Currently trying to find a work around for NETWORKDAYS. I'm aware of the Analysis ToolPak Add-In, but would like a work around so users of my job aid will not need to add it.
I found a formula that can calculate the number of specified days in a time period, so I'm using it to determine Saturdays and Sundays and then subtracting it from the total days in the time frame. However, it seems to not be 100% accurate when testing it. Here is the formula:
=SUM(IF(WEEKDAY(A2 + 1 + ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&TRUNC(B2-A2) +1)))=C2,1,0))
where A2 = Start Date
B2 = End Date
C2 = Day of week number ( 1-Sunday, 2-Monday, ...7-Saturday)
Does anyone know why this wouldn't be working or a better way to go about finding the business days for a time period without using networkdays? Thanks.
I found a formula that can calculate the number of specified days in a time period, so I'm using it to determine Saturdays and Sundays and then subtracting it from the total days in the time frame. However, it seems to not be 100% accurate when testing it. Here is the formula:
=SUM(IF(WEEKDAY(A2 + 1 + ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&TRUNC(B2-A2) +1)))=C2,1,0))
where A2 = Start Date
B2 = End Date
C2 = Day of week number ( 1-Sunday, 2-Monday, ...7-Saturday)
Does anyone know why this wouldn't be working or a better way to go about finding the business days for a time period without using networkdays? Thanks.