Function ReviewDates(frm As Form)
Const C_PROC_NAME = "ReviewDates"
Dim strDate As String
Dim Ldate As Date
Dim intAdjust As Integer
If gcfErrHandlerrors Then On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case frm Is Nothing
Case True
Set frm = Me
Case False
End Select
'ToDo: this is dangerous error handling evaluate for normal error processing
On Error Resume Next
With frm
'Make Sure the date addition fields are numbers for math
Me.Duration = Nz(Me.Duration, 0)
TECntEst.Value = Nz(Me.PHASE.Column(2), 0) 'CycleDays Field
txtTargetAdjDays.Value = IIf(IsNumeric([txtTargetAdjDays]), [txtTargetAdjDays], 0)
txtTargetTotalDays.Value = Me.txtTargetAdjDays.Value + Me.TxtCycleDays.Value ' Study Specific adjusted Cycle Days
YellowDays = txtTargetTotalDays * 0.8
Select Case Nz(Me.[Status].[Column](0), 0)
Case 1 ' Not In Progress
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
Select Case IsDate(Me.TStartDate) ' is the StartDate populated?
Case True ' calculate in the Projected End Date
TargetNew.Value = DateAdd("d", txtTargetTotalDays, TStartDate)
Me.Duration = IIf(IsDate(Me.[TStartDate]), _
DateDiff("d", Me.[TStartDate], _
IIf(IsDate(Me.[TEndDate]), _
Me.[TEndDate], Date)), 0)
Me.TEndDateESt.Value = TargetNew.Value
Case False 'StartDate missing
Select Case IsDate(Me.TStartDateEst) 'Can we fill in Estimated End Date?
Case True ' Fill in the estimated end based on the date adjustments
TargetNew.Value = DateAdd("d", txtTargetTotalDays, TStartDateEst)
Me.TEndDateESt.Value = TargetNew.Value
'ToDo: Do we want to have a duration only for actuals or estimates? If "yes" uncomment below
' Me.Duration = IIf(IsDate(Me.[TStartDateEst]), _
DateDiff("d", Me.[TStartDateEst], _
IIf(IsDate(Me.[TEndDateESt]), _
Me.[TEndDateESt], Date)), 0)
End Select
End Select
Case 2 ' In Progress
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
Select Case IsDate(TStartDate) ' is the StartDate populated?
Case True ' calculate in the Projected End Date
TargetNew.Value = DateAdd("d", txtTargetTotalDays, TStartDate)
Me.Duration = IIf(IsDate(Me.[TStartDate]), _
DateDiff("d", Me.[TStartDate], _
IIf(IsDate(Me.[TEndDate]), _
Me.[TEndDate], Date)), 0)
Case False 'StartDate missing
frm.TStartDate = Date
Select Case IsDate(TStartDateEst) 'Can we fill in Estimated End Date?
Case True ' Fill in the estimated end based on the date adjustments
TargetNew.Value = DateAdd("d", txtTargetTotalDays, TStartDateEst)
'ToDo: Do we want to have a duration only for actuals or estimates? If "yes" uncomment below
' Me.Duration = IIf(IsDate(Me.[TStartDateEst]), _
DateDiff("d", Me.[TStartDateEst], _
IIf(IsDate(Me.[TEndDateESt]), _
Me.[TEndDateESt], Date)), 0)
End Select
End Select
Case 3, 6 ' Not Started
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
Select Case IsDate(TStartDate) ' is the StartDate populated?
Case True ' calculate in the Projected End Date
TargetNew.Value = DateAdd("d", txtTargetTotalDays, TStartDate)
Me.Duration = IIf(IsDate(Me.[TStartDate]), _
DateDiff("d", Me.[TStartDate], _
IIf(IsDate(Me.[TEndDate]), _
Me.[TEndDate], Date)), 0)
Case False 'StartDate missing
Select Case IsDate(TStartDateEst) 'Can we fill in Estimated End Date?
Case True ' Fill in the estimated end based on the date adjustments
TargetNew.Value = DateAdd("d", txtTargetTotalDays, TStartDateEst)
TEndDateESt.Value = TargetNew.Value
Me.TEndDate.Value = TargetNew.Value
'ToDo: Do we want to have a duration only for actuals or estimates? If "yes" uncomment below
' Me.Duration = IIf(IsDate(Me.[TStartDateEst]), _
DateDiff("d", Me.[TStartDateEst], _
IIf(IsDate(Me.[TEndDateESt]), _
Me.[TEndDateESt], Date)), 0)
End Select
End Select
End Select
TempVars.Add "tvMyCycleDays", Me.PHASE.Column(2).Value ' Based on the existing ComboBox
TempVars.Add "tvMyTargetDays", Me.txtTargetTotalDays.Value '
TempVars.Add "tvMyStartDate", IIf(IsDate(TStartDate), Me.TStartDate.Value, IIf(IsDate(TStartDateEst), Me.TStartDateEst.Value, Date))
TempVars.Add "tvMyDurationDays", Me.Duration.Value
TempVars.Add "tvDayYellow", Me.YellowDays.Value 'YellowDays
TempVars.Add "tvMyTargetNew", Me.TargetNew.Value
'ToDo: Delete if RYG status no longer required
' Select Case Me.[Status].[Column](0)
' Case 1, 2 '"Not Started", "In Progress"
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
' Select Case Date
' Case Is > [TempVars]![tvMyTargetNew] ' Red
' Me.lblRYG.Caption = "R"
' Me.lblRYG.BackColor = vbRed
' Me.lblRYG.ForeColor = vbWhite
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
' TempVars.Add "tvTaskRYGStatus", 3
' TempVars.Add "tvTaskRYG", "R"
' Case Is >= DateAdd("d", [TempVars]![tvDayYellow], [TempVars]![tvMyStartDate]) ' Yellow
' Me.lblRYG.Caption = "Y"
' Me.lblRYG.BackColor = vbYellow
' Me.lblRYG.ForeColor = vbBlack
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
' TempVars.Add "tvTaskRYGStatus", 2
' TempVars.Add "tvTaskRYG", "Y"
' Case Else ' Green
' Me.lblRYG.Caption = "G"
' Me.lblRYG.BackColor = vbGreen
' Me.lblRYG.ForeColor = vbBlack
' Me.lblRYG.visible = True
' TempVars.Add "tvTaskRYGStatus", 1
' TempVars.Add "tvTaskRYG", "G"
' End Select
' Case 3, 4, 5 ' Completed, Delay, Cancelled
' Me.lblRYG.visible = False
' End Select
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSave ' Save at this point
End With
Call ftvProjectTVs
'cCursor.Restore ' Replaces DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Function ' or Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case 0
'Not really an error
Resume Next
Case Else
Call LogError(fnErrLvl.Minor, Err, DAO.DBEngine.Errors, C_MODULE_NAME, C_PROC_NAME, strErrNotes, Erl)
End Select
Resume WrapUp
' Resume Next
' Resume
End Function