If using an ugly (sorry) but effective formula to look up data from a daily backorder report to add into a daily tracker that also pulls data from multiple worksheets. My formual is an Index and Match, but I also have to trim the data from my backorder report (it is data dumped from a system and has extra spaces so the part # is not recognized). So this is what the formula looks like:
{=INDEX('J:\OPNS\Power and OR\Project Tracker\[BackOrder.xlsm]Data'!$G$2:$G$316,MATCH($D3,TRIM('J:\OPNS\Power and OR\Project Tracker\[BackOrder.xlsm]Data'!$C$2:$C$316),0))}
The data in column G is in my backorder report and provides the backorder dollar value. D3 has my finished good number in my Tracker (the main spreadsheet that is pulling all this data), and column C in the backorder has the same finished good number (but needs the trim due to extra spaces).
Obviously every finished good is not on the back order report, so I'm wanting to add either IF ISNA or IFERROR (I'm using Office 2010) to this so that I don't have #N/A in my tracker. As soon as I add this in my formula doesn't work. Am I just trying to ask Excel to do too much?
I would greatly appreciate any advice to solve this issue.
Thank you
{=INDEX('J:\OPNS\Power and OR\Project Tracker\[BackOrder.xlsm]Data'!$G$2:$G$316,MATCH($D3,TRIM('J:\OPNS\Power and OR\Project Tracker\[BackOrder.xlsm]Data'!$C$2:$C$316),0))}
The data in column G is in my backorder report and provides the backorder dollar value. D3 has my finished good number in my Tracker (the main spreadsheet that is pulling all this data), and column C in the backorder has the same finished good number (but needs the trim due to extra spaces).
Obviously every finished good is not on the back order report, so I'm wanting to add either IF ISNA or IFERROR (I'm using Office 2010) to this so that I don't have #N/A in my tracker. As soon as I add this in my formula doesn't work. Am I just trying to ask Excel to do too much?
I would greatly appreciate any advice to solve this issue.
Thank you