Can anyone help me - i'm new to this, but have been trying to solve a problem which i think may have beaten me!!!
Can anyone give me any ideas on a formula that would create a total across 2 columns in 2 sets of criteria match!!
Column A Column B
1 Jason Won
2 Fred Won
3 Jim Lost
4 Jason Lost
5 Mary Won
6 Fred Lost
7 Jason Won
On a Summary sheet i want to creat a sheet that will tell me how many times Jason has won and how many Jason has lost
Name Won Lost
Jason 2 1
Fred 1 1
Jim 0 1
Mary 0 1
Can anyone Help me???????? thank you so much if you can
Can anyone give me any ideas on a formula that would create a total across 2 columns in 2 sets of criteria match!!
Column A Column B
1 Jason Won
2 Fred Won
3 Jim Lost
4 Jason Lost
5 Mary Won
6 Fred Lost
7 Jason Won
On a Summary sheet i want to creat a sheet that will tell me how many times Jason has won and how many Jason has lost
Name Won Lost
Jason 2 1
Fred 1 1
Jim 0 1
Mary 0 1
Can anyone Help me???????? thank you so much if you can