I have a Index Match function that uses ranges from another workbook, but its name changes every month. I want to avoid using Indirect, so I'm trying the following steps:
1) I use a formula to write the correct address/workbook name
The "202109" means September 2021 and changes every month.
2) I write a string on another cell with the formula I need
It returns: C63 =INDEX('C:\Users\Planilhas\Dashboards de Crédito\[Relatório de Crédito - 202109.xlsm]Dashboard Carteira'!$G$159:$G$500;MATCH(B3;'C:\Users\Planilhas\Dashboards de Crédito\[Relatório de Crédito - 202109.xlsm]Dashboard Carteira'!$B$159:$B$500;0))
Now I need to use a macro to paste this formula into another cell:
However, I get a Run-time error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error. How can I fix this?
This problem I'm having seems similar to this [link=[URL]https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/insert-variable-into-activecell-formular1c1-in-vba.801206/]one[/link[/URL]]
I have a Index Match function that uses ranges from another workbook, but its name changes every month. I want to avoid using Indirect, so I'm trying the following steps:
1) I use a formula to write the correct address/workbook name
Excel Formula:
C62 = C:\Users\Planilhas\Dashboards de Crédito\[Relatório de Crédito - 202109.xlsm]
The "202109" means September 2021 and changes every month.
2) I write a string on another cell with the formula I need
Excel Formula:
="=INDEX('"&Apoio!$C$62&"Dashboard Carteira'!$G$159:$G$500;MATCH(B3;'"&Apoio!$C$62&"Dashboard Carteira'!$B$159:$B$500;0))"
It returns: C63 =INDEX('C:\Users\Planilhas\Dashboards de Crédito\[Relatório de Crédito - 202109.xlsm]Dashboard Carteira'!$G$159:$G$500;MATCH(B3;'C:\Users\Planilhas\Dashboards de Crédito\[Relatório de Crédito - 202109.xlsm]Dashboard Carteira'!$B$159:$B$500;0))
Now I need to use a macro to paste this formula into another cell:
VBA Code:
Endereco = Sheets("Apoio").Range("C63")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Endereco
However, I get a Run-time error 1004: Application-defined or object-defined error. How can I fix this?
This problem I'm having seems similar to this [link=[URL]https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/insert-variable-into-activecell-formular1c1-in-vba.801206/]one[/link[/URL]]