I have an issue with VBA where I am using the Connection.Execute method to add a table to my database. When I go to run the code the table is not being added to the TableDefs collection. However, when I hit the save command in the VBE or I open and close the Navigation Pane the table gets added to TableDefs! DoCmd adds the table just fine to the TableDefs. Can anyone help? Below is the code
I have tried everything from TableDefs.Refresh to RefreshDatabaseWindow, but have had no such luck.
I have an issue with VBA where I am using the Connection.Execute method to add a table to my database. When I go to run the code the table is not being added to the TableDefs collection. However, when I hit the save command in the VBE or I open and close the Navigation Pane the table gets added to TableDefs! DoCmd adds the table just fine to the TableDefs. Can anyone help? Below is the code
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection, strConn As String
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & CurrentDb.Name
conn.Open strConn
with conn
' This is the code that I want to use to create a new table from an existing table
' but the code does not add to Access until I Save the code or hide/unhide the Nav Pane
.Execute "SELECT * INTO tbl_test1 FROM tbl_test_data", , adCmdText
End With
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub
I have tried everything from TableDefs.Refresh to RefreshDatabaseWindow, but have had no such luck.