I copied this from post http://www.mrexcel.com/board2/viewtopic.php?t=28663&highlight=bignum in hopes of making it faster for folks looking for this info--took me an hour to find it, but I'm slow... Hope I have it correct!
If myRange is of numeric type...
If myRange is of "text" type...
=MATCH(REPT("z",90),myRange) ** 255 appears to work for 90 **
If myRange is of mixed type...
Note that you can replace 9.99999999999999E+307 with BigNum in the above formulas by defining BigNum as follows...
(1.) Activate Insert|Name|Define.
(2.) Enter BigNum in the Names in Workbook box.
(3.) Enter the following in the Refers to box:
(4.) Click OK.
Aladin (Aladin Akyurek)
You could also define BigStr for text columns by:
(1.) Activate Insert|Name|Define.
(2.) Enter BigStr in the Names in Workbook box.
(3.) Enter the following in the Refers to box:
If myRange is of numeric type...
If myRange is of "text" type...
=MATCH(REPT("z",90),myRange) ** 255 appears to work for 90 **
If myRange is of mixed type...
Note that you can replace 9.99999999999999E+307 with BigNum in the above formulas by defining BigNum as follows...
(1.) Activate Insert|Name|Define.
(2.) Enter BigNum in the Names in Workbook box.
(3.) Enter the following in the Refers to box:
(4.) Click OK.
Aladin (Aladin Akyurek)
You could also define BigStr for text columns by:
(1.) Activate Insert|Name|Define.
(2.) Enter BigStr in the Names in Workbook box.
(3.) Enter the following in the Refers to box: