Hi guys!
I have an User Form I am using to generate different reports. this is done with a combo box. The user will choose the type of report, they will then select/open the data source upon making that choice. The user is then prompted to use another combo box to select which worksheet houses their data.
All of this works fine.
the problem
Upon making the choice I would like to copy the chosen worksheet in the now selected workbook, copy the selected worksheet and paste it into a new sheet in the original workbook.
I am currently getting a run time error 424 when I try and set my SHs (worksheet variable) to the value of the second combo box (which brings back the worksheet the data is housed in).
Below is my code:
I will of course continue to research and try and solve this issue, but it is getting frustrating
Thanks in advance
I have an User Form I am using to generate different reports. this is done with a combo box. The user will choose the type of report, they will then select/open the data source upon making that choice. The user is then prompted to use another combo box to select which worksheet houses their data.
All of this works fine.
the problem
Upon making the choice I would like to copy the chosen worksheet in the now selected workbook, copy the selected worksheet and paste it into a new sheet in the original workbook.
I am currently getting a run time error 424 when I try and set my SHs (worksheet variable) to the value of the second combo box (which brings back the worksheet the data is housed in).
Below is my code:
Option Explicit
' Global Variables
Dim fname As String
Dim Filepath As String
Dim WBs As Workbook
Dim WBd As Workbook
Dim SHs As Worksheet
Dim SHd As Worksheet
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim tabname As String
Private Sub CoBReport_Change()
' establish values for the 4 data source text boxes
' based on the choice made in the report combo box
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "DDRS B Level 2" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "DDRS B Level 2"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Budget Model Col A" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Value = "CMR"
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Budget Model Col B" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Value = "CMR"
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Budget Model Col E" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Value = "CMR"
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Budget Model Col F" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Value = "CMR"
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Budget Model Col H" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Value = "CMR"
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Budget Compilation" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "SBR" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "SF 133"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Treasury Roll Forward" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "CMR"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "Treasury Crosswalk" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "Pile File"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
If report_source.CoBReport.Value = "1.4.1 Analysis" Then
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs1.Value = "DDRS B Level 2"
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Value = "SQL Transational Data"
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LBTB1FileName_Click()
' Nothing as yet
End Sub
Private Sub TBDs1_Change()
' change label on form to reflect the data source name
LBTB1FileName.Caption = TBDs1
' Message box to direct the user to select their data source
MsgBox "Please choose the " & TBDs1 & " file to use as a data source"
' Calls in the sub for opening data workbook
End Sub
Private Sub TBDs1filename_Change()
' Nothing as yet
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Populates report combo box with statice list
With CoBReport
.AddItem "DDRS B Level 2"
.AddItem "Budget Model Col A"
.AddItem "Budget Model Col B"
.AddItem "Budget Model Col E"
.AddItem "Budget Model Col F"
.AddItem "Budget Model Col H"
.AddItem "Budget Compilation"
.AddItem "SBR"
.AddItem "Treasury Roll Forward"
.AddItem "Treasury Crosswalk"
.AddItem "1.4.1 Analysis"
End With
' Disables text boxes
report_source.TBDs1.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs2.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs3.Enabled = False
report_source.TBDs4.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub CoBuExit_Click()
' defines action for Exit button
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub getfileDS1()
Dim Filepath As String
Dim WBs As Workbook
Dim WBd As Workbook
Dim SHs As Worksheet
Dim SHd As Worksheet
Dim Sh As Worksheet
' sets Variable WBs as current workbook
Set WBs = ThisWorkbook
' sets Variable filepath as current workbook's path
Filepath = ThisWorkbook.Path
' Opens dialog box to browse and open data source file
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
.InitialFileName = Filepath
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = True Then
fname = .SelectedItems(1)
MsgBox "Operation Cancelled"
Exit Sub
End If
End With
' Sets text box name to fname variable (data soure path)
TBDs1filename.Value = fname
' Populates CoBTabName1 with list of worksheets in data source WB
With CoBTabName1
For Each Sh In Worksheets
.AddItem Sh.Name
Next Sh
End With
' prompts user to select a worksheet as data source worksheet
MsgBox "Please choose which tab for a data source"
' focuses the user form on combo box so user can select worksheet
'tabname = CoBTabName1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub CoBTabName1_Change()
'Set WBs = ThisWorkbook
'Set WBd = fname
'Set SHs = CoBTabName1
'WB2.SHs.Copy WB1.Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Data " & TBDs1 & ""
'********* Run Time Error 424 - Object required ***********
Set SHs = report_source.CoBTabName1.Value
'********* Run Time Error 424 - Object required ***********
'========== Don't know if this works as the above error stops the code ===========
SHs.Copy WBs.Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = _
"Data " & TBDs1 & ""
'========== Don't know if this works as the above error stops the code ===========
'set shd=wb1.sheets(sheets.Add(after
End Sub
I will of course continue to research and try and solve this issue, but it is getting frustrating
Thanks in advance