Hello guys, I need some help with a function / macro. I prepared an excel file that lists loads of materials we use for our production. I can manually enter the amount of products to be manufactured and it shows me separated and accumulated costs, prices, materials we immediately need to buy from suppliers etc. Here is a view from the worksheet:
Here is what I have to achieve: When I click on a cell, for example BP6 for "EXIT-AD1", I want the macro to automatically HIDE all unnecessary rows, thus showing me only the populated cells under EXIT-AD1.
So, let's say when I hit BP6 cell, macro will automatically HIDE every row that has an empty cell on the BP column like 12th, 14th, 18th, 19th, etc. BTW, rows from 7th to 292nd are partially populated. As soon as I hit another cell on the 6th row, macro will have to perform the same action for that particular column. I also need a "Reset" button to unhide all rows in that range. I definetly hope it is possible, otherwise I will have to prepare about 100 pages seperately to demonstrate a single products components & cost. Please help me, and help me soon enough
Here is what I have to achieve: When I click on a cell, for example BP6 for "EXIT-AD1", I want the macro to automatically HIDE all unnecessary rows, thus showing me only the populated cells under EXIT-AD1.
So, let's say when I hit BP6 cell, macro will automatically HIDE every row that has an empty cell on the BP column like 12th, 14th, 18th, 19th, etc. BTW, rows from 7th to 292nd are partially populated. As soon as I hit another cell on the 6th row, macro will have to perform the same action for that particular column. I also need a "Reset" button to unhide all rows in that range. I definetly hope it is possible, otherwise I will have to prepare about 100 pages seperately to demonstrate a single products components & cost. Please help me, and help me soon enough