Option Explicit
' PGC Nov 06
' Delinks formats from conditions in cells with conditional formatting.
' The cells keep the format that was enabled with the conditional formatting
' but as normal format.
Sub ConditionalFormatDelink(rRng As Range)
Dim vConditionsSyntax, rCell As Range, rCFormat As Range, iCondition As Integer
Dim sFormula As String, vCSyntax, vOperator
' Syntax for "Value is" Conditions
vConditionsSyntax = Array( _
Array(xlEqual, "CellRef = Condition1"), _
Array(xlNotEqual, "CellRef <> Condition1"), _
Array(xlLess, "CellRef < Condition1"), _
Array(xlLessEqual, "CellRef <= Condition1"), _
Array(xlGreater, "CellRef > Condition1"), _
Array(xlGreaterEqual, "CellRef >= Condition1"), _
Array(xlBetween, "AND(CellRef >= Condition1, CellRef <= Condition2)"), _
Array(xlNotBetween, "OR(CellRef < Condition1, CellRef > Condition2)") _
' Get cells with format
On Error GoTo EndSub
Set rCFormat = rRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)
On Error Resume Next
For Each rCell In rCFormat ' Loops through all the cells with conditional formatting
If Not IsError(rCell) Then ' skips cells with error
With rCell.FormatConditions
For iCondition = 1 To .Count ' loops through all the conditions
sFormula = .Item(iCondition).Formula1
vOperator = .Item(iCondition).Operator
If Err <> 0 Then ' "Formula Is"
Else ' "Value Is"
For Each vCSyntax In vConditionsSyntax ' checks all the condition types
If .Item(iCondition).Operator = vCSyntax(0) Then
' build the formula equivalent to the condition
sFormula = Replace(vCSyntax(1), "Condition1", sFormula)
sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "CellRef", rCell.Address)
sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "Condition2", .Item(iCondition).Formula2)
Exit For
End If
Next vCSyntax
End If
If Evaluate(sFormula) Then
' The cell has a condition = True. Delink the format from the conditional formatting
rCell.Font.ColorIndex = .Item(iCondition).Font.ColorIndex
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = .Item(iCondition).Interior.ColorIndex
Exit For ' if one condition is true skips the next ones
End If
Next iCondition
End With
End If
rCell.FormatConditions.Delete ' deletes the cell's conditional formatting
Next rCell
End Sub
Sub CopyWKSNoConditionalFormat()
Dim sWsh As String
sWsh = "Sheet4"
' Duplicates the sheet, keeps all the environment
Worksheets(sWsh).Copy before:=Worksheets(1)
' Delinks conditional formatting
Call ConditionalFormatDelink(ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
' Moves the worksheet to another workbook
ActiveSheet.Name = sWsh
' Saves and closes the new workbook, overwrites an existing one
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "NoConditionalFormat"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub