I have saw codes from some forums about calculation of days, however i think it didn't involve the number of hours. Can somebody how the hours will be inserted to calculate the difference.
I have saw codes from some forums about calculation of days, however i think it didn't involve the number of hours. Can somebody how the hours will be inserted to calculate the difference.
VBA Code:
Public Function ISO_WorkdayDiff( _
ByVal datDateFrom As Date, _
ByVal datDateTo As Date, _
Optional ByVal booExcludeHolidays As Boolean) _
As Long
'#39; Purpose: Calculate number of working days between dates datDateFrom and datDateTo.
' Assumes: 5 or 6 working days per week. Weekend is (Saturday and) Sunday.
' May be freely used and distributed.
' 1999-04-23. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, Copenhagen
' 2000-10-03. Constants added.
' Option for 5 or 6 working days per week added.
' 2008-06-12. Option to exclude holidays from the count of workdays.
Const cbytWorkdaysOfWeek As Byte = 5
' Name of table with holidays.
Const cstrTableHoliday As String = "tblHolidays"
' Name of date field in holiday table.
Const cstrFieldHoliday As String = "HolidayDate"
Dim bytSunday As Byte
Dim intWeekdayDateFrom As Integer
Dim intWeekdayDateTo As Integer
Dim lngDays As Long
Dim datDateTemp As Date
Dim strDateFrom As String
Dim strDateTo As String
Dim lngHolidays As Long
Dim strFilter As String
' Reverse dates if these have been input reversed.
If datDateFrom > datDateTo Then
datDateTemp = datDateFrom
datDateFrom = datDateTo
datDateTo = datDateTemp
End If
' Find ISO weekday for Sunday.
bytSunday = Weekday(vbSunday, vbMonday)
' Find weekdays for the dates.
intWeekdayDateFrom = Weekday(datDateFrom, vbMonday)
intWeekdayDateTo = Weekday(datDateTo, vbMonday)
' Compensate weekdays' value for non-working days (weekends).
intWeekdayDateFrom = intWeekdayDateFrom + (intWeekdayDateFrom = bytSunday)
intWeekdayDateTo = intWeekdayDateTo + (intWeekdayDateTo = bytSunday)
' Calculate number of working days between the two weekdays, ignoring number of weeks.
lngDays = intWeekdayDateTo - intWeekdayDateFrom - (cbytWorkdaysOfWeek * (intWeekdayDateTo < intWeekdayDateFrom))
' Add number of working days between the weeks of the two dates.
lngDays = lngDays + (cbytWorkdaysOfWeek * DateDiff("w", datDateFrom, datDateTo, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays))
If booExcludeHolidays And lngDays > 0 Then
strDateFrom = Format(datDateFrom, "yyyy\/mm\/dd")
strDateTo = Format(datDateTo, "yyyy\/mm\/dd")
strFilter = cstrFieldHoliday & " Between #" & strDateFrom & "# And #" & strDateTo & "# And Weekday(" & cstrFieldHoliday & ", 2) <= " & cbytWorkdaysOfWeek & ""
lngHolidays = DCount("*", cstrTableHoliday, strFilter)
End If
ISO_WorkdayDiff = lngDays - lngHolidays
End Function