Sure, I would certainly try it that way. You will want to add it in the same fashion, though, i.e.
SELECT DateDiff("m",[PDIR Due Date],Now()) AS Month_Due, [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Quote Number], [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].Procurement, IIf([PastDue]=1,"Past Due",IIf([CompletedLate]=1,"Completed Late",IIf([OnTime]=1,"On Time","Open"))) AS OTD_Status, [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Recommended Product], [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].Subject, Left([Line of Business],4) AS Line, [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Bid Status], [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].Category, [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Estimated Value Max], [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Cert Required], tbl_Material_Tracking.Number_Buy_Items, [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[PDIR Submission Date], [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[PDIR Due Date], [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[PDIR Completed], IIf(([PDIR Completed] Is Not Null) And ([PDIR Submission Date] Is Not Null),DateDiff("d",[PDIR Submission Date],[PDIR Completed]),"") AS TAT, IIf([PDIR Completed] Is Null,DateDiff("d",[PDIR Due Date],Now()),"") AS Days_Past_Due, IIf([PDIR Completed] Is Null,IIf(DateDiff("d",Now(),[PDIR Due Date])<1,1),0) AS PastDue, IIf([PDIR Completed] Is Not Null,IIf([PDIR Completed]>[PDIR Due Date],1,0),0) AS CompletedLate, IIf(([PDIR Due Date] Is Not Null) And ([PDIR Submission Date] Is Not Null) And ([PDIR Completed] Is Not Null),IIf([PDIR Completed]>[PDIR Due Date],0,1),0) AS OnTime, IIf([Category]="f.<$150K",1,0) AS f, IIf([Category]="e.$150K-$750K",1,0) AS e, IIf([Category]="d.$750K-$5M",1,0) AS d, IIf([Category]="c.$5M-$20M",1,0) AS c, IIf([Category]="a.>$40M",1,0) AS a, IIf([Category]="g.TBD",1,0) as g
FROM tbl_SO_Req, (([QUOTES MASTER TABLE] LEFT JOIN tbl_Material_Tracking ON [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Quote Number] = tbl_Material_Tracking.[Quote Number]) INNER JOIN tbl_ME ON [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].Procurement = tbl_ME.ID_Material_Estimator) INNER JOIN tbl_BidStatus ON [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[Bid Status] = tbl_BidStatus.Bid_Status
WHERE (((DateDiff("m",[PDIR Due Date],Now())) Like [Forms]![frm_OTD_Metric]![Combo_Month]) AND (([QUOTES MASTER TABLE].Procurement) Like [Forms]![frm_OTD_Metric]![Combo_ME]) AND ((Left([Line of Business],4)) Like [Forms]![frm_OTD_Metric]![Combo_Line]))
ORDER BY DateDiff("m",[PDIR Due Date],Now()), [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].Procurement, [QUOTES MASTER TABLE].[PDIR Due Date];