Greetings all,
Let's say I work at a company that builds machines with different model numbers. The most basic machine we build has 2 components. The most advanced has 6. Of these two most advanced types, we have 2 categories, A and B, so we make a super fancy A and a super fancy B. The store room has all the parts in it. I keep a spreadsheet with numbers of everything I have What I need is a way of calculating how many machines of every type I can make with the parts I have available.
Machines can have between 2 and 6 components depending on how fancy they are. There are two types of component that can make a 5 component machine into a 6 component machine. This means there are 7 component types, and we make 6 different types of machine. All machines will always have components 1 and 2. They don't get any more basic than that. As we add components numbered 3, 4 and 5, the machine gets fancier, until we add component 6A or 6B to make a super fancy.
If I have a limited supply of a low numbered part (say a 3, 4 or 5) then I won't be able to make many machines. Can excel keep track of the types of machine I can make and how many of each I could make given what I have available? I have the nested IF statement all done.
Let's say I work at a company that builds machines with different model numbers. The most basic machine we build has 2 components. The most advanced has 6. Of these two most advanced types, we have 2 categories, A and B, so we make a super fancy A and a super fancy B. The store room has all the parts in it. I keep a spreadsheet with numbers of everything I have What I need is a way of calculating how many machines of every type I can make with the parts I have available.
Machines can have between 2 and 6 components depending on how fancy they are. There are two types of component that can make a 5 component machine into a 6 component machine. This means there are 7 component types, and we make 6 different types of machine. All machines will always have components 1 and 2. They don't get any more basic than that. As we add components numbered 3, 4 and 5, the machine gets fancier, until we add component 6A or 6B to make a super fancy.
If I have a limited supply of a low numbered part (say a 3, 4 or 5) then I won't be able to make many machines. Can excel keep track of the types of machine I can make and how many of each I could make given what I have available? I have the nested IF statement all done.
=IF(B22+C22+D22+E22+F22+G22+H22=6,"Blended (ACD 1)",(IF(B22+C22+D22+E22+F22+G22+H22=6,"Blended (ACD 2)",(IF(B22+C22+D22+E22+F22+G22+H22=5,"Outbound",(IF(B22+C22+D22+E22+F22+G22+H22=4,"Inbound with Scripter",(IF(B22+C22+D22+E22+F22+G22+H22=3,"Inbound",(IF(B22+C22+D22+E22+F22+G22+H22=2,"Business User","Check this cell")))))))))))