Sorry to start another thread, but this question is completely different and was going to get lost in the other thread.. lol
Here is what I have:
Right now it trims out the [-] and ["] characters to establish my Dmin and Dmax / temp1 and temp2. I need to add the characters [/] and [\] to the trim if possible.
If not, its not a big deal.
Thanks in advance.
Here is what I have:
If rng.Value <> "" Then
Dmin = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn.Offset(, 2), "-")(0), """", "")))
Dmax = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn.Offset(, 2), "-")(1), """", "")))
If InStr(Dn, "-") Then
temp1 = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn, "-")(0), """", "")))
temp2 = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn, "-")(0), """", "")))
Dn.Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(temp1 >= Dmin And temp1 <= Dmax And temp2 >= Dmin And temp2 <= Dmax, 4, 3)
Right now it trims out the [-] and ["] characters to establish my Dmin and Dmax / temp1 and temp2. I need to add the characters [/] and [\] to the trim if possible.
If not, its not a big deal.
Thanks in advance.