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I have a spreadsheet that has a button to add a signature. If the signature is partly one one page and partly on the next page, it will be pushed over to the following page so the signature is all on one page. This is for several defined signatures that are stored in the spreadsheet and this function works as desired.
I have another button for adding a custom signature for anyone whose signature is not stored in the sheet. When I received assistance to update the button/s to add the defined signatures to the spreadsheet and to push them over to the next page if they are across it, I forgot to update the custom signature button.
This is the code from one of the signature buttons that works.
The signature is stored on a hidden sheet and is called ImgT.
This procedure calls several others
So these all work together to push the signature to the following page if it is split over the page break.
Here is the code for the custom signature button and the procedure it calls
How do I incorporate the working code that is used to place the defined image stored in sheet2 into the custom signature code so that it is pushed over to the next page if it is across the page break too?
I have another button for adding a custom signature for anyone whose signature is not stored in the sheet. When I received assistance to update the button/s to add the defined signatures to the spreadsheet and to push them over to the next page if they are across it, I forgot to update the custom signature button.
This is the code from one of the signature buttons that works.
VBA Code:
Sub cmdTraceySig()
Quoting.Unprotect Password:=ToUnlock
Dim user As String
user = "ImgT"
Call cmdNoSig
Call cmdPush(user)
Quoting.Protect Password:=ToUnlock
End Sub
The signature is stored on a hidden sheet and is called ImgT.
This procedure calls several others
VBA Code:
Sub cmdNoSig()
Dim Pic As Object
For Each Pic In Quoting.Pictures
If Pic.Name <> "lblActivities" And Pic.Name <> "TextBox3" And Pic.Name <> "lblNotes" And Pic.Name <> "cmdAdd_Nlines" And Pic.Name <> "cmdDeleteRow" And Pic.Name <> "cmdClearNotDates" And _
Pic.Name <> "cmdDelSelect" And Pic.Name <> "cmdGarrettB" And Pic.Name <> "cmdNoSignature" And Pic.Name <> "cmdSendTCT" And Pic.Name <> "cmdSort" And _
Pic.Name <> "cmdDeleteQuoteLines" And Pic.Name <> "ImgLogo" And Pic.Name <> "cmdCustom" And Pic.Name <> "chkIncrease" And Pic.Name <> "lblIncrease" And _
Pic.Name <> "cmdTraceyS" And Pic.Name <> "cmdJonathanA" And Pic.Name <> "cmdAnotherName" And Pic.Name <> "cmdPrintPdf" And Pic.Name <> "cmdQuoteTips" And _
Pic.Name <> "Label1" And Pic.Name <> "cmdSendTCTPrint" And Pic.Name <> "textbox4" And Pic.Name <> "lblNotes" And Pic.Name <> "CmdSpacer" And Pic.Name <> "cmdUnlock" Then
' If Not Intersect(Pic.TopLeftCell, Range("A12:A300")) Is Nothing Then
'End If
End If
Next Pic
End Sub
Sub cmdPush(user As String)
Dim LastRow As Long, ImageHeight As Double, LastRowBeforeLastPageBreak As Double, DividerBottomPlusSpace As Long
Dim NoPages As Long, ws As Worksheet, n As Long
Set ws = Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet")
'Finds the number of pages
n = ws.HPageBreaks.Count
NoPages = ((ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count + 1) * (ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks.Count + 1)) / 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Sheet2")
.Shapes(user).Duplicate.Name = "Signature"
End With
ws.Cells(43, 1).PasteSpecial
ws.Shapes(Selection.Name).Name = "Signature"
Selection.Top = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Top + 140
LastRow = ws.Columns("A:H").Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row
ImageHeight = ws.Shapes("Signature").Height
'LastRowBeforeLastPageBreak = ws.HPageBreaks(n).Location.Row - 1
DividerBottomPlusSpace = ws.Shapes("Divider").BottomRightCell.Top + 140
With ws.Shapes("Signature")
.Left = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Left
.Top = Rows(LastRow).Top + 140
.Placement = 1
'End If
End With
Call PushOver
End Sub
Sub PushOver()
Dim hPB As HPageBreak, lRow As Long
For Each hPB In ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks
lRow = hPB.Location.Row
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Signature")
If lRow - .TopLeftCell.Row <= 5 Then .Top = Range("A" & lRow + 2).Top
End With
Next hPB
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
So these all work together to push the signature to the following page if it is split over the page break.
Here is the code for the custom signature button and the procedure it calls
VBA Code:
Private Sub cmdCustom_Click()
Quoting.Unprotect Password:=ToUnlock
Call cmdCustomSig
Quoting.Protect Password:=ToUnlock
End Sub
Sub cmdCustomSig()
Dim fNameAndPath As Variant
Dim img As Picture, shp As Shape
fNameAndPath = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Select Picture To Be Imported")
If fNameAndPath = False Then Exit Sub
Set img = Worksheets("CSS_quote_sheet").Pictures.Insert(fNameAndPath)
With img
'If img.Height > Rows(Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet").HPageBreaks(1).Location.Row).Top - Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet").Shapes("TextBox4").Top + Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet").Shapes("TextBox4").Height Then
' .Top = Rows(Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet").HPageBreaks(1).Location.Row).Top
' Else
' .Top = Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet").Shapes("TextBox4").Top + Sheets("CSS_quote_sheet").Shapes("TextBox4").Height
'End If
.Top = Cells(LastRow, 1).Top + "100"
.Left = "0"
End With
End Sub
How do I incorporate the working code that is used to place the defined image stored in sheet2 into the custom signature code so that it is pushed over to the next page if it is across the page break too?