A simple one for you
All I want To do Is Send An E-Mail Message To Someone Based On A Value Of A Cell something like ....
If Range("A1").Value = "Merlin" Then
.SendMail Recipients:=Array("Email Address"),subject:= "New Message",body:="New Spec"
There is a lot of help if I want to send workbook or selection or a sheet but I cant find any help if I just want to send a message.
Thank you in advance

All I want To do Is Send An E-Mail Message To Someone Based On A Value Of A Cell something like ....
If Range("A1").Value = "Merlin" Then
.SendMail Recipients:=Array("Email Address"),subject:= "New Message",body:="New Spec"
There is a lot of help if I want to send workbook or selection or a sheet but I cant find any help if I just want to send a message.
Thank you in advance