarChar 'text
paramSize = adChar
End Select
Set param2 = cmd.CreateParameter("param2", paramType, adParamInput, paramSize, ParamValue2)
cmd.Parameters.Append param2
Set param2 = Nothing
End If
'IF INSERT, execute differently:
If Insert = True Then
'Proceed with INSERT:
With cmd
.Execute sSQL, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
End With
'Ready to go
Set myResults = cmd.Execute()
End If
'Query without parameter:
With myResults
.Source = sSQL: .ActiveConnection = myConnection: .CursorLocation = adUseClient: .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly: .LockType = adLockReadOnly: .Open
End With
End If
End Function
Function call:
adoQuery, sSQL, myParamValue1, , True
SQL to execute (includes variables from program):
sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblTempGroupNorm ( Username, Tab_Name, Click_Date, Criteria1, Item_KEY, ReadingDate, Prod1, Prod2, Prod3, TimeDay ) " _
& "SELECT " & Chr(34) & strname & Chr(34) & " AS Username," _
& Chr(34) & "Group" & Chr(34) & " AS Tab_Name," _
& strDate & " AS Click_Date," _
& Chr(34) & Group & Chr(34) & " AS Criteria1, " _
& "[Group_Daily].Item_KEY, [Group_Daily].ReadingDate, [Group_Daily].Prod1, [Group_Daily].Prod2, [Group_Daily].Prod3, " _
& "(SELECT COUNT(Table1A.ReadingDate) " _
& "FROM [Group_Daily] AS Table1A " _
& "WHERE [Table1A].[ReadingDate] <= [Group_Daily].[ReadingDate] " _
& "AND [Table1A].[Item_KEY]=[Group_Daily].[Item_KEY]) AS TimeDay " _
& "FROM tblProperties INNER JOIN [Group_Daily] ON tblProperties.WH_IDX = [Group_Daily].Item_KEY " _
& "WHERE ((tblProperties." & db_field & ") = '" & Group & "')" _
& "ORDER BY [Group_Daily].ReadingDate;"