Sub Export2XL(pdtDateWE, pblnMail As Boolean, pblnEdit As Boolean)
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim db As Database
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWrkBk As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rstPR As Recordset, rstNS As Recordset, rstNL As Recordset, rstSD As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strSQLDate As String, strDBpath As String, strFolder As String, strExportPath As String, strSQLPayments As String
Dim strEmail As String, strXLTemplate As String, strXLFile As String, strSubject As String, strMessage As String, strSubjectEmail As String
Dim strStartDate As String, strSuffix As String
Dim lSubmitterID As Long, lxlRow As Long
Dim strTestPrefix As String
Dim blnEmail As Boolean
Dim curPaid As Currency, curAdvance As Currency, curPrevious As Currency, curInvoice As Currency, curAdj As Currency
'Const strcJetDate = "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#" 'Needed for dates in queries as Access expects USA format.Now Public
' Set for testing, remove when live
strTestPrefix = ""
strSubject = strTestPrefix & "Payroll Data - Heartleys"
strMessage = "Please find attached the latest employee data for payroll WE " & pdtDateWE
strEmail = ""
Set db = CurrentDb()
strDBpath = Left(GetBackEndPath, InStrRev(GetBackEndPath, "\"))
strSQLDate = Format(pdtDateWE, strcJetDate)
strStartDate = Format(DateAdd("d", -6, pdtDateWE), strcJetDate)
'Create new folder if it does not exist
strSuffix = Format(pdtDateWE, "yyyy-mm-dd")
strExportPath = strDBpath & "Payroll" & "\"
' Set up XL file names
strXLTemplate = "Payroll Template.xlsx"
strXLFile = strSuffix & " - " & "Payroll Data.xlsx"
' Test for path to save files, created each week.
If Dir(strExportPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir strExportPath
End If
'Open and reference an instance of the Excel app
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
' Get all the records for week ending date
strSQL = "SELECT tblPayroll.*, [Forename] & ' ' & [Surname] AS Fullname"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM tblEmployee INNER JOIN tblPayroll ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID = tblPayroll.EmployeeID"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((tblPayroll.DateWE)=" & strSQLDate & "))"
Set rstPR = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
' Any records to process?
If rstPR.EOF Then
MsgBox "No records found for " & pdtDateWE
GoTo ExitSub
End If
'Update status bar with progress
SetStatusBar ("Exporting payroll records to Excel file ")
' Open the Excel Template file
Set xlWrkBk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strExportPath & strXLTemplate)
'reference the first sheet in the file
Set xlSht = xlWrkBk.Sheets(1)
xlSht.Cells(2, 1) = rstPR![DateWE]
lxlRow = 3
Do While Not rstPR.EOF
' Now enter values in sheet
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 2) = rstPR![FullName]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 3) = rstPR![BasicHours]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 4) = rstPR![OTHours]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 5) = rstPR![HolidayHours]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 6) = rstPR![BankHolidayHours]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 7) = rstPR![SickHours]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 8) = rstPR![Commission]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 9) = rstPR![BonusAmt]
lxlRow = lxlRow + 1
' Now update the Processed date
With rstPR
![Processed] = Date
End With
' Now check for any starters
strSQL = "SELECT tblLookUp.DataValue AS RealTitle, tblEmployee.* "
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tblLookup ON tblEmployee.Title = tblLookup.LookupID"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((tblEmployee.StartDate) Between " & strStartDate & " And " & strSQLDate & "))"
'Update status bar with progress
SetStatusBar ("Looking for new Starters")
Set rstNS = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If Not rstNS.EOF Then
Set xlSht = xlWrkBk.Sheets(2)
lxlRow = 2
Do While Not rstNS.EOF
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 1) = rstNS![RealTitle]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 2) = rstNS![Forename]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 3) = rstNS![Surname]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 4) = rstNS![Address1]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 5) = rstNS![Address2]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 6) = rstNS![Address3]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 7) = rstNS![Address4]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 8) = rstNS![Address5]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 9) = rstNS![PostCode]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 10) = rstNS![DOB]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 11) = rstNS![NINO]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 12) = rstNS![BasicRate]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 13) = rstNS![StartDate]
lxlRow = lxlRow + 1
MsgBox "New Starter(s) found. Remember to forward HMRC Checklist Forms"
End If
' Now check for any leavers
strSQL = "SELECT tblLookUp.DataValue AS RealTitle, tblEmployee.* "
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tblLookup ON tblEmployee.Title = tblLookup.LookupID"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((tblEmployee.EndDate) Between " & strStartDate & " And " & strSQLDate & "))"
'Update status bar with progress
SetStatusBar ("Looking for new Leavers")
Set rstNL = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If Not rstNL.EOF Then
Set xlSht = xlWrkBk.Sheets(3)
lxlRow = 2
Do While Not rstNL.EOF
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 1) = rstNL![RealTitle]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 2) = rstNL![Forename]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 3) = rstNL![Surname]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 4) = rstNL![EndDate]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 5) = rstNL![HolidaysLeft]
lxlRow = lxlRow + 1
MsgBox "New leaver(s) found. Check remaining Holidays in Excel sheet"
End If
'Update status bar with progress
SetStatusBar ("Looking for sick dates to report")
strSQL = "SELECT tblLookup.DataValue, tblLookup.LookupID, tblEmployeeDay.EmployeeID, tblEmployeeDay.DayID, tblEmployee.Forename, tblEmployee.Surname, tblDates.DayDate"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM ((tblLookup INNER JOIN tblEmployeeDay ON tblLookup.LookupID = tblEmployeeDay.DateType) INNER JOIN tblEmployee ON tblEmployeeDay.EmployeeID = tblEmployee.EmployeeID) INNER JOIN tblDates ON tblEmployeeDay.DayDate = tblDates.DayDate"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((tblLookup.DataValue)='Sick Day') AND ((tblDates.DayDate) Between " & strStartDate & " And " & strSQLDate & "))"
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY tblEmployee.Forename, tblEmployee.Surname, tblDates.DayDate;"
Set rstSD = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If Not rstSD.EOF Then
Set xlSht = xlWrkBk.Sheets(4)
lxlRow = 2
Do While Not rstSD.EOF
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 1) = rstSD![Forename]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 2) = rstSD![Surname]
xlSht.Cells(lxlRow, 3) = rstSD![DayDate]
lxlRow = lxlRow + 1
MsgBox "Sick Days added in Excel sheet"
End If
xlWrkBk.Sheets(1).Activate ' So when Workbook is opened we have first sheet
' Now autofit columns
'xlSht.Visible = xlSheetVisible
SetStatusBar ("Saving Excel workbook " & strXLFile)
' Now save the workbook
xlWrkBk.SaveAs FileName:=strExportPath & strXLFile
'Now email the workbook to the Submitter if tempvars gbEmail is true
If pblnMail Then
Call Mail_Attachment(strEmail, strExportPath & strXLFile, strSubject, strMessage, pblnEdit)
End If
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
Set db = Nothing
Set rstPR = Nothing
Set rstNS = Nothing
Set rstNL = Nothing
Set rstSD = Nothing
Set xlSht = Nothing
Set xlWrkBk = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
SetStatusBar (" ")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume ExitSub
End Sub